003 - Admiral, Borg, Champagne

Sep 29, 2009 11:45

Must you all write every little thing which comes into your heads? Oh, my, yes, the champagne was certainly exciting; let's all rave about it for the next three weeks, shall we?

Whereas there was some sort of robotic zombie invasion less than two weeks ago which people failed to mention to me, though I came aboard on its very heels.

Champagne. Robotic zombie invasion. Champagne.

Yes, you all have your priorities in superb order.

Private to the Admiral


I am appealing to your generous nature to return my wand, if not in full working order, then at least able only to produce beneficial spells.

Or no spells at all. I'd like my wand back.

I cite to you Mozenrath, a fellow inmate who has been allowed to keep a gauntlet with the same capabilities.

You shall find attached the names of several wardens who will vouch for my honorable character, with whom I have reached an agreement to provide two vials of healing elixir each month in exchange for this favour.

In anticipation of the return of my personal property, I thank you.

- S.S.

[OOC: If you're one of the wardens vouching for the return of his wand, just comment with your name, because my memory is super bad this week. :3]

want my wand

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