A Completely Fictional Fairytale About a Troll

Mar 27, 2020 00:55

   Once upon a time in a magical land far away, there was a village of cute little houses with thatched roofs, and a large windmill that slowly turned, picturesquely. Just a little bit out of the village, down a path of smooth flagstones, there lived a beekeeper named Knut in a quaint little cottage by his beehives. He had a pointy red beard, 1, ( Read more... )

lj idol entry, fairy tale, trolls

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Comments 19

banana_galaxy March 27 2020, 20:31:39 UTC
What a wonderful, clearly untrue fairy tale. Trolls do like to spout off all kinds of nonsense like that.


furzicle March 31 2020, 20:54:48 UTC


halfshellvenus March 28 2020, 07:47:32 UTC
Hahahaha! Way to make humor out of a toxic friend-circle event.

one condor-width away from one another.
I'm suddenly envisioning people measuring the air with giant birds.

"Get this off your fucking yard dude. Be the bigger man, this is tacky as hell.
Horrifying to find out this is an actual person and post, essentially. But I love that in this context, the "Get this off your yard" and "tacky as hell" are kind of legit complaints about a troll's head mounted on a pike. Even if the person complaining IS the actual troll.

The phrase "a bit of a cooked unit" and wondering exactly what THAT slang means is going to stick with me for a while. :D


emo_snal March 28 2020, 08:45:57 UTC
Ahaha "cooked unit" is some classic Aussie slang there (:

I must admit I borrowed the condor width from a meme I saw (:


rayaso March 29 2020, 18:24:00 UTC
Ah, trolls. From lurking under bridges to infecting the internet to personal conversations. It's so hard to get rid of them. I loved this!


alycewilson March 29 2020, 22:27:45 UTC
Wow! This was very well-written, "Knut." You're right that it's difficult to be the bigger person in a situation like this, but when someone goes too far, there's nothing else you can do.


karmasoup March 30 2020, 16:33:16 UTC
I can never bring myself to engage with trolls. My brother does, because he believes working with patience and kindness is the bigger way to change hearts and minds. More power to him, he's made of sterner stuff than me, and a stronger stomach, to be sure. But I know there's a failing on the side of all us "snowflake libtards" who just shut out conversations, because we effectively hand them their own echo chamber in the cesspool they wallow in, where they convince each other of the validity of their ideals, and they grow their numbers. I know this is dangerous, and I know it has resulted in them having the power they do today. Even so, I still can't bring myself to be that "warrior." I prefer to surround myself with positive people. I guess I'm feeding into the cycle. But, I'm not my brother. And I couldn't handle his stress and his anger. The best I can do is live a life of love and happiness, and to pass that on to my son and the people I encounter in life. <3


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