Aea Part 1

May 11, 2020 05:06

[About a week prior to last entry in this series]

Sunday, August 13th, 1214 BC - “I think we can hide the Argo in these reeds here” Argus whispered to Jason, indicating a thick reed-bed to their right. Jason judged the distance to the faint orange glow of the city up the river to be about a half hour's walk on land. He nodded to Ancaeus, the ( Read more... )

historical fiction, argonautica, lj idol entry

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Comments 7

halfshellvenus May 12 2020, 19:19:18 UTC
I see Jason has noticed Medea already, but not yet really 'met' her.

The map here was fascinating-- maybe because it shows things so stretched out, but I hadn't realized that Bulgaria and Hungary were NorthEast of Greece there (or how narrowly Greece and Turkey escaped becoming part of the USSR, just because of their unfortunate proximity).

So, is the strait of Bosphorus (that didn't work out in last week's story) there next to Istanbul? Or is it closer to what is now Canakkale?


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