fic: i promised her i would hold her hand (hex hall, sophie/archer)

Dec 05, 2011 06:03

Title: I promised her I would hold her hand
Disclaimer: Not mine in any way, shape, or form.
Fandom/Characters: Hex Hall, Sophie/Archer
Word Count: 371
Requested By: welurklate

It would be a lie to pretend that Sophie hadn't imagined their reunion more times than she could count. And after everything that happened -- alliances with witch hunters, exorcisms, finding a way to undo the Removal, the war -- Sophie wasn't exactly big on lies. But if someone were to ask her if she'd imagined what her reunion with Archer was actually like, Sophie would have safely been able to answer that she hadn't.

Because it went something like this:

Sophie sat in the spot where her dorm room should have been, staring out at the rubble of Hectate. She knew that she probably should be helping to look for survivors that were trapped under debris or even helping Cal with healing, but she was frankly too tired to move. Burning down a building took a lot out a person, even a person that was one-quarter demon. So instead of helping, she sat and she thought and if her thoughts drifted back to a time when the school was intact and the cellar was her favorite room in it, well, she was only (mostly) human.

That was probably why she didn't hear Archer coming, not until he had dropped down onto the ground next to her. She turned her head to the side, and he smiled at her, just a little. He took her hand in his, threading their fingers together. She felt his pulse jump where their wrists pressed against each other, and she closed her eyes, timing every breath to that reassuring thump that meant they were both still alive.

"Mercer?" Archer asked, and Sophie thought she detected a faint hint of teasing in his voice, but she ignored it. Even they weren't that ghoulish.

She didn't open her eyes. "Yeah, Cross?"

"I believe I promised you a date."

Then her eyes flew open and she stared at him, certain that he had to be kidding. Sure, they'd made out in cellars and in sheds and their first "date" had been to a pit where demons were being raised, but really, now?

Archer grinned back at her, and Sophie felt some of the tension of the past year seep out of her bones. She laughed.

She was still laughing when Archer kissed her.

holiday fic extravaganza 2011, books: hex hall, fic by me

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