Some Short Movie Reviews

Jun 16, 2022 20:55

   Time for some more (short) movie reviews

No Time to Die   I recently noticed the most recent Bond movie was available to rent via Youtube, which is apparently a thing these days. I had wanted to see it, so on a recent evening I watched it. What I'm about to say is jsut slightly a spoiler so skip the next sentence if you're really concerned .. ( Read more... )

media reviews, movie reviews

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Comments 7

waitingman June 16 2022, 11:21:38 UTC
I haven't really kept up with the Daniel Craig Bonds... I saw Skyfall, but that's about it. I think, for me, it's kind of like Dr Who - something I've grown out of needing to watch (haven't watched any of the 'new' Dr Who at all... though it's now been going almost as long as the 'original' did... or so it seems sometimes!). After the last Pierce Brosnan Bond movie, which was so cynically awful, I kind of gave up on the franchise & became a 'Bourne' fan instead

Like you, I read the Dune books (well, the first 3 & 1/2) back when the Dead Sea was only mildly ill, but I must get around to seeing this latest attempt to film it (the less said about David Lynch's attempt in the 80s the better)


emo_snal June 16 2022, 11:27:25 UTC
Yasss I love the Bourne series! Or at least the first one and I think the second was fairly alright and the third not bad, but then they made a fourth with a different actor and at that point I felt like they were really pushing it.


bearshorty June 16 2022, 11:40:41 UTC

I read Dune 12 years ago and really really disliked it. But I watched the movie since it got praise and I had access to it. And I really enjoyed the movie. I think it actually fixed some of the things that were problematic for me in the books and the style of the movie was nice.


chocolate_frapp June 16 2022, 19:10:40 UTC
This is apparently the newer Dune movie and not the David Lynch one


wpadmirer June 16 2022, 23:42:23 UTC
I want to see that for Duncan Idaho. I love Jason Momoa, and I heard he's fabulous in it.


engarian June 17 2022, 11:22:52 UTC
I'd love to see both of those, and probably will eventually. We're still staying away from movie theatres, although I might have to break down for Minions in a couple of weeks.

- Erulisse (one L)


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