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emoryems June 16 2011, 23:43:39 UTC
That is such a big compliment, and I can't thank you enough for the lovely words. I really enjoy reading your comments, whether on this or another story - they are always so thoughtful.

Thanks you ♥


previouslydead June 16 2011, 19:37:48 UTC
I can't even express how overwhelmingly happy i am that it was Puck who found him. I've always thought he would be the perfect guy in this type of situation, friendlyish and there for the person, in this case Kurt but not in an overwhelming way like Mercedes might be for example. But yeah, i love how you put Puck to use and the characterisation was great on that point. My heart still aches for poor Kurt though :/


previouslydead June 16 2011, 19:38:36 UTC
Just realised - Happy may not be the right word. Not in this situation. More like, relieved maybe. That sounds better.


emoryems June 16 2011, 23:40:40 UTC
Having Puck there was just this weird epiphany that came out of nowhere. Well... it came from the prompt "Starry Night" for the Puckurt challenge, but having it for this story was just... an accident that turned into one of my favourite scenes. :)

Thanks, hun!



raokhshna June 16 2011, 22:16:06 UTC
Incredible chapter. Felt like my heart was being squeezed out of my chest. In a good way, of course. ;P


emoryems June 16 2011, 23:35:32 UTC
:D I'm very glad that you enjoyed! Thank you ♥


silver_coins June 16 2011, 23:24:03 UTC
This fic is perfect. I related SO much to the scene with Puck that it's ridiculous. I've been there, not with this scenario, but with other things that were a big deal and hard to talk about. Sometimes you just really need that calmness that some guys have about hard stuff happening. So, yeah, awesome.

(Btw, is it weird that this fic is totally reminding me of how it was when I lost my father? Cause it is. The way everyone at your highschool knows and no-one knows what to say and you're just stuck in the middle of it going through a major crisis while trying to think about everyone else. It may be weird, but I'm flashbacking to those time like nothing else while reading... )


emoryems June 16 2011, 23:34:55 UTC
Oh thank you *blushes* <3

And I know what you mean -- my father recently had a heart attack and people just don't know what to say or do. My best friend of eleven years kind of just disappeared and some people avoided the topic like the plague.

Thank you so much for reading ♥


ithicajackal June 17 2011, 00:24:40 UTC
This story makes me feel like someone is squeezing my heart every single chapter. It hurts but I like it. (I guess makes sense for an angst-addict.)

I already read the Puckurt drabble of course, but I fell in love with this scene all over again. I love his quiet, understated, but so PERFECT, way of supporting Kurt in that scene. I love how he walked him home in the end and had that little bit of jealousy seeing Burt. Little nuances like that give me pause and then reread it before continuing. And it happens a lot. Sometimes it's a little detail like that or just the way something is worded, I really savor and enjoy reading your work so much. To quote your Blaine, "..there are so many things right.." ♥


emoryems June 21 2011, 03:46:44 UTC
Awe... you always make me feel so happy - thank you so much for taking the time to leave me these wonderful comments ♥

I've always loved the Puck character, but lately (haha we know why) I've been having so much fun trying to write their dynamic.


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