
Jul 30, 2008 18:13

Point-form update because I feel like butts, as a-hollow-year so eloquently put it.

1.) Visit with family was lovely. Went shopping, saw Dark Knight with brother, had my hair played with, ate cake, got hugs. A+.

2.) Came back three hours late on the bus because the first one was full, carrying a whole crapload of stuff I didn't have when I went (a suitcase full of moving-out supplies I forgot to bring when I moved out, a shirt from Omi, a funky earring-holder thingie from Mom, a bottle of peppermint schnapps, a journal-thingie and a notepad Mom bought me, and uh, I'm sure I'm missing stuff I'm so spoiled omg). Totally got a taxi when I arrived in Vancouver because all told the stuff I was carrying weighed a good eighty pounds and I didn't relish the thought of climbing all the stairs to the Skytrain with it.

3.) Living room was destroyed by the Evil Raccoon-tachi when I got home, rawr.

4.) Woke up this morning to random dead earthworms in my sock. Socks were not outside. Room is not that much of a mess. It's a mystery. A very gross, cold, slimy, unexpected and way too fucking early in the morning Mystery.

5.) Caught up on the Fullmetal Alchemist manga at work. Have already squeed my head off about it to shiinabambi, but in summary: AWESOMEGRAVY, and Greedling, Kimbley, and Ed all need to come within molesting range stat.

6.) I finally figured out what the disgusting smell that always hangs around the streets near where I work is: there's a brewery across Burrard St. It smells like cornflakes, apple juice, and pee, and I hate it.

7.) My uterus, with its usual genius timing, just went into bleeding seizures because I have dates with friends this weekend. No points. :|

8.) It's raining.

Have to go home now. I hope you guys are having a marginally less miserable day. ♥

love, fandom: fullmetal alchemist, health, gross, family

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