"How about 'the king of the guys who... didn't win?'

Jul 22, 2008 12:12

My four days off were blissful. I went out to dinner with my roommates and discussed filthy topics to the server's great interest, chilled out on the beach with them for a while, got blisters walking home in my sexy new wedge heels of doom, and then played Final Fantasy VIII again for pretty much the rest of the weekend (when I wasn't watching the Avatar finale and FLAILING MY FOOL HEAD OFF OMG IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL AHGDKJSFAKL).

I forgot how much I love that game. VII and IX may be 'better' technically, but I never cared nearly as much about their characters and stories and worlds as I do VIII's. Whenever my muses decide to come back from their extended hiatus, I'm so going to write fic (Martine/Quistis, Irvine/Quistis, and Ultemicia/Seifer are pinging me hardest right now, as well as fic about the memory loss effect from using guardian forces... holy crap the potential there is staggering).

Before that, however, meme.

One true pairing ship:
Canon ship:
If this happens, I'll stab my eyes out with a spork ship:
You are one sick bastard ship:
I dabble a little ship:
It's like a car crash ship:
Tickles my fancy but not sold just yet ship:
Makes no canon sense but why the hell not ship:
Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it ship:
When all is said and done... ship:

Pick a fandom and go. You all know I have like 4718938201 fandoms so here's my AnimeList and here's my MangaList. I might not remember everything from all of those though so I reserve the right to wimp out. ^____^

fandom: avatar, fandom: ffviii, meme

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