Sparks 6

Jun 27, 2010 17:59

Title: Sparks 6
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Neville, Pansy, Dean/Seamus, Ron, Greg, Harry, Draco, Trelawney
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 1075
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Trying to get back in the swing of this verse.
Summary: Eighth Year students from Dumbledore House continue their investigation into the mysterious disappearance of the mermaid.

When the members of Dumbledore House reconvened in their Common room following their first night of investigating the mermaid's disappearance, they each related what they had learned. The only useful information they had collected was Myrtle's suspicious reaction to Harry and Draco's revelation that they were looking for the mermaid, and it was agreed that a different team would go to the Prefects' Bath to question Myrtle further.

Harry went to bed that night with a smile on his face. The remainder of the week was spent in classes during the day and doing classwork in the evenings. The students of Dumbledore House had agreed, at Hermione's urging, to conduct their investigation on the weekends so as not to interfere with their studies. On Saturday afternoon, Ginny and Luna were invited to Dumbledore's Common room to go over their discovery of the mermaid's absence once more.

Hermione noted with a wry grin that Blaise selected a seat right next to Ginny. Ron had noticed as well, judging by the angry set of his jaw. Hermione elbowed her boyfriend to get him to stop glaring at Blaise. Ginny and Luna reiterated what they had originally reported in regards to the mermaid's perplexing vanishing act. When they took their leave, Harry stood up and called for attention.

"Why don't we head out in pairs again and cover some different areas? Hermione, Blaise, you two take the Prefects' Bath." Everyone nodded their acceptance and the pairs headed out of the portrait hole, determined to search and ask questions and find the information they needed to locate the castle's missing mermaid. Harry turned to Draco who was waiting for him patiently. "Shall we?"


"I sent an owl ahead to Professor Sprout," Neville said, leading the way across the grounds of Hogwarts and to the greenhouses. "She agreed to meet us in her office." He noted that Pansy was wearing sensible shoes tonight, and he didn't know whether to be proud of her for taking their investigation seriously or disappointed that she was unlikely to stumble into his arms again.

They met with Professor Sprout and explained the nature of their quest to locate the mermaid. She was sympathetic to the plight, but she had no information for them. However, Professor Sprout promised to let them know if she learned anything.


"Let's check the fountains," Dean suggested. "The mermaid would need to be near water."

"Brilliant idea," Seamus nodded. He and his boyfriend made their way out of the castle and into the courtyard. The peered into each fountain, using the lighted tips of their wands to see into the shallow depths.

"So much for my brilliant idea," sighed Dean. Discouraged, he sat down on the wide edge of one of the fountains.

"At least we can eliminate this area from our list of places to be searched," Seamus shrugged. He sat next to Dean, close enough that their thighs touched. Their eyes met and held in the moonlight, and they leaned forward as one to press their lips together. Sparks of awareness danced over their skin, and they arched closer together. They had shagged just that morning, but it seemed they could never get enough of one another.

"Let's go back to our room," panted Dean.

Seamus shook his head. "Once we return to our Common Room, we'll need to report to the others," he said. "How about we settle for a quickie on that bench over there?"


"Where do you reckon we should search next?" Ron asked his partner. Up to now, he'd been making the decisions, and he was curious to see if Greg had an opinion on the matter at all.

Greg didn't answer immediately, as he appeared to be giving the matter some serious consideration. "The kitchens," he decided with a nod.

Ron's face brightened in delight. "Now, why didn't I think of that?" he beamed, thumping Greg on the back. An after-dinner snack would be most welcome. After all, Ron was always hungry.

Greg nodded. "The House Elves might know something," he said, dashing Ron's hopes that he'd found someone with a stomach as bottomless as his own. "Of course, they might give us a snack while we're there," Greg added with a cunning grin.

An answering grin split Ron's face. "A bloke after my own stomach!" he crowed.


"We are not knowing anything about the lady mermaid, sirs," babbled one of the elves as she offered Ron and Greg a plate of biscuits.

"None of you has seen her around the castle?" Ron asked, taking a bite of a chocolate biscuit.

"No, sirs," the elf replied, tugging her ears nervously.

Ron took pity on her. "That's fine," he soothed, "but please let someone from Dumbledore House know if any of you learns anything of her whereabouts, alright?"

The elf nodded, and Ron and Greg headed out of the kitchens. "Thank you for the biscuits," Greg tossed over his shoulder.


It was Harry's idea to visit Professor Trelawney. Draco had balked at first, but Harry was able to convince him that their Divination professor may be of some assistance. Trelawney seemed thrilled to be consulted, and she insisted they sit and take tea so she could read their leaves. She peered into Harry's cup first, forehead wrinkling in concentration. "I see water," she intoned.

Draco caught Harry's gaze and rolled his eyes. Harry struggled not to laugh. Water was too obvious, but Professor Trelawney seemed intent on her reading of the leaves.

"There is foul play afoot," she announced. Harry sat up straight. He had been suspecting as much. "Jealousy," Trelawney continued. "Betrayal."

She shook herself and thrust the cup back at Harry and extended her hand for Draco's cup. He surrendered it reluctantly. Trelawney's brows lifted. "Ah, I see a love triangle--two of them that overlap--and misunderstandings." She tipped the cup this way and that and then returned it to Draco.

Harry rubbed his chin in thoughtful contemplation. "So the mermaid's disappearance involves jealousy, betrayal and a love triangle or two," he mused.

"Oh no, dear boy," Trelawney corrected. "The leaves in your cup pertained to your quest, but the leaves in Mr Malfoy's cup pertained to a personal matter."


Sparks 7

rating: pg13, content: pre-slash, verse: sparks, content: eighth year, content: hogwarts era

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