A Completely Fictional Fairytale About a Troll

Mar 27, 2020 00:55

   Once upon a time in a magical land far away, there was a village of cute little houses with thatched roofs, and a large windmill that slowly turned, picturesquely. Just a little bit out of the village, down a path of smooth flagstones, there lived a beekeeper named Knut in a quaint little cottage by his beehives. He had a pointy red beard, 1, ( Read more... )

lj idol entry, fairy tale, trolls

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Comments 19

adoptedwriter March 26 2020, 19:42:57 UTC
WHat a great analogy!


chocolate_frapp March 26 2020, 20:00:37 UTC
I love you.


richaarde March 27 2020, 02:30:42 UTC
The story seems awfully familiar, but I can’t quite put my finger on why...


richaarde March 27 2020, 02:41:30 UTC
Actually the troll reminds me of someone I know. At one point Troll-boy took one of his insults just a little too far and ended up losing half of his friends in one day. So in a way, it was kind of like being slayed.


weebleswobble March 27 2020, 04:17:27 UTC
i enjoyed this


lawchicky March 27 2020, 13:41:54 UTC
This did make me laugh!


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