Sparks 7

Jul 31, 2010 23:09

Title: Sparks 7
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Hagrid, Hermione, Blaise
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Strong suggestion
Word count: 1315
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a terribly belated birthday gift for thequeenanne, who asked for panty-melting first kiss. I had always intended to use that prompt in this verse!
Summary: Harry and Draco share a kiss, while Blaise shares a confidence with Hermione.

Harry glanced at Draco as they exited Professor Trelawney's office. "Where do you think we should try next?" he asked.

Draco looked at him in surprise. "Don't you have it all planned out?"

"If you have any ideas, speak up," Harry urged. "We're a team, remember?"

"O-kaaay," Draco said slowly. "Why don't we ask Hagrid if he knows anything?"

Harry was pleased that Draco had thought to consult Hagrid. "An excellent idea," he enthused. "Let's go."

The boys left the castle and made their way down the rocky slope to Hagrid's hut and knocked on the door. It creaked open, and Hagrid's face broke into a welcoming smile. "Harry!" he boomed in greeting. "Malfoy." This was said with less enthusiasm, but it was no less polite. "Come in, come in," Hagrid invited, standing back and gesturing for the students to enter. "Can I get ye tea or somethin'?"

"No, thank you," replied Harry. "We stopped by to ask if you knew anything about the missing mermaid."

"Missing mermaid?" echoed Hagrid, bushy brows drawing down in a frown. Harry explained the mystery of the mermaid who had disappeared from the Prefects' Bath. Hagrid was aghast. "I've not heard o' that," he said.

"It seems not many people have," Draco remarked.

"If you hear or see anything, you'll let us know, yeah?" asked Harry.

"O' course, I will," Hagrid promised.

Harry and Draco said their goodbyes and began the trek back to the castle. "I can't believe how few people realize the mermaid is gone," Harry sighed.

"Perhaps we're making a bigger issue of it then we need to," suggested Draco.

Harry halted, causing Draco to stop as well. "You're probably right," he agreed, "but this was intended to be a team-building exercise for Dumbledore House, and I think it's been successful so far, wouldn't you agree?"

"Yes," Draco murmured.

In the moonlight, his hair gleamed like fine silver, and Harry could no longer resist the urge to reach for him. He hesitated, giving Draco every opportunity to put some distance between them, but Draco leaned closer instead. Harry's hand settled lightly on Draco's nape and tugged him near until their faces were a scant inch apart. Harry paused and searched Draco's eyes and expression, seeing nothing but mutual longing. He closed the distance between them and brushed his lips over Draco's. When no protest was forthcoming, Harry pressed his mouth more firmly to Draco's, sliding his hand up to anchor Draco's head in position as he deepened the kiss.

What began as a tentative snog blossomed into a fierce meeting of their mouths as their lips slid and rubbed together in sensuous abandon. Harry nibbled on Draco's bottom lip before sucking it into his mouth to soothe the sting with swipes of his tongue. He released the plump flesh and followed with his tongue, sweeping into Draco's mouth to explore. Draco moaned and pressed closer, spearing his fingers through Harry's hair and arching against him. Harry was thrilled to feel the evidence of Draco's arousal digging into his hip, and he shifted his body to line his own hardness up with Draco's.

They frotted together, sounds of escalating passion rumbling from both throats. Pinpricks of light danced like sparks behind Harry's closed eyelids, and he smoothed a hand down Draco's back to cup his arse and drag him into more intimate contact. Draco thrust against him before he broke free of Harry's mouth. "S-stop, stop," he panted, dropping his forehead to Harry's shoulder. He was still hard, and his hips continued to undulate restlessly where their lower bodies were pressed together.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, his voice rough with desire.

Draco raised his head, but he was unable to meet Harry's eyes. "We...we can't," he muttered. Voice dropping to a harsh whisper, he added, "I can't." With that, he ducked out of Harry's embrace and all but fled back to the castle.

Harry watched him go, clenching his fists in frustration.


Hermione pushed open the door to the Prefects' Bath and peered inside. Seeing it was empty, she stepped in and beckoned Blaise to follow her. Hermione paused to look up where the mermaid should be, and her heart ached at not seeing her there.

"Now what?" Blaise asked. "Shall we bathe?" he added with a wicked grin.

Hermione rolled her eyes at him. "Only your dirty mind, Zabini," she replied tartly.

Blaise laughed at her sass. "What are we to do here?"

"I had hoped to speak to Myrtle, but it looks as though she's not here."

"Shall we wait for her?" Blaise suggested.

Hermione nodded in agreement. "What are you doing?" she asked, as Blaise began toeing off his shoes.

"Since I can't convince you to skinny dip with me, I thought I could at least dangle my feet in the water," he replied. Glancing up at her, he added, "Come on, Hermione, loosen up a bit and shed that strait-laced image."

Hermione bent to unlace her trainers. "Do you really think I'm strait-laced and stuffy?" she asked.

Blaise sat and put his feet in the water. "No, not anymore," he replied, splashing a little. "I used to," he admitted.

Hermione rolled the legs of her jeans up and sat next to Blaise, dipping her dainty toes in the water. "And now?" she prompted.

"Now I know what a rebel you are," he teased.

Hermione giggled and kicked water at him. They shared a laugh and leaned back on their hands, enjoying the warmth of the water as it swirled around their feet. "Tell me about Pansy," Hermione blurted, biting her lip at her lack of tact.

Blaise sighed. "It's a long story, literally, hearkening back to when Pansy was only nine years old. Her mother died that year, and Pansy's father took it quite hard. He wasn't accustomed to being alone, and Pansy was his sole source of comfort until she left for Hogwarts a couple years later. Her father grew lonely and depressed...until he met another woman.

"When Pansy went home for the holidays that first year, she was introduced to her new stepmother. As you can imagine, she was surprised and hurt, but Pansy adored her father and held her peace. Her stepmother was a right bitch to her during the summer, and it got worse each year. Pansy said it was as if the woman saw her as a rival or something.

"This past summer, her father took ill after all the stress of the War, and he passed away in July."

"Oh, that poor girl!" exclaimed Hermione. "I had no idea her father had died nor that she was an orphan."

"That's not the worst of it, however," Blaise continued, voice tight and sober. "Pansy's father left the bulk of his estate to her, but she won't inherit until she turns twenty-five or marries, whichever occurs first."

"Surely, he has provided for her in the meantime?"

"Of course, he did," confirmed Blaise, "but guess whom he left in charge of Pansy's trust until then?"

"The wicked stepmother," Hermione muttered.

"Exactly," Blaise nodded, "and she seems to have made it her mission to squander Pansy's inheritance and make her miserable while doing so. Pansy is desperate to get away from her."

"Is there anything we can do to help?" asked Hermione, her heart aching for her new friend.

"Draco and I have been in contact with Pansy all summer, and we came up with the perfect solution," Blaise beamed.

"Which is?" prodded Hermione.

Blaise grinned at her. "Once we're done with school this year, Draco is going to marry Pansy."


Sparks 8

rating: pg13, verse: sparks, content: eighth year, content: hogwarts era

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