I'm stuck at the computer until my keitai finishes charging - not sure why that last 1% takes so long, but whatever - so I'm gonna type up some of my 漢字学 homework. Because why not? Kanji is fun. Also, I'm supposed to have the first half of these memorized by Wednesday (and the second half by Friday), so maybe this will help.
there is a long list of kanji under here )
Comments 3
Good luck with those. :)
(I also knew uchiwa and yukata. :D And a good portion of the words, just not the kanji.)
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団扇 - うちわ
西瓜 - スイカ
茄子 - なすび
南瓜 - かぼちゃ
Concerts and food. That's where I learn my difficult kanji. The easy kanji all comes from karaoke.
There were also a few that I managed to work out just by looking at the parts and guessing -
煎餅 - せんべい
野分 - のわき
山羊 - ヤギ
Which makes me feel like I might actually be learning something after all.
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