fic: room at the end of the world (parks and rec, andy/april)

Dec 06, 2011 12:01

Title: Room at the End of the World
Disclaimer: Not mine in any way, shape, or form.
Fandom/Characters: Parks and Rec, Andy/April
Word Count: 628
Requested By: cashewdani

*Note: I swear I wrote this before Parks did their end of the world episode.

Andy finds out about the end of the world after it happens. Or was supposed to happen. He doesn't understand how this works. He hands April a copy of the Pawnee Journal that he found in Leslie's recycling. April looks at it and drops it in the garbage can. "And?"

"And we missed the end of the world!" Andy exclaims. He digs the paper back out of the trash. Leslie is very serious about the recycling thing and he doesn't want it getting back to her that he threw something away that he shouldn't have. "Don't you care?"

"The world didn't end," April points out. "We're still here."

"But it could have. And we wouldn't have even known it was happening."

April shrugs. The phone rings and she lifts the receiver and sets it back down without answering. "Would it have mattered if we had known?"

"Of course it would have mattered." Andy really doesn't understand why this doesn't bother April. It's the end of the world they're talking about. That's kind of a big fucking deal. "I think we should have a party."

"A world didn't end party?" April asks.

"Yes!" Andy says, getting more excited. This is the best idea he's had since, well, he doesn't really remember. That makes it even more awesome.

"Ben said we couldn't throw anymore parties without asking him first," April says, her eyes narrowing. She smiles, just a little, in the evil way that Andy thinks is really hot. "Let's do it."

Andy grins. He has the best wife.


For a party thrown together at the last minute, it's pretty fucking great. DJ Roomba is cranking the tunes and Jean-Ralphio lent them some flashing light thingys, and April's charging everyone a five dollar cover at the door so that Ben won't be able to yell at them about blowing their rent money on beer.

Even Ben gets into it, though that's only because Tom gives him a beer and asks him who would win in a fight between Superman and Batman. Andy doesn't understand any of it, but whatever, as long as Ben's not yelling at them about being responsible adults. He really doesn't want another lecture, even if Ben was right about the dishes thing.

It's almost midnight when Andy sneaks out into the backyard. He sits on the back steps and drinks beer and closes his eyes and breathes. He loves parties and noise and people, but sometimes a guy just needs a break, you know? He's enjoying the relative quiet when someone settles onto the step next to him.

He cracks one eye open. It's April. He grins at her and slides his arm over so it's behind her. She leans back into it a little, and he knows she must be having a good time. "Who's guarding the door?" he asks.

"Ron," she says, shrugging her shoulders a little, like it's no big deal that she got Ron to take people's money. Andy doesn't understand most of what Ron says when he starts talking about government, but he knows there's something in there about not taking people's money.

"Good party, huh?"

April nods.

They sit on the steps and pass his beer back and forth between them, the muffled noise from the party loud enough so that it's not one of those weird, creepy silence things.

In Andy's opinion, it's basically the perfect night. And there's only thing that would make it more perfect.

"April," he says. "I just want you to know that if the world had ended, I'm glad I would have been married to you."

April doesn't say anything, but she kisses him in a way that makes it seem like that last thing is definitely in the cards.

Best wife ever.

holiday fic extravaganza 2011, tv: parks and rec, fic by me

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