Jae~Quills verse #72: Officially Wed

Mar 26, 2011 16:24

Title: Officially Wed Jae~Quills verse #72
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: Harry/Draco, others
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Schmoop
Word count: 260
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Jae-Quills marriage prompt: bells
Written for : clionona
Summary: Draco and Harry accept the well-wishes of their guests.

Draco finally let Harry up for air, and they grinned at one another in rosy-cheeked glee.

"Let's Disapparate and start our honeymoon early," whispered Harry. Now that they were officially wed, he was eager to consummate their marriage.

"Mum would throttle us," Draco snickered. He took Harry's arm and tugged him back down the aisle in the Manor gardens, accompanied by the cheering of their guests and the ringing of bells.

They halted inside the grand ballroom, where Ron and Blaise joined them, followed by Narcissa, Arthur and Molly. The ballroom had been lavishly decorated for the occasion in colors of Harry and Draco's choosing. Tables at one end would provide seating, and a cleared area at the other end was intended for dancing later.

As the remainder of the guests streamed in, Harry and Draco greeted each of them in turn, accepting hugs, kisses and warm wishes for a long and happy marriage. When Ginny threw her arms around Harry in an exuberant hug, he felt Draco tense beside him. In the next instant, however, Ginny bestowed the same embrace on Draco, alleviating his lingering fears that she still had designs on Harry.

"I'm so happy for you both!" gushed Ginny before moving away to tease Ron about the kilt he was wearing.

Each of them received a hug from Hermione, while her son Robbie hugged their legs and beamed up at them. As Hermione led Robbie away, he was heard to ask, "Mummy, why is Daddy wearing a skirt?"


content: fluff, rating: pg, content: established relationship, verse: jae!quills

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