Love In Orange Dayglo (Part 6 of ?)

Jun 22, 2011 20:47

Title: Love In Orange Dayglo (Part 6 of ?)
Author: emo_chick_87
Pairing,Character(s): Puck/Kurt, some sexytime between Finn/Kurt
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2931
Spoilers: Season 1
Genre: Angst/Fluff/Smut/AU
Warnings: dub-con and non-con are the major ones and I'll post more as I finish each chapter. Puck/Kurt sexytimes. Bareback sex, slight powerplay stuff, rimming.
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee.
Summary: Kurt Hummel gets six months in Lima Minimum Security Prison. Puck is his cellmate.
AN: This is a fill for the glee_kink_meme, here for one Miss twisted_ingenue Kink, like whoa. I do want to let people know that none of the non-con will happen between Puck and Kurt. Also Kurt will NEVER be anally raped. I just couldn't do it. Please let me know what you think because I left my comfort zone about eighty miles back.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Kurt wasn't the kind of guy that would rush into anything. He was analytical. He spent hours examining his intentions, every possible outcome and what could be gained or lost. He was the kind of guy that didn't end up in prison. He was the kind of guy that didn't end up head over heels in love with his cellmate. He was the kind of guy that would never even consider having multiple partner sex. He was the kind of guy that never even considered how fucking hot it would be to suck off a guy while his boyfriend watched. He wasn't that kind of guy. Except with every day that passed he was being forced to realize that maybe, just maybe, he was that kind of guy.

He thought that when he finally started a “relationship” he would be a bossy bottom. He would be head-bitch-in-charge. He would feel the need to challenge everything. But with Puck it feels different than he ever thought it would. It doesn't feel like a fight. It doesn't feel like he has anything to prove. It's a weird feeling for him. It frightens him. The easy way he fell into a more submissive role. The man that lives in him rebels against the idea of belonging to someone. He wants to rage against the feeling. But then he feels the solid press of Puck's body over his. He feels the gush of warmth every time he is folded into Puck's arms. He sees the look in Puck's eyes when Puck's inside of him. He see the look that he isn't supposed to see. It's the look that tells Kurt that he might belong to Puck but Puck belongs to him too. He thinks he can live with that version of submission.

After the fight, he tries to find the words to let Puck know that he's ready to be with Finn in that way. It takes him three days and forty-two failed attempts. The light gray ceiling gave him courage and he held his breath as he heard Puck shift on the bottom bunk.

“Noah? Are you awake?”

“Yeah, babe. What's up?”

“Finn talked to me about paying it forward. He said I wouldn't have to until I was ready.”

The silence stretches and Puck's stomach drops. “Yeah?”

“I'm ready,” Kurt whisper is almost inaudible. It kicks Puck in the gut and sends bile rushing into his throat.

“Okay. I'll set it up.”

Kurt falls asleep with a smile on his face. He wants to pay Finn back for everything he had done. He wants to live up to the promise he made Puck. He wants this in a way he can't really explain.

Puck doesn't really fall asleep at all that night. He knows that Finn is a decent guy. He knows that he'll treat Kurt right. He knows that he never should have hoped it wouldn't come to this. A deep part of him doesn't want to share Kurt with anyone. An even deeper part knows that it is inevitable. The heavy feeling in his stomach barely eclipses the throbbing in his dick. He knows this has to happen. A small part of him is kind of excited. The other part can't keep the grimace off his face.


Kurt still isn't entirely sure how Puck managed to find the empty room. It's slightly musty and the damp air clings to his skin. In the distance he can hear the shudder, clunk of the laundry room. Anxious, excitement settles into the pit of his stomach. Puck had led him into the room but it isn't until a noise breaks the silence that Kurt realizes they aren't alone.

He looks terrified eyes with Puck and Puck gives him a reassuring smile. Finn is leaning against the wall. The long lines of his body send a shiver through Kurt's body. The fabric of his pants is pulled tight over his half-hard cock and Kurt swallows heavily. His hands shake slightly at his side.

Finn pushes himself off the wall and walks over to the middle of the room where Kurt is standing. Kurt wrings his hands and freezes as Finn puts a comforting hand on his shoulder. He sends Kurt a soft smile and Kurt feels the tension in his back slacken. Finn takes Kurt by the wrist and leads him further into the room. He settles against the a low counter and reaches behind his back to drag his shirt over his head.

As each inch of the wide expanse of his torso is revealed, Kurt can't help but notice all the fading bruises that paint Finn's skin. Kurt leans forward and presses soft kisses to the edge of each one. A silent thank you laced with every drag of skin on skin. He reaches the jagged scratch on his collarbone before he looks to Puck. He is close. Just off to the side. Coiled like he's ready to jump to Kurt's rescue the moment he's needed. He gives Kurt a nod and his eyes darken as Kurt presses a kiss to the bruise just under Finn's eye. He lingers for a moment before he presses an even softer kiss to Finn's chin. Just under the cut marring his bottom lip but not close enough to be a real kiss. Finn's gasp echos through the room. Kurt presses his lips into a thin line before locking eyes with Finn.

“Thank you.” The words are fierce in a way that makes Finn's head swim.

Kurt sinks to his knees. His hands are tentative on Finn's waistband and they both look to Puck before they take it any further. Puck pauses slightly. Almost like he's ready to pull Kurt away. Like this is dancing right on the edge of too much. His eyes slide shut the moment he nods.

Finn's hiss sends fire running through Puck's veins. Kurt had pulled his pants down the the middle of his thighs. His thick cock standing against his belly and mere inches from Kurt's chin. Kurt raises himself slightly and runs his tongue through the thick drops of precum that cling to Finn's dick.

He kept his licks light. Teasing Finn until he could see tremors start in Finn's thighs. He pulled the head of Finn's dick into his mouth. The sensation was different than Puck. He was a little bit smaller so it was easier to accommodate his girth. The taste was interesting. Tangier, more pungent that Puck's. After a few shallow thrusts Finn took control and started thrusting. Each thrust stuttered and Kurt surrendered to the rhythm that Finn set. His cock stayed half-hard in his pants. Each thrust brought Kurt further back on his heels. Soon Finn was pumping quickly into his mouth. Kurt opened his eyes. He saw the blush that covered Finn's neck and chest. His furrowed brow made Kurt brace himself. He could see that Finn was desperate to keep control but that his grasp was loosening. Kurt turned his eyes to Puck. His darkened gaze sent Kurt's blood racing. When he saw Puck palming himself through his pants, his erection went from half-mast to painful in seconds.

Finn's hips jerked suddenly and he gave three rough thrusts before he pulled out of Kurt's mouth. He turned away and hunched over the counter top. His elbow bumped into the formica furiously and from his spot on the ground Kurt could see the moment that Finn tensed, shooting his load. As he watched as the come slid down the cabinet, he was confused about why Finn didn't finish in his mouth. Finn tucked himself back in his pants. He laid a soft pat on Kurt's shoulder and gave Puck an awkward nod. The lock clicked behind him.

Kurt was still kneeling on the floor and Puck was still palming himself though the thin fabric of his pants. Puck's harsh breath almost overtook the rattle of the dryers in the next room. Puck leans down to pull Kurt into a kiss. He grimaces as he tastes Finn in Kurt's mouth. His hand fists Kurt's hair while his other pulls his hard cock out of his pants. His precum paints Kurt's cheek and Kurt turns his head to try and catch Puck before he pulls away.

The move pulls the head of Puck's dick into Kurt's mouth. Puck pulls Kurt's mouth open until he can rest the head of his dick on Kurt's bottom lip. They stay like that for a long time. Puck's fingers tightening with every second that passes and Kurt's excited harsh breath brushing Puck's sensitive head. Puck's fingers become just this side of painful before he finally plunges into Kurt's mouth. Kurt fights his gag reflex and clenches his toes to stave off his orgasm. Puck thrusts roughly into the warm heat. His precum coats Kurt's mouth and Puck can start to feel release scream at him. He pulls out. Leaving Kurt breathless and gasping. He leans down for a claiming kiss, tasting himself in Kurt's mouth. He's smirking as he pulls back.

“There. That's better.” Puck's voice sends a sharp thrill through Kurt.

Puck pulls him up. Staring at his face. Looking for any signs of distress. Kurt's eyes are blown. Blackened to the point that makes him realize just how much Kurt loves to be used like this. Something even more primal than the need to claim Kurt filled Puck's belly and he locked Kurt's wrists behind his back in one of his large hands.

The walk back to the cell is too long for Puck's taste. He flattens Kurt against the wall twice on their journey. Claiming kisses and his knee pushed harshly against Kurt's confined cock. Kurt's wrists quiver in Puck's hand by the time they make it back.

Puck slides against the wall and motions for Kurt to move to the wall opposite of him. Kurt leans against the wall. His chest rising rapidly. The four foot space between the wall that the bed frame hides Kurt from view. Puck watches the growing wet stop on the front of Kurt's pants.

“I want to see you.” Puck's voice is lust-roughened.

Kurt furrows his brown in confusion before he realize what Puck means. The slow slide of cotton against his sensitive skin ignites a fire in Kurt. They've fucked before. They've slept beside each other naked before. They'd mapped the lines and shadows of each others body in the dim light before. But it was never like this. Never so charge. So real. So intimate. Standing this exposed in front of Puck has never made him feel more powerful. His length hangs heavy in front of him and his fingers scratch at the outside of his thighs as he fights the urge to stroke himself. Puck seems to sense his distress.

“Do it. C'mon, baby. Work your cock for me.”

Kurt blushes as his hand grips the base of his dick. He whimpers as his fingers graze the underside his cock. He hisses on each down stroke. Pleasure shoots up his spine and Kurt can feel Puck's eyes heavy on his skin. He's too shy to look him in the eye. He knows how much he would be able to say with one look.

Soon he loses himself in the rhythm. His hips jut forward with every stroke and his fingers are slick with the promise of his release. His left hand raises to run his fingers through his hair. He pulls lightly on the tiny hairs at the base of his neck before rest his hand against his flushed skin. His heartbeat plays heavy against his palm and his breath comes in harsh pants. He knows he's almost there. He can feel it in his toes.

All of a sudden he felt his hand being pulled away from his neck. He opens his eyes to see Puck inches from him. Heat radiating between them. His mouth attacked Kurt's neck. Sucking the tender skin harshly. It hits Kurt like a shot. The realization of what pushed Puck into action. Without realizing it, Kurt had covered the mark Puck had given him. From his angle, Puck couldn't see just how deeply Kurt belonged to him.

Puck was frantic. He pulled Kurt against his naked body, kissing him deeply before he turned Kurt to face the edge of the bed. His hands trailed Kurt's torso as he pulled Kurt's hands up to grip the metal edge of the top bunk. He places pressure against Kurt's wrists for the briefest of moment. But it's long enough that Kurt knows not to move.

Puck's hot mouth sucks Kurt's skin in. A punishing suction makes Kurt's toes curl. He can practically see the trails of marks that must litter his skin. Puck is sucking a deep mark into the curve of one of his ribs when he snakes a strong arm around his stomach. He pulls Kurt up until his feet rest on the frame of the bottom bunk. As Kurt's toes fight for purchase on the metal, he is struck by the thought that this is the same metal that holds Puck up while he's drawing. The same metal that warms under Puck's bare back. The thought distracted him enough that he didn't notice was Puck was doing until his chin grazed the cleft of his ass. The light stubble was rough against his sensitive skin and he pulled hip bottom lip into his mouth. Puck's teeth dug lightly into both of his ass cheeks before his wide hands pulled them apart.

Kurt gasped as his body shook at the force of being this exposed. His hands tightened around the bed frame as Puck advanced towards him. His hot breath skated along his puckered hole for just moment before an even hotter tongue breached him. The sensation was different in a way he really couldn't describe. The heat of it licked fire up to rest in his belly. His back bowed as he felt Puck devour him. He gulped for air as the feels intensified. Tears prickled at the corner of his eyes as his body neared overload.

When Puck pulled away, he was gasping. His rough breath hit the tender marks he'd left on Kurt's skin. He pulled on Kurt's hip. Bringing the wet tip of his dick to Kurt's grasping entrance. He pulled him down enough that he was suspended over Puck's cock. Puck left gravity do the rest as he teasingly eased himself into Kurt's tight hole. Kurt's thighs began to shake as he tried to force himself down onto Puck's cock. From the angle he could only get about three inches into Kurt. It was nice but it wasn't even close to enough.

He splayed Kurt's legs as his wide palms rested on the inside of Kurt's thighs. The tip of his cock grazed Kurt's prostate and he bucked back into Puck. He used the movement to pull Kurt's legs outward. His palms were just above the curve of Kurt's knees. He held Kurt wide open. His legs spread almost like a frog. The force pulled Kurt off of the bed frame until the only thing that held him was Puck and the tight grip his hands held on the metal railing.

Puck's pelvis collided with Kurt's ass in a vicious thrust that made Kurt cry out. His legs tensed in Puck's hands. Puck kept his thrusts deep. Each movement taking Kurt to a place that made his blood scream. His heart beat wildly in his chest. His moans and violent gasps propelled Puck forward.

A hard thrust scrambled Kurt's brain and his hands flew behind him to grasp at Puck's shoulder. He was complete suspended by Puck's strong body and his head swims. His vision blurs as his pleasure rockets through him.

The minute Puck's lips find the claiming mark, Kurt breaks. His world draws down to the pinpoint focus. To the thick rush of pleasure, of being claimed, of his nerves and tendons firing lust and love through his skin.

He seizes without his cock being touched. He sprays thick spurts onto the bottom bunk. He thinks that he might have blacked out when he feels Puck thrust into his hyper-sensitive ass a few more time before his teeth bite into his neck and his hot release bathes Kurt inside.

On shaky legs they pull themselves up to Kurt's bunk. Kurt can feel Puck's come leaking out of him but he can't be bothered to clean up. They wrap around each other tightly. Their breath mixing like music. Puck's voice surprised him.

“It's weird. Watching you with him. I loved it and hated it all at one. It was so fuckin' hot but all I wanted to do was fuck you. To make him see who you belonged to. I don't know if I can just stand back like that again. I barely made it this time.”

Kurt is quiet for a long time.

“Well, maybe next time, we don't wait until it's over for you to claim me. Maybe you can take me while he's in my mouth.” Kurt's voice is shy in a way the betrays how much he wants that.

Puck's cock gives a twitch at the idea. He nods into Kurt's neck and waits until Kurt is asleep before he jumps off the bunk to grab his sketchbook. As he draws Kurt's eyelashes fanned out against his reddened cheeks, he wonders how he ever got so fuckin' lucky.


slash, puck/kurt, fan fiction, glee

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