Gemma and The Hallway Hands (Part 11 of ?)

Sep 04, 2010 05:27

Title: Gemma and The Hallway Hands (Part 11 of ?)
Pairing,Character(s): Kurt/Puck, Finn/Mercedes, Will/Gemma (OC)
Rating: PG-13 (this part)
Word Count: 2536 words
Spoilers: Season One.
Genre: Romance/Slight Angst/Dashes of Fluff
Warnings: het romance (see parings)
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee. Don't rub it in okay. I'm still in the depression stage.
Summary: McKinley High gets a new school nurse and she takes special notice of one Noah Puckerman... Get your mind out of the gutter... not that kind of notice.

Previously on GATHH: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10

Gemma can see Will pacing in front of the door to her office. From the corner of her eye she can see the moment he wins the argument he was having with himself. His hunched shoulders square and his head raises. His strides through her door are confident and sure.

She opens her mouth to greet him and then she sees the look on his face. An intensity she's never seen before shocks her enough that she doesn't even notice that he's forced her back until she collides with the wall. He smirks when her shirt rides up and her bare skin hits the cool wall. The gasp pulls her lips open a fraction of an inch and he takes that as an invitation.

He takes her with the firm, insistent press of his lips on hers. Sparks shoot through her when his questing tongue invades her mouth. He tastes like licorice tea and honey. His breath is harsh as he peppers her neck with kisses. Her left knees trails slowly up his strong thigh and she can feel the hard press of him against her belly. His tongue traces the small white scar on her chin.

“How did you get this?” Will's voice is quiet and childlike. Almost as if he's expecting a cute story about falling off her bike or a monkeybar misadventure. Looking in his dancing eyes, she knows this is when she need to come clean. Come out. As much as she wants to keep him smiling, she can't lie. Not about this and not anymore.

Her finger traces the small line and she has to turn her head to the side at the wave of emotion.

“The first girl I ever loved. We were together and her dad walked in,” Gemma feels Will's warmth back away from her. Without looking at him she whispers, “ and he wore rings.”

“I'm sorry, Gemma. I didn't know you were gay.” Will is backing away towards the door. Gemma reaches out and tries to grab his wrist, missing it by inches.

“No, Will. I'm not. I'm bisexual.”

Her words stop him in his tracks and he looks at her like she's speaking a foreign language. Shock registers in his eyes and he starts back for the door.

“I can't... I need to think... I... time.”

“Of course. I understand.”

Gemma watches him as he walks away from her and she wishes that it was the first time she had to watch a walk like that. She only hoped that this time, unlike the others, he would come back.


Finn isn't entirely sure what changed between Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning but he can definitely feel the difference. This time when he laces his fingers together with Mercedes' he doesn't feel everyone's eyes on him.

It's just like when he would hold hands with Rachel. No one really seemed to care and it was something Finn was grateful for. He wasn't sure how much shit Mercedes would take before she pushed him away for his own good.

They both overhear Karofsky tell one of the Cheerios to lay off bad mouthing Finn's girl. They both look down at their joined hands and share a smile. They like how that sounds.

Finn's girl.


Noah is waiting for Kurt at his locker. Leaning up against it like he's waiting for a bus. Scuffed converses dragging across the floor. Kurt can't help but sing Gaga in his head.

“Baby is a bad boy in some retro sneakers, lets go see The Killers and make out in the bleachers. I like you a lot , lot. Think you're really hot, hot”

“Well hello, Noah Puckerman. I see you survived. I think you actually passed.”


“Yes. You, young sir, have the Burt Hummel seal of approval.”

“So, does that mean he'll let me take you to that dopey spring carnival on Friday?”

“Well I always thought it was bit quaint. Smacked a bit of Stars Hollow but if this is you asking me, then I think that could be arranged.”

“I don't know what that means but yeah. This is me asking you. Do you wanna go to the carnival with me?”

“Of course, Noah. I'd love to.”

“Awesome. I think Finn is taking Mercedes so it'll be like a double date.”

“Just know there is absolutely no way I'm getting in the Ferris wheel. Don't even think about making me.”

“Of course not, babe.” Noah was giving him a very Puck-like look and he placed two fingers in the air. “Scouts Honor.”

One thing's for sure, Noah is getting Kurt Hummel on the Ferris wheel. Even if it's the last thing he ever does.


Sitting in the cab of Noah's pickup, with just a few inches separating both of their thighs made Kurt's heart race and his shallow breaths were filling the silence. The heat that flowed from the vents warmed Kurt's cheeks and made him look like he was in a perpetual state of blush. Which actually was not far off. The sight of Noah at his front door, dressed in black slacks, a purple button down and a soft leather jacket, was enough to make Kurt pinch the soft inside of his forearm. The dull pain proving that he really wasn't dreaming.

Kurt had no delusions about why this needed to be a double date. It wouldn't even cause eyelashes to bat if the best friends of the newest couple of McKinley were seen together. The Finn/Mercedes development was one that would probably help keep Noah safe. He knew that Noah wasn't really in the place that Kurt was.

The harsh scrutiny of Lima, Ohio was something he was well acquainted with. He knew that if Noah could pass as completely straight his entire life it may be safer for him to stay that way. Perception was everything in this town. Being the way he was, everyone had just assumed the waif-like Hummel boy was a fudge packer. It was common knowledge since he was thirteen years old.

Looking at Noah across the seat, Kurt knew that if they came out to the town Noah could very well be in danger. As long as Noah wasn't ashamed of who he was and what he had with Kurt with their families and close friends Kurt could deal with the rest. Like Brian Kinney say, “it's not lying if they make you lie.”

The usually harsh fairground seemed to sparkle under the soft white Christmas lights that were draped throughout the branches of the trees. The cool April wind nipped at Kurt's cheeks and the smell of carnival food filled his nose. He saw kids, frantically running from ride to ride. Their faces smeared with drying ice cream.

The carnival was a yearly event. One that until now, Kurt had been proud he had successfully avoided. Looking around now at the laughter and the sparkle in Noah's eye, Kurt was happy he had waited to experience this someone he cared about.

They had only been inside the gate for five minutes before Mercedes intercepted Kurt and pulled him towards a makeshift bench area. Kurt shot an anxious look at Noah and laughed when he saw that Noah was clearly abandoning him within Mercedes' clutches.

Looking at the pair on the benches, both boys shared the same shy smiles. They started to aimlessly walk in circles, the others gossiped with their head bowed together.

“I think they may be at it for awhile.” Finn's voice was shy and soft.

“Why? What did you do, now?”

“Her parents kinda walked in on us, man.”

“Holy fuck, and you survived?”

“It's not like that. I mean, we fooled around some but we haven't actually gone all the way yet. It's not like they walked in on us doing that. Just making out and stuff.”

“And stuff?”

“Fine! I may have had my hand under her skirt but that's not even what they were mad about. They sat us down and gave us a long talk.”

“What? About how you shouldn't be trying to bang their only daughter while they're in the house?”

“No, man. It was serious. The started talking all about how dangerous us being together could be.”


“Yeah. About how 'mixed race' couples have it harder that the ones that stay in their race and that things could get really complicated if we plan to stay together for the long haul.”

“Shit, bro. What did ya say to them?”

“I told them that Mercedes was the one I wanted and no one was going to tell me different. Then her mom pulled me into a really hard hug and her brother told me that if I ever hurt his baby sister dogs wouldn't even be able to find the body.”

“So this is really serious, then?”

Finn looked at the girl he loved and knew for sure. Noah followed his gaze and looked at the boy he loved.

“Yeah. Noah, this is it.”

“You know what, Finn? I think I know what you mean.”


“NOAH... STOP THAT!!!” Kurt was screeching and pulling his body almost completely off the edge of the bench. His long arm reaching far over his head trying to protect his cotton candy from Noah's futile attempts to steal it.

“C'mon. Just a little bit. I swear I'll make it worth your while.'

“No. You have one of your own. This one's mine.”

“Yah, but this one's pink. I want some of the blue.”

Noah took advantage of Kurt's confusion. Pressing the end of his cotton candy to Kurt's, managing to pull half of the blue off and leaving it clinging to his pink. Kurt face broke out into a fierce pout and he folded his arms across his chest.

“Aww, don't be like that. C'mon. If you smile, I'll get you some of that apple cider stuff.”

Noah watched as Kurt's face started to slip into a smile before he quickly schooled his features. Noah reached a long finger and tickled the soft skin right under his chin. A full grin filled Kurt's face and Noah felt like he won the lottery.

The cup was hot in Kurt's hands. The heat seeping through the thin material of his gloves. The added warmth focused on his palms reminded him just how cold the rest of him was and he gave a small full-body shiver. Noah seemed to the notice the tremor and carefully slipped his warm jacket over Kurt's small shoulders.

The shy smile and the blush that filled Noah's cheeks had everything to do with why, Kurt was trying to keep a small panic attack at bay as he saw the metal bar close him into the bucket seat of the Ferris wheel. Of course the tight grip of Noah's fingers didn't really hurt either.

In all his life Kurt never would have believed Lima could be beautiful. It was the town that would spit at him while he was walking with his father. It was the town that laughed when they saw Burt's truck graffitied with slurs. It was the town he was anxious to leave and let them see his tail light fade.

But up at the top of the Ferris wheel life seemed different. Soft sparkles of stars and lights filled the darkness. He saw each light as a family sitting down to dinner, a couple looking at the stars and falling in love. He saw the town he's always wanted. He saw home.

When he turned his head to tell Noah he felt the warm press lips and a shy tongue seeking his. For a few brief moments all he knew was wet, warmth and Noah. When he pulled back he saw the stars dancing above Noah's head. Looking deep into cinnamon brown eyes, he was grateful he'd waited for his first kiss. At the top of the Ferris wheel, stars their only source of light and Noah tasting like apples.

Noah tried to get Kurt to share a corn dog with him but all he got was a small shake of Kurt's head. But walking here he was. Walking with the first boy he'd ever kissed, eating a phallic shaped pork product and he had never felt more badass. That's why he wasn't scared for a minute when Kurt pulled him towards the fortune teller booth.

Kurt saw every stereotype represented in the small tent. Garish jewelery bit into his skin as the gnarled woman in front of him read his palms. She also put on a fairly horrible accent.

“Success will find you. The big city will bring you happiness beyond your wildest dreams.”

“What else do you see? What about love?”

“Well boy. I see that true love has found you already. But it is not yours to grasp fully yet. You will feel it slide from your fingers and only if you are strong enough will you be able to reclaim it. Small turmoil waits for such young love. But his heart is pure and your will is strong.”

Kurt is shell shocked as he walks back to Noah waiting outside. He doesn't realize that the woman is following behind him until he feels he gasp against his neck and her strong arms pushing him to the side. She rushes to Noah and places a harsh grip on either side of his jaw. When she finally speaks she is breathless.

“You. Do you know who you are?”

Noah's shaking head jostles her hand.

“A leader of great men. You will change the world.”


They are both silent until they pull up next to Kurt's house. Kurt reaches his hand towards Noah, the wool of the seat rough on his soft hands. Noah's creeps forward to brush their fingers together.

“I had a really good time tonight.”

“Me too.”

They shared the warm silence for a few minutes, transfixed at the point the fingers met.

“You know, my dad keeps saying he wants to meet your mom.”

“Really? Why?”

“He says that if we're really serious about this he wants to do it right. He wants to meet your family. I do too, actually.”

Noah pulls his hand away roughly and grips the steering wheel tight.

“Well, I'm not ready for that.” Noah's voice sounds like it hasn't since he stopped being Puck.

“Oh, okay. I understand.” Kurt voice is laced with sad disappointment.

“Well, I'll call you. Tomorrow? Is that okay?”

“Yah, that's okay.”

“Goodnight, Noah.”

“Goodnight, Kurt.”

That night they both fall into uneasy sleep, swirling with mixed emotions. Hoping that Spring Break will allow them to work out all their issues before school starts again.

The next day, he really doesn't feel like he deserves to be Noah anymore.

The next day, when Kurt calls five times. Puck ignores every single one.

slash, puck/kurt, finn/mercedes, het, fan fiction, glee

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