Aea Part 1

May 11, 2020 05:06

[About a week prior to last entry in this series]

Sunday, August 13th, 1214 BC - “I think we can hide the Argo in these reeds here” Argus whispered to Jason, indicating a thick reed-bed to their right. Jason judged the distance to the faint orange glow of the city up the river to be about a half hour's walk on land. He nodded to Ancaeus, the ( Read more... )

historical fiction, argonautica, lj idol entry

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Comments 7

karmasoup May 10 2020, 22:22:53 UTC
This is riveting! I can't wait to find out what happened between this one and the last one that came afterwards!


emo_snal May 11 2020, 01:46:32 UTC
Thanks! I think this is possibly the first one I've gotten to give a proper amount of time to writing! Originally I had intended to do the whole part from arrival at (or just outside) Aea to their departure with the fleece but I think this section may be a three parter


alycewilson May 11 2020, 19:03:43 UTC
Another fascinating installment in the Jason and the Golden Fleece series.


rayaso May 11 2020, 21:35:54 UTC
More Jason and the Argonauts, this time with a picture and a map. Excellent job, especially on such short notice.


tonithegreat May 12 2020, 15:42:32 UTC
This makes me want to visit Greece and the Med in general! I never made it any farther East than Italy, but I would love to visit Greece and Turkey with my family someday.


flipflop_diva May 12 2020, 19:02:09 UTC
I'm so glad we get a new part, even if it's not the continuation from last time. This one was really fun!


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