fic: breaking the cardinal rule (inception rpf, jgl/ellen page)

Dec 01, 2011 12:04

Title: breaking the cardinal rule
Disclaimer: Not mine in any way, shape, or form.
Fandom/Characters: Inception RPF, JGL/Ellen Page
Word Count: 589
Requested by: vinylroad

"I don't do that," Ellen says, pitching her voice over the 80's hair metal music coming from the jukebox.

Joe raises a skeptical eyebrow. Ellen frowns, at the eyebrow or him, she's not sure which. She didn't realize that eyebrows could be skeptical.

"I mean it," she says, taking another gulp of her beer. She's either too drunk for this conversation or not drunk enough, and if she's the latter she'd rather be the former, so more beer it is. "I don't do that."

"You've never hooked up with a co-star on set," Joe says, the incredulity in his voice tempered by too much pot and too much whiskey. But it's there, just enough that she can hear it, and it makes Ellen want to punch him in the arm. She resists, barely. "I don't believe you."

She shrugs, and drinks again. She doesn't much care when Joe believes.

He leans closer, pushing her hair back behind her ear and his breath ghosting across her neck as he speaks. "I bet you that I can get you to change your mind."

"I bet you won't remember this conversation in the morning," she counters, trying very hard to control her face and not let on how goddamn good that nothing of a touch felt.

He laughs, and she can feel the vibrations from where he's pressed against her, and fuck. She turns her head to look at him. He's staring back at her with an intent focus that's totally at odds with how fucked up he should be, and it's incredibly tempting. He's incredibly tempting.

She looks away. He laughs again and leans back into his own space. She drinks more beer. He changes the subject, babbling about his website and moments, and she is grateful.

When they say goodnight, Joe bends to kiss her cheek, and as he straightens, he whispers three words in her ear. "I won't forget," he says, and then he's gone.

Ellen touches her cheek as she watches him walk away. She thinks he'll forget. She hopes that he won't. She doesn't know what she expects.

And that, she thinks, is Joe exactly.


When two weeks into shooting Ellen wakes up in Joe's bed, she's not surprised. She could pretend like she is, like she's that girl, but no. Ellen is self aware enough to know that it was really only a matter of time.

But she is surprised to find Joe already awake and looking at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

That look on his face can only mean trouble. She knows this already. "What?" she asks self-consciously, pushing her hair back out of her eyes. "Do I snore or something?"

"No," he says, starting to shake his head but changing direction mid-motion and nodding instead. "Well, yes, actually you do."

"Asshole," she accuses, but it's said without heat. She pushes the sheet back so that she can slide out of bed, but Joe grabs her wrist and pulls her back, pinning her beneath him. "What?" she asks again, doing her best to keep herself from getting all breathy. Even to her own ears she fails.

Joe grins at her and leans down, trailing his mouth up over her jaw and her cheek until his mouth is hovering just over her ear. "I thought you didn't do this," he says, not able to keep the laughter from his voice. "I mean, didn't you tell me that?"

They're both laughing when Ellen hits him over the head with his own pillow.

holiday fic extravaganza 2011, fic by me, film: inception

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