but you yourself are nothing so divine

Jul 26, 2008 11:30

Am at home in Osoyoos now, visiting the family.

Recap of the last couple of days:

1.) Thursday: after work, I went to dinner with my Japanese class at Happa Izakaya on Robson. We got a special private room upstairs, woo. Hayashi-sensei paid for a... many-course meal, so I got to try a bunch of new things (raw beef in red sesame sauce is surprisingly delicious). At around eleven, I got up to leave and realized that I'd accidentally brought a few locker keys from work with me.


The buses from downtown to Kitsilano only run every half hour that late at night. I was supposed to be at the bus station by midnight to catch my Greyhound home. I hate math, but even I could tell I'd be cutting it really close.

I ran back across the bridge (and met attractive-tall-law-student's gorgeous Japanese girlfriend on it, *sob*), dropped the keys off, came back downtown, took the Skytrain to Main, ran the rest of the way to the Station, and got there with maybe ten minutes to spare before my bus left.

Anyway, I made it, and got bumped off to a less-packed overflow bus (which had a buggered gearbox which ground for ten seconds every time the driver shifted gears so I couldn't sleep, ugh).

2.) Friday: Bus arrived in Penticton at twenty after six. Mom was there to pick me up, but had locked herself out of the van lololol so we had to wait for a towtruck to come at seven. She was late for work. I went to bed, then bummed around for the rest of the day when I got up. My brother hacked into my computer with his PS3 and we played the Avatar finale on Mom's new giant flatscreen TV. *flail*

3.) Today: Emily's birthday party is in an hour or so, so I'll be heading down to the beach and there will be cake yay. :D

I'm so relaaaaaaxed. Osoyoos is quiet and warm and smells nice. I don't want to go back to Vancouver.

love, home, family

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