Oct 05, 2004 21:56
I'm deleting this journal at the end of the week. to those who care, you know how to get ahold of me, to those who don't, goodbye
Dec 18, 2003 11:27
well img oin back to pittsfield today, see all you chillun there
Nov 08, 2003 18:05
ok what the fuck, my friends page has been fucked up for liek over a week, it looks all big and akward, anyone know whats up? i'll give you a dollar if you can fix it
Oct 22, 2003 10:35
time to whore out my forum because its been up for too logn without hardly any activity. go to www.projekt55.net/board/ sign up, infest. I made this a public entry for that reason. enjoy.
Sep 14, 2003 11:39
And just as a reminder, my journal is friends only, add me and chanes are i'll add you back
Sep 05, 2003 19:19
rtyhrytwrgre fucking bored. anyone int he burlingotn area feel like doing something?
Sep 04, 2003 19:57
due to no class tomorrow i spent the night relaxing and taking pictures. ill put the links to them sometime soon. they are mainly just of campus and stuff, and if your lucky i might take some of my room later on.
Aug 29, 2003 12:31
so...uh... i'm at college. heh.