Some Short Movie Reviews

Jun 16, 2022 20:55

   Time for some more (short) movie reviews

No Time to Die
   I recently noticed the most recent Bond movie was available to rent via Youtube, which is apparently a thing these days. I had wanted to see it, so on a recent evening I watched it. What I'm about to say is jsut slightly a spoiler so skip the next sentence if you're really concerned .. but in the beginning when they were kind of making it seem like a Spectre plot I was preparing to be disappointed because I've always found that particular world-conspiracy plot of Bond stupid and comic-booky, but then when they just kill off all of Spectre all of a sudden all at once that was proportionatly that much of a pleasant surprise. In a more general sense though, haven't all the Bond movies for the last 20 years made a big thing about him being culturally out-dated and feeling redundant? I felt like that part of the plot was a bit, no pun intended, but getting old. What really made me groan about the movie plot though was how more than once he makes major life changing decisions based on taking as absolute truth something a dying bad guy said. I would kind of like to believe our supposed world's best subterfuge agent would at least consider that the dying bad guy might be lying to fuck with and misdirect him, I dunno, just a thought.
   Also his love interest clearly lives in Norway, why does she appear to primarily speak French? Did the producers think Norway the more beautiful exotic location but French the sexier language and so just decided to have their cake and og spis det også?
   And that ending.. I guess I can't really talk about it since I try to write these spoiler free, but.. such sauce! Anyway I give it an A-

   I think I also watched Dune via noticing it was available on the youtube movies. I read the Dune books back in like elementary school, which is of course longer ago than the Butlerian Jihad is from the Dune timeline and I barely remember any details. Well okay actually recently I read one of the books by Frank Herbert's son (The Butlerian Jihad) and it was terrible just terrible.
   But the movie was visually very nice and from what I can recall true to the books ... in fact I googled for differences from the books and they're apparently only very minor. I weirdly don't feel like I have a lot of critiquing for the movie. Feel free to critique it in the comments, I'm suspicious I may have just watched it in a very uncritical mood or something, it's not like me to be so uncritical ;) But anyway I suppose I have to give it an A then. (:

media reviews, movie reviews

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