"How about 'the king of the guys who... didn't win?'

Jul 22, 2008 12:12

My four days off were blissful. I went out to dinner with my roommates and discussed filthy topics to the server's great interest, chilled out on the beach with them for a while, got blisters walking home in my sexy new wedge heels of doom, and then played Final Fantasy VIII again for pretty much the rest of the weekend (when I wasn't watching the ( Read more... )

fandom: avatar, fandom: ffviii, meme

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Comments 45

ronsard July 22 2008, 19:45:54 UTC
KHR! Because I know other people will want to, and I'm feeling entitled :D


empath_eia July 22 2008, 22:37:24 UTC
Ugh, LJ's forgetting to send me comments again.

One true pairing ship: Hoshit. I ship everything, and pretty much everyone with other characters. So uh. Iemitsu/Nana. ♥

Canon ship: Colonnello/Lal Mirch.

If this happens, I'll stab my eyes out with a spork ship: Unless something drastic happens to Kyoko's character, Tsuna/Kyoko. I love Tsuna's unquestioning love for her, and I like her well enough, but she's still pretty much a mystery to me in terms of who she actually is. Where's the rest of her? What else is there to her but being blind, vacant, and pretty? I'm sure there's more, but until we find out what that is, I won't ship it.

You are one sick bastard ship: Glo Xinia/pretty much anyone. Fucker creeps me out.

I dabble a little ship: Dino/Hibari. And by 'dabble' I mean 'lust after from afar, too cowardly to write it for fear of marring its awesome.'

It's like a car crash ship: Mukuro/Chrome (CANON LOL).

Tickles my fancy but not sold just yet ship: Okay, don't laugh, but Lussuria/Ryohei is... interesting. *dies*
Makes no canon ( ... )


ronsard July 22 2008, 23:44:50 UTC
Not having an OTP in any particular series really fucks with my ability to actively function in the fandom, so I have to imprint on one and keep it EVEN IF IT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE. Thank God for Cololal :D

Hmm. I find myself becoming partial to Kyoko and Tsuna/Kyoko, even though I'm not sure whether that's only because with a series where I truly connect with the main character, I generally want them to get what they want. I can't really think of any reason for liking Kyoko other than "because she's the girl Tsuna likes" :/ She does remind me of one of my best friends, though -- maybe that's it.

Lussuria/Ryohei lololol. Did you happen to read that one fic?

Basil/Oregano? Sure, it could be adorable... if I could just remember who the fuck Oregano is. Jog my memory, trusty beta?

Your endgame ship is 1827? Really? Wow, I never knew. I honestly need someone to sit me down and explain to me the attractions of this pairing, because I really just can't see it. Wouldn't that just devastate Gokudera?


empath_eia July 23 2008, 00:22:15 UTC
I have never read a Lussuria/Ryohei fic. I just think they're brilliant and burst out laughing every time I think about them. Mostly because I think if Ryohei ever went gay, he would take the same attitude towards it that he takes towards everything else: extreme. And I would die.

Oregano is Iemitsu's little sidekick girl. She was there when they invaded the Vongola HQ to rescue the fake Ninth.

... )


esotaria July 22 2008, 20:39:39 UTC
Avatar & FFVIII, because I love FFVIII too, no matter what other FF fans say!


empath_eia July 22 2008, 23:04:27 UTC
One true pairing ship: Zutara. I've tried really, really hard to ship Kataang and Maiko (REALLY hard) but I just... can't. Doesn't mean I hate the canon ships-- they're quite adorable, really-- but the only one that lights my fire is Zutara.

Canon ship: I actually don't care much for many of the canon ships, but Sokka/Yue was tragic and lovely.

If this happens, I'll stab my eyes out with a spork ship: Well, technically it's already happened, but Jet/Katara. Ugh.

You are one sick bastard ship: Iroh/Zuko in the sexual sense. I'm sure that doesn't need explaining.

I dabble a little ship: Iroh/Jun. Also, Sokka/Mai, which is highly underrated. *_____*

It's like a car crash ship: Azula/sanity. >_______>

Tickles my fancy but not sold just yet ship: Zuko/Toph. That scene in the finale was awfully cute.

Makes no canon sense but why the hell not ship: Practically everything I can think of now could have at least some basis in canon, so I'm going with Iroh/Ursa, because I love them.

Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it ship: ( ... )


esotaria July 22 2008, 23:51:59 UTC
I'm a little surprised at the Sokka/Suki/Yue, mostly because of my own personal biases. >.>;; Because honestly, I was glad Yue became the moon. I like her a lot more when she's gone. XD;; The only reason I enjoy the fact that she and Sokka dated is because now Sokka can (and did!) say: "My first girlfriend became the moon. ._."

Although to be fair to Yue, I mostly didn't want her to be with Sokka because I was pining for Suki. I have a mad crush on the girl, and if I could have her instead of Sokka having her, I'd steal the girl in a heartbeat fr srs.

And Squall/Rinoa is total love.


empath_eia July 23 2008, 00:08:48 UTC
I just... have a deep desire to see Sokka in a position of power, I think. As Yue's husband he could have ruled the Northern Water Tribe. With Mai (and being friends with Zuko) he could pack a serious diplomatic punch representing his tribe. I think that would be amazingly badass and want to see it. *___*

Suki is awesome. I just don't really feel Sokka/Suki, sadly.

I just passed the bridge-to-Esthar and Moon Base and Ragnarok and Sorceress Memorial scenes in FFVIII. I would write fanfic for them but I don't need to. He went to the freaking moon to save her. ♥


(The comment has been removed)

empath_eia July 22 2008, 23:15:04 UTC
One true pairing ship: Sesshoumaru/Kagome gets me every time.

Canon ship: I kind of hate most of the canon ships, but Suikotsu/Kikyou was a little heartbreaking. If Sesshoumaru/Kagura can be counted as canon although nothing really happened, then that too.

If this happens, I'll stab my eyes out with a spork ship: Hojo/Kagome, unless it's dark!fic.

You are one sick bastard ship: I'm not allowed to answer this one because you name the nasty ship, I've written it or can at least point to one fic I love about it. Sesshoumaru/tiny!Rin in the sexual sense does squick me a bit though.

I dabble a little ship: Kouga/Kagome.

It's like a car crash ship: Shippou/Kagome. Hello, misery.

Tickles my fancy but not sold just yet ship: Bankotsu/Jakotsu.

Makes no canon sense but why the hell not ship: Everything can be twisted to make canon sense. Um. Inuyasha/Kagura would have been hot.

Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it ship: Miroku/Sango. I tried to love it, but it just bores me senseless.

When all is said and done... ship: ( ... )


ypaladinofchaos July 22 2008, 22:39:09 UTC
Code Geass?


empath_eia July 22 2008, 23:24:38 UTC
One true pairing ship: Hahaha, don't hate me for this, but Suzaku/Lelouch.

Canon ship: Lloyd/Milly fascinates me, as does Nina > Euphemia.

If this happens, I'll stab my eyes out with a spork ship: Lelouch/Rolo. I do love Rolo, the crazy little fucker, but there should not be sexual under- or overtones to his relationship with Lelouch.

You are one sick bastard ship: Lelouch/Nunnally (sexually). There's no doubt that he loves her passionately (he's trying to essentially destroy the world for her, at least the world he knows), but please, not like that.

I dabble a little ship: Lelouch/Kallen.

It's like a car crash ship: Ougi/Villetta.

Tickles my fancy but not sold just yet ship: Toudou/Cornelia. I'm a couple of episodes behind so I have no idea if they've even met yet, but I hope they do. They'd be spectacular together.

Makes no canon sense but why the hell not ship:
Xing Ke/Kallen would be extremely kickass.

Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it ship: Hate to admit it, but Lelouch/C.C. I love their character ( ... )


parsnip_chan July 23 2008, 02:22:57 UTC
Darker than Black and Tokyo Crazy Paradise!


empath_eia July 23 2008, 06:21:22 UTC
Oof. Let's see if I remember well enough to make this at all interesting.

One true pairing ship: Ryuji/Tsukasa. As if there's any other.

Canon ship: Uh. Ryuji/Tsukasa.

If this happens, I'll stab my eyes out with a spork ship: Kamojima/Ryuji (sexually)

You are one sick bastard ship: Toshiyuki/Shohei >__>

I dabble a little ship: Takuma/...whatserface, argh

It's like a car crash ship: I-I can't remember.

Tickles my fancy but not sold just yet ship: Ryuji/Asago.

Makes no canon sense but why the hell not ship: Kamojima/Wakasa do waannt.

Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it ship: Er, none?

When all is said and done... ship: Ryuji/Tsukasa.

Well, that was failuretastic.

One true pairing ship: Hei/Misaki. The way the last episode left them hanging totally killed me, which led to me writing fic in the desperate attempt to comfort myself. ♥

Canon ship: Huang/Shihoko. Oh, but I did love this.

If this happens, I'll stab my eyes out with a spork ship: Huang/Yin. Besides the age difference and all the other issues, just... ( ... )


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