Numb3rs Fic: Wilderness Bound Part 3

Oct 05, 2008 20:32

Written for numb3rsficathon Challenge - Ben Ellis, Albuquerque, Television
Crossposted to numb3rs_slash

Title: Wilderness Bound
Pairing/Characters: Ian/Colby, David/OMC, Don/Robin, Charlie/Amita, Megan, Alan, William Bradford, OCs
Rating: R
Spoilers: Seasons 1-4
Summary: Ian and Colby partner up for a mountain man hunt with dire consequences
Notes/Warnings: Read the disclaimer on my LJ

The twins joined them for movie night in the cabin, a fairly regular tradition according to Ian. Eric popped popcorn as Erin got both Colby and Ian propped up on pillows on the big bed in front of the wall mounted television. They had a mini cooler on the bed between them with bottles of home brewed root beer since Ian wasn't allowed to mix his medicine with alcohol.

Each twin sat cross-legged on a bottom corner of the bed, sharing a big bowl of popcorn between them.

It felt comfortable, not awkward, and Colby all but forgot his confusion over the issue of Ian's sexuality in watching the movie.

Erin nitpicked the medical scenes and Eric pointed out the birds in the movie, in the background for everyone but him. Ian and Colby made fun of the incorrect police procedure, laughing over it heartily.

When the movie was over the twins cleaned up and Ian shooed Erin out when she pointed to the bed to ask if he was ready to settle down for the night.

Once the door was closed behind them, Ian let out a long sigh. "I miss this bed. The cabin looks strange viewing it from the other side of the room."

"You can have it back anytime," Colby said.

"No, it's too low to the ground, too hard to get up off of, and I really do feel better with the adjustable." He sat up slowly, giving himself time to adjust before rising.

"Ian?" Colby stopped him with a word.


Panicking, he stammered, coming up with something on the fly. "Thanks for letting me come. I'm really having a good time."

"So you keep saying," Ian tossed back. "If you thank us any more I may have to toss you out for being too polite for us Edgertons!"

Colby chuckled despite his nerves. "Hey, what can I say? My mom would be mortified if she thought I wasn't being properly appreciative to my hosts."

"I tell you what," Ian leaned closer, whispering conspiratorially. "You relax and quit with the thanking and I swear when I meet your mom I'll make sure to tell her you were a good boy." He broke out in laughter, unable to contain himself any longer. "The long arm of the mom extends into New Mexico from Idaho!" he taunted. Ian patted Colby on the shoulder affectionately. "You just keep being you, Colby. Always entertaining..."

As he started to rise, Colby finally blurted out what he'd meant to say.

"I never gave you an answer."

Ian looked confused. "An answer. To what?"

"You asked me, in the aviary, if I'd be freaked out if a guy came on to me. And the answer is no. I wouldn't be freaked out if a guy came on to me."

Ian nodded, a little smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Good to know."


The weekend was family time so the days and nights were filled with activities at the main house: large scale cooking, which Colby got roped into chopping vegetables for; a two on two soccer game, which Ian refereed and Erin and Curt won; assembly line cookie baking for a charity event after church on Sunday; then finally a lengthy dinner, which Abby drove in from El Paso for.

Abby looked more like her mother than the twins, with lighter brown hair and a mess of freckles where the twins just had a smattering. She also had Ian's quiet intensity, nowhere near as talkative as her kin. She did get in a few choice jibes so she clearly had the Edgerton sense of humor, just more under wraps.

"So, is Uncle Ian really the third best shot out there?" she asked. "Or is he just bragging?"

Ian threw a roll at her, which she handily caught, giving him a playful glare in return.

"He was fourth best before, but this last shot he pulled off? In my book he deserves to be at least third for that - maybe higher."

"What could make it so difficult that one single shot could move a person up in the rankings?" she asked doubtfully.

"Well, I can't reveal the details of the case, however..." He glanced at Ian who gave him a subtle nod of approval. "I can tell you the shot had to be spot on accurate else a hostage would have died. And I can tell you a vehicle with dark tinted windows was involved."

Abby's eyebrows went up, impressed. "Cool..."

With the additional audience, Colby was urged to recount some of his better stories and tell new ones as well. As he launched into one Curt had requested, Erin got up from the table and wordlessly helped Ian up and out back.

"He just needs to rest," Angie said quietly when Colby faltered. "He'll be fine."

By the time Erin returned Colby was finishing up the tale so he used her entrance as his exit.

"I'm pretty beat," he apologized. "Thank you for a great dinner. Pleasure to meet you, Abby."

"Likewise," she said, smiling. "Hope you're still around when I come back in two weeks."

Colby stammered, uncertain. "We'll see."


The walk to the cabin wasn't long, but Colby spent it deep in thought, taking his time. He hadn't set a date to leave and Ian hadn't specified a duration for his visit. At some point he had to go back to LA to get his cast off, but he'd be lying to himself if he said he was looking forward to going home.

Being with Ian reminded him of what David had said about Mark: sometimes just spending time with someone is good. He felt comfortable with Ian... Happy.

He just needed to figure out if what was going on between them was really just friendship or something more.

And if it was more, was it one sided?

He opened the cabin door and was greeted with the sound of a gun cocking.

"I guess I forgot to ring the bell," Colby said, freezing in place. "Sorry?"

He heard the gun being reset. "You're good. Come on in."

"I wasn't thinking," Colby said apologetically once he got indoors and moved to Ian's bedside.

"It's okay. To be fair, I never asked you to. It's just that we've been kind of joined at the hip since you got here so it's rare for you to be far enough away that I don't know for sure when you're coming or going."

"You feeling okay?" Colby asked, moving closer, concern in his voice.

"Just achy," Ian replied, shifting over on the bed and gesturing for Colby to sit on the edge, which he did. "I can only sit for so long so I usually can't make it through an entire Sunday marathon dinner."

"Anything I can do?" Colby offered.

"Keep me company until the drugs kick in?" Ian raised the head of the bed so he was closer to eye level with Colby. "It takes a while for the pain meds and the sleeping pill to take effect, but it should be soon."

"Sure, no problem."

Ian fell silent for a moment before he spoke again. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Are you uncomfortable here? Around me?"

"No," Colby said. "I'm good."

"Really? Because sometimes you seem like you're having a great time and others?" Ian paused, shaking his head. "You look like you want to bolt."

Colby looked away, embarrassed. "That's not you, it's me. I'm just... I'm just weird like that."

Ian waited until Colby recovered enough to look his way again.

"Is it that you're uncomfortable with my interest in you?"

Colby started at Ian's frankness. "What?"

"You seem uncomfortable," Ian repeated. "Every time I drop a hint you get this deer in the headlights look - the same one on your face right now."

Colby turned red so fast his face burned.

"Although normally with less of a blush, which is kind of adorable by the way. It suits you," Ian teased.

"Are you serious?" Colby blurted out. "You're interested in me? Like that?"

Ian frowned. "Did you not tell me a few days ago you wouldn't be freaked out? Because so far you're doing a really good impression of someone who's freaked out."

"No! I mean, yes. I mean... I don't know what I mean."

"Well, since you're pretty close to monosyllabic, let's distill this down to basic yes/no questions," Ian said patiently with a tinge of amusement. "Are you okay with me being bi?"

"Yes," Colby managed, trying to calm himself.

"Are you either bi or gay or at least interested in men at all?"


"See, not so hard," Ian soothed. "Keep it up. Next question... Did you not figure out before now that I was interested in you?"

"I wasn't even sure you were into men at all!" Colby exclaimed.

"So I'll take that as a no," Ian said. "Are you okay with me being interested in you?"

Colby took a breath, steadying himself. "Yes, definitely yes."

"So does that mean..." Ian sat up a little and ran his hand up Colby's arm. "...that you're interested in me as well?"

Colby could feel an almost magnetic pull acting on him as Ian moved closer. He wanted, so much, so badly, that it was almost painful to keep that remaining bit of distance between them. Joined at the hip, Ian had said, but Colby's eyes went to Ian's lips, barely able to restrain himself and his overwhelming craving for them to finally come together for real.

"Yes," he answered breathlessly.

"Good," Ian said, a smug grin playing at his lips. "Glad we cleared that up."

His hand skimmed over Colby's shoulder and came to rest behind his neck, tugging Colby down to where he could reach him.

A flare of heat flashed through Colby's body when Ian's hand touched his bare skin and Ian's warm exhalation hovering a scant inch from his mouth made him heady, dizzy with anticipation.

"Last chance to retreat, soldier," Ian whispered.

A split second passed and they both closed the gap at once, mouths crashing together as long denied desire sparked between them. Colby's head swam as he reveled in Ian kissing him, kissing him, tasting like everything familiar and good and all that was new and exciting all at once. His hand found Ian's bicep and he clutched it, needing to be grounded lest his head spin away into the clouds.

When Ian finally let him come up for air, he kept his hand in place, needing stability as his head reeled in giddy delight.

"There," Ian said, relaxing back against his pillows. "I think I've made my intentions clear..."


Ian dropped off to sleep soon afterwards, but Colby stayed with him, watching him sleep in the dim light, marveling at what had just happened between them - almost questioning the reality of it.

Ian asleep meant Colby was free to study his face, to learn every line in his tanned skin, the curve of his lips, the angle of his jaw. The gray hairs, although sparse, congregated in his sideburns and at his temples with a few strands sneaking through the waves on top of his head.

Colby knew Ian was older, maybe early forties, but something about that felt right to him. He felt safe with Ian's power and experience. He knew Ian wasn't flighty or indecisive. His strength was part of what Colby had been drawn to. In a world he couldn't trust, Ian was solid. Unshakeable.

Reluctantly he withdrew, needing to get some rest, but he couldn't bring himself to put the screen in place. He left it pushed aside so he could see Ian from his bed.

For a long time after he got under the covers he couldn't seem to sleep, wired from the electricity of their kiss, amped for the possibility of what was to come.

In the dim light he could barely make out the rise and fall of Ian's chest as he slept. Matching his breaths to Ian's, he finally slowed down, felt sleep creep up to claim him.

As he began to drift off he replayed the kiss in his mind, cementing it against the doubts of daylight, promising himself he'd wake and it would be as real as Ian lying just a few steps away.

He opened his eyes one last time, imprinted a picture of Ian sleeping on his brain and turned out the light.

In his dreams they were in the mountains only this time they were both fit and whole and enjoying their hike.

Ian brought him to the top of a hill and kissed him there.

No fear, no falling, no pain.

Just beautiful trees, a gorgeous sunset and Ian's arms around him.


Colby woke late, having slept better than he had in weeks, and glanced over to Ian's bed to find it not only empty but also made, neat as a pin.

He blinked away the last of sleep from his eyes and reached for his crutches and a change of clothes.

After a quick trip to the bathroom, he headed out to the main house to find it quiet save Eric engrossed in a small mountain of veterinary medicine books on the dining room table, both Flag and Phoenix snoring contentedly under the table at his feet.

"Morning," he said in greeting. "Want some breakfast? Mom brought home cinnamon rolls from the bakery."

"Sure," Colby said, kind of absentminded. "I was actually wondering where Ian was."

"Doctor's appointment," Eric said, marking his place in his book before getting up to get Colby a cup of coffee and a gigantic cinnamon roll. "It's a pretty long drive so he and Dad left early. They probably won't be back until after lunch."


"It's just me home so let me know if you need anything."

"Thanks." Colby ate, mind elsewhere, and tried to bring his dishes to the kitchen sink only to have Eric jump up from his books to take them from him. "Thanks again," he mumbled, chastened and made his way back to the cabin.

Showering was an annoyance given his cast, but since he had hours before Ian returned he went ahead and took his time with it, taking care to keep his cast dry.

He'd gotten a voicemail about his appointment to have his cast taken off and it made him wonder what Ian had written on the back. As much as he twisted and turned, he couldn't quite see the back of the cast.

He finally put on a pair of shorts and a tank top and headed back to the house.

"Hey Eric!" When he looked up Colby suddenly felt bad for interrupting his studies again. "I need a favor that will just take a second. Can you tell me what's written on the back of my cast?"

"Sure, let me take a look." Colby stood next to his chair and turned around. "There are a few things on the back: signatures I can't really read, a few stick figures with guns, which are actually kind of funny..."

"There are some of those on the front too," Colby said. "I know who drew those. I think your uncle wrote in a line from the top of my thigh down to maybe my knee or so."

"Actually..." Eric twisted his head. "It's not writing. They look like flags."


"Yeah, they're all rectangles and they all have different colors and shapes in them. There's a line of them going right down the middle."

"Flags..." Colby pondered that for a moment. "Okay, thanks."

He wandered back to the cabin, trying to figure out what Ian might be up to.


When Erin got home from her morning classes she made lunch for him and Eric then came and sat on the cabin's patio with Colby as he played fetch with Ros and Tempe.

"So what's your price to spill on your uncle?" Colby asked, only partially joking.

"Depends on what your questions are," she taunted, winking at him. When Colby failed to continue, she prodded him a little. "He likes you, I can tell you that. He smiles a lot more when you're around; he's in a better mood."

"I tell you, compared to the Ian my coworkers know? This Ian is almost unrecognizable. He's got a reputation at the Bureau for being stern and intense and kind of scary actually."

"Ian's not scary. He's just focused when he's working," she scoffed.

The bell clanged at the front of the cabin and Colby perked up. "Who's there?"

The dogs came bounding back, leaving their balls behind, running right into the cabin at top speed.

"Ros! Tempe! Sit!" Ian's voice scolded them, but sounded pleased to see them. "Good girls!"

"Their lord and master," Erin quipped, rising.

"Hey..." Ian greeted her with a tired smile and then turned to Colby, putting a hand on his shoulder in greeting, filling Colby with warmth. "Sorry I forgot to tell you I had a doctor's appointment this morning. I hope I didn't wake you getting up that early."

"No, I was out cold. Slept like a rock."

"Good. Pleasant dreams I hope," he added with a sly grin.

"Do you want me to get you into bed for some rest?" Erin asked.

"Please. And my pills."

"Coming right up." She headed inside and Colby reached for his crutches to go in as well. "What did the doctor say?"

"That I'm recovering on schedule, but shouldn't push myself too hard."

"In other words, chill out on the long walks to the aviary every day?"

"No, in other words seducing hot young farm boys might be hazardous to my health."

Colby burst out in a rush of helpless laughter and even Ian busted up, barely able to complete the sentence with a straight face as it was.

Erin returned with water and pills. "What's so funny?" she asked.

"I'll tell you when you're older," Ian said, taking the pills and then the water.

"I'm nineteen! I'm an adult! Why do people still treat me like I'm..."

"A teenager?" Ian supplied.

"Watch it mister, or I'll put itching powder in your shorts."

"An empty threat," Ian scoffed. "You know I'm far too evil to get into a prank war with."

"Hey, no problem. Next time you get short sheeted I'll just make sure to plant evidence implicating my brother." She gave Ian a haughty smirk. "Being a twin has to come in handy for something."

Colby noticed Ian leaning more heavily than normal on his walker.

"You two can bicker later. I think we need to get Ian to bed."

Colby worried the whole trip across the floor as Ian was slower and clearly in more pain than normal.

Once Erin finally got him into bed he laid his head back against the pillow with an extended sigh.

"Erin, can you please call and cancel my PT for this afternoon? I'm not up for it today."

"Sure," she said quietly, patting him on the shoulder. "I'll take care of it and I'll have Eric feed the birds. You just rest."

She took her leave and Colby moved to sit on the edge of the bed, painfully aware that this was the same situation they'd been in last night.

"Sorry," Ian murmured. "Just, that car ride? It hurts to sit folded up like that for that many hours."

"You don't have to apologize to me," Colby said gently. "It just hurts me to see you hurting."

"Just need the meds to kick in and a little rest..."

Ian's eyes fluttered, but before they fell closed, he laid his hand on Colby's good leg on the bed. Colby put his hand over Ian's and sat, sentry to guard him against any interference.


Ian only napped briefly, but since he didn't feel well enough to get up and walk around Erin brought in a tray table and retrieved the box of cards and poker chips from the patio.

Colby bluffed brazenly and while he won big at first, Ian started seeing through him and calling his wild bluffs.

"You're letting me win," he scoffed, pulling in a pile of chips.

"Let's just say I experimented with a new strategy and it didn't work out," Colby capitulated.

"Experimentation is good though," Ian said slyly.

Colby let out a little chortle just as the door bell rang.

"Come in!"

Angie stepped in and came around to the other side of Ian's bed. "How are you doing?" she asked, her voice soft.

"I'll bounce back in a day or so," Ian assured her. "I'm just taking a day off thanks to the car ride."

"You should let us rent a big car for those trips," Angie scolded. "Not enough room for you to lie down in Curt's truck or in my little sedan. Anyway, that's a debate for another time when you're up for few rounds," she added with a smile. "For now I came to see how pizza sounds for dinner."

"That'd be fine," Ian told her. "In fact I was kind of in the mood for a movie night."

"Oh!" Angie said. "Should I see if the twins are free?"

"Actually..." Ian glanced at Colby for a split second then looked back to Angie. "I was just thinking a quiet night in."

Angie patted him on the arm. "That sounds nice. You just let us know when you need help moving over to the other bed so you can watch."

"I could try it," Colby offered. "As long as I'm standing on my good leg bending and lifting isn't that hard."

"We can try it," Ian said. "But for now, dinner here in the cabin would be good, whenever it's ready."

"All right," Angie said. Before she left, she gave Colby's arm a squeeze. "You take good care of him, you hear me?" she said with an encouraging tone.

Colby nodded, serious about his duty. "I will, I promise."


With a little awkwardness, Colby did manage to help Ian off of the adjustable bed. They both changed for the night early - Ian into his Texas A&M shorts and Colby into similar cut off drawstring sweat shorts. Colby kept his tank top on, but Ian emerged shirtless as he had before and Colby had trouble not staring.

Once Ian was ready Colby got him settled on the big bed in front of the television, propped up with pillows then got himself situated beside him.

Erin rang and brought in a tray of root beer, pizza and brownies, adjusting both their pillows, complaining that Colby didn't do it just right. He barely avoided a lecture on limb elevation and they were finally alone with dinner and a movie.

If they'd been out anywhere it would have been a real date, but Colby liked this: just the two of them watching, laughing, talking and sharing a simple meal.

At one point after the pizza was done and they were eating the brownies Ian stopped the DVD out of the blue and leaned over to kiss him.

Ian tasted of chocolate with hints of the spiciness of pepperoni behind it, but as he took his time exploring Colby's mouth, making him melt into the pillows with his intoxicating focus, Colby found the taste that was uniquely Ian underneath.

Something about the way Ian kissed - it made him feel possessed, owned, that there was someone between him and the harshness of the world, protecting him fiercely. It was both comforting and thrilling at once to be kissed like that.

"Been waiting to do that again," Ian rumbled when they finally separated. He flicked the DVD back on and they settled in contentedly to watch the rest of the movie.

When the credits rolled, Colby moved the tray off the bed and Ian shut off the DVD and television. He carefully rolled onto his good side so he was facing Colby.

Colby did the same, rolling so the heavy casted limb was on the bottom and he could lie facing Ian as well.

Ian reached out, grazing his fingers over Colby's bare arm, the light contact almost making him shiver.

"Still on board with this?" Ian asked, cautious.

"Overboard," Colby replied with a delighted grin.

"Good," Ian said. "I know there are..." His hand skated down to Colby's hip. "Limitations... For now at least," he amended. "So if you want to wait..."

Colby reached out and laid his hand lightly on Ian's hip, this thumb gently passing over the scarred region.

"I don't want to hurt you."

Ian leaned in, their breath mingling. "I'm not entirely broken, nor are you."

"Okay..." Colby acquiesced.

Ian's fingers slid up and ran into his shirt. "Off," he muttered.

Reluctantly Colby pulled away just long enough to tug off his tank top and toss it away.

Ian murmured appreciatively.

"What?" Colby asked.

"Just you..." Ian's fingertips explored the expanse of his chest and for the first time Colby was struck by the fact that Ian wasn't bigger than he was. Ian might be taller, but side by side Colby was broader in the chest, while Ian was a little more cut: wiry and sinewy.

Ian leaned in so his lips grazed over Colby's neck.

"I admit," he said into Colby's heated skin as his hand skimmed across Colby's pecs and slid down his abs. "My motivations for inviting you here weren't entirely altruistic."

Colby moved his hand up to rest against Ian's muscled back.

"I'm pretty sure my intentions weren't completely innocent in accepting the invitation."

As Ian's hand roamed, his caresses grew bolder, more familiar and Colby arched into his touch until he impatiently pulled Ian back up to kiss him again.

No longer tentative in any way, they matched each other in spirit - tongues darting, seeking, as their mouths met hungrily.

Ian's hand slipped inside the back of Colby's shorts, grasping his ass and tugging him closer. Colby shifted, moving in further and Ian's hand returned to exploring his bare skin before moving to his waistband.

A wave of arousal swept over Colby at the sensation of Ian undoing the drawstring on his shorts. He tensed, waiting, and was rewarded as Ian's skilled fingers slipped inside and took hold of him, stroking him expertly.

Colby gasped into Ian's mouth, stiffening at the sudden stimulation. His fingers dug into Ian's arm, both encouraging him and steadying himself.

Between Ian kissing him and stroking him he was overwhelmed with sensation, talented fingers driving him to the brink so fast his heart felt like it might beat out of his chest.

It felt like Ian could read his body perfectly: what he liked, what he needed, when he needed it.

And then he was spiking, shuddering, shaking under Ian's control as his completion was wrenched out of him with a wild shout.

Ian petted him as he came down, quivering. His mouth ghosted over Colby's cheek as he let him draw in gulps of air, whispering wordless encouragements.

Impatient, Colby reached down and fumbled with the drawstring on Ian's shorts, loosening them. He forced himself to slow down and reached inside, wrapping his hand around the thickness he found there, setting a slow pace to start.

"Let me know if I hurt you," Colby murmured, kissing his way down Ian's neck.

"Really not worried about that right now," Ian tossed out despite how heavily he was breathing.

Colby focused on his task, paying attention to Ian's body, letting his lips taste tawny skin as Ian surged up into his hand, wanting - demanding - more.

Speeding up at Ian's urging, he gave him everything he had: squeeze, twist, pull... He lowered his head, flicking his tongue over Ian's chest only to feel fingers dig into his back as Ian stiffened, exploding hot into his fist.

They both lay back, exhausted and entwined, pleasantly sated.

"Do you have to go back to your bed?" Colby asked, voice drawling with the beginnings of sleep.

Ian pressed a lazy kiss to Colby's forehead.

"I'm staying right here with you."


Colby woke on his back, staring up at the ceiling, the rosy hues of dawn peeking in through the windows.

Ian slept beside him, one hand outstretched to rest on Colby's stomach: claiming him even in sleep.

He laid his hand over Ian's, closed his eyes and fell back asleep with a smile on his face.

When he woke next it was to the feel of Ian starting to slip out of bed.

"Go back to sleep," Ian whispered.

Contented, he did and when he woke again it was to the siren call of fresh coffee.

He rolled over when the bed dipped down and saw Ian sit next to a tray table with two cups of coffee and a plate of bran muffins.

Chuckling, he ran his hand over Ian's bare back in languid greeting. "Breakfast of champions?"

"Hey, Angie makes killer muffins."

"Angie makes great food, Curt's a good cook, even Erin and Eric are pretty handy in the kitchen," Colby said, sitting up. "Does that mean you're a good cook too?"

"You're not that lucky, soldier," Ian scoffed, handing him a muffin.

"Aren't you worried I'll get crumbs in the bed?" Colby asked.

"Don't worry, I won't kick you out of bed for getting crumbs in the sheets." Ian took a sip of coffee then kissed him: dark and intense with a lick of cream. "Besides," he murmured as he withdrew, "I fully intend on messing up these sheets a bit more before I'm done with you."

Colby tugged Ian back down for a second, deeper, kiss.

"I'm totally on board with that plan."


Ian canceled his physical therapy for a second day, but with his meds he was finally recovered from the car ride by the late afternoon, enough that they went into the house for lunch even though the family was conspicuously absent.

Angie had left them sandwiches on plates in the refrigerator and Colby was able to carry them out one at a time and then a couple of bottles of root beer to go with them.

Flag and Phoenix looked longingly from the hearth so Ian called to them and they settled around his feet, curling up together in such a way that he couldn't leave until they let him.

As Ian pushed aside his plate, Colby asked hesitantly, "Is it okay if I ask you a personal question?"

"You have to ask?" Ian arched an eyebrow at him.

"Wrath of mom at not being polite," Colby reminded him, drinking the last of his root beer.

"Go ahead," Ian said graciously.

"I know you probably don't want to talk about it, but you said you and Curt had a sister - emphasis on had." Colby's voice softened as he leaned closer. "What happened to her?"

"Wrong place, wrong time," Ian said, shaking his head sadly. "Total random violence. She's just walking along living her life one moment and the next she's dead. The newspapers were full of all that 'young woman cut down in the prime of life' stuff. We were supposed to be glad she didn't feel any pain, never saw it coming." Ian paused for a moment, breathing. "Stray bullet they called it..." He looked up at Colby. "I shoot guns for a living. There are no such things as stray bullets, just people who don't care what they hit."

Colby offered his hand and Ian clenched it tightly, letting the rage bubble up and run its course before he calmed again.

"I won't ask you about it again," Colby promised.

"Her name was Ruth." He took a deep breath and let it out. "And now you know something about me that none of your friends at the Bureau do."

"It means a lot to me that you told me," Colby said. "And I suppose, to be fair? I should tell you about my dad."

"You don't have to," Ian said kindly.

Colby's hand squeezed Ian's for strength.

"I want to."


The family filtered in as evening fell and if any of them guessed things had changed between Colby and Ian, none of them let on.

Curt made steak and baked potatoes and they all filled up so much they had to delay dessert to allow for recovery.

The table was cleared away for a real poker match and Curt proved to be a formidable talent. More than once Colby caught the twins exchanging meaningful glances, perhaps negotiating strategy based on the strength of their hands, but mostly they folded, not risking losing to their father's superior hands.

After a while Curt sat out to go prep dessert and the twins started bluffing, possibly counting on Colby's inability to read them. They caught him more than once, pretending to bluff while still having the goods when it came time to call, but the game was lively and fun and the chips weren't real so no one minded.

Curt brought out apple pie with Angie's homemade vanilla bean ice cream, serving coffee for the adults and milk for the twins.

By the time Colby and Ian made it back to the cabin they arranged themselves groaning on the bed and just lay there together, drowsy with good food and relaxed with good company.

When Erin rang to bring Ian his evening meds Ian called out to her to come in, not trying to hide the fact that they were on the bed together.

Erin just scoffed about the lack of pillows and elevation, gave Ian his meds and wished them goodnight.

They eventually got ready for bed, no discussion about where Ian would sleep, and Colby showed his appreciation by making sure Ian was sent off to slumber with a smile on his face.

In return, Ian made sure Colby woke up the next morning the same way.


They fell easily into a routine, Colby feeling more a part of the family - a part of Ian's life - with each passing day.

The phone calls from his doctor became more insistent and even though Bradford had been pleased to hear about him going to visit Ian even he was having his assistant call to remind him he still had sessions left to complete before he could go back to work.

Ian had been improving rapidly, each walk to the aviary going easier than the one before it. He leaned less on the walker and tired less quickly. Neither of them was ready for actual sex, but that didn't keep them from spending long hours in bed together.

In the end, it was Ian who told him to go. He understood that the cast had to come off and Colby had to work hard at the physical therapy to regain the full use of his body. It was with deep regret that Colby agreed and finally booked a plane ticket home. He was determined to be whole and healthy again as encouragement to Ian to work hard to do the same. He hadn't believed before that Ian could ever be himself again, but his tenacity was inspiring: he didn't accept defeat. He fought back.

Ian asked Curt to drive him and Colby up to the base of the mountains, the ones Colby had enjoyed looking at from afar from the cabin's patio.

Curt borrowed Angie's car rather then squish them into the truck, dropped them off and said he'd be within yelling distance if they needed him.

Once he was out of sight, Ian took Colby to the edge of the clearing where the view was unobstructed and pointed up to the gorgeous mountains above them.

"You're going to go fix that leg of yours so we can hike up there. It's beautiful there... Peaceful... I want to show it to you."

"Do you really think you're going to be able to handle a hike like that again?" Colby asked, doubting.

Ian squeezed his hand tightly, showing his strength.

"Count on it."


After much debate and negotiation, the twins won out in their bid to take Colby to the airport despite their mother's worry that they'd only been there twice before and never on their own.

She handed over the keys to the sedan reluctantly and the twins flipped for who would drive there versus back. Erin won the toss and was insufferable in her victory for a good ten minutes.

Ian was quiet throughout the preparations and packing and Colby felt sadness creeping in, robbing him of the enjoyment of his last day.

They finally got some time alone in the cabin to say their goodbyes, but Ian wouldn't hear of it.

"We'll talk when you get home," he reminded Colby. "And the day after that and so on. It's not like you're going off to war."

"Just physical therapy," Colby tried to joke, "which is not that different after seeing what your PT does to you."

Ian huffed. "I admit I'm tempted to go out back with my favorite rifle and a picture of her and obliterate it from a hundred yards, but she's getting me back to walking so in the end..."

"I know," Colby finished for him, "it's worth it." He moved in close and let Ian encircle his waist with his arms, relishing the comfort and warmth there while he still could. "I'm glad you talked me into coming here."

"I'm glad you came," Ian said, pressing a kiss to his temple. "But you've got work to do and so have I. This cabin's not going anywhere. It will always be a haven for you, here when you need it."

"I think I needed it," Colby admitted, wrapping his arms around Ian in return. "I think I needed you."

"Always here," Ian emphasized. "Remember that." He tipped Colby's chin up and kissed him, driving thought, worry and sadness from his mind for a brief moment of bliss.

And then it was time to leave for the airport.


David picked him up at LAX, bursting with stories to tell about all the time he'd spent with Mark since Colby left.

Interspersed with updates on the team and the latest office politics, David kept coming back to Mark - what he thought, things he said, jokes he'd made. It was pretty clear David was besotted and loving every minute of it.

"Don's been bitching about your replacement - your temporary replacement," David was quick to correct himself. "Ramirez. He's older and kind of slow so Don keeps making remarks about how much faster you ran, wondering if he dangles a muffin in front of the guy if he'll go faster."

Colby smiled, his thoughts going to his carry on bag in the back seat, stuffed at the last minute with fresh muffins from Angie including Ian's favorite: bran.

"If you want I can do a grocery shop for you," David said. "You're going to need food and even after you get the cast off you're not going to be back up to full speed."

"That'd be great, thanks," Colby said. "I at least made sure the fridge was empty of anything that might turn scary while I was gone."

"Whatever you need, just give me a call," David said. "And yes I fully intend on dragging your ass out of your apartment on a regular basis so you just work that into your physical therapy, you hear me?" He gave Colby a friendly nudge and Colby was glad to have his friend back and joshing around like normal.

"I look forward to the torture," Colby deadpanned. "Although if you beat me up too much I'm going to get Mark on my side."

David laughed as he pulled off the freeway near Colby's apartment.

"So what did you and Ian do for the last few weeks?"

Colby looked out the window as the jam-packed streets of Los Angeles faded away in his mind, replaced by the wide-open spaces of New Mexico.

"We spent time together."


The day he got home Ian called.

And the day after.

Then Colby got his cast off.

Finally able to see the flags, he looked them up online and found out they were nautical signal flags, laughing at the obvious - yet slightly disjointed - message they created when he translated them in order:

F (Foxtrot) - "I am disabled, communicate with me."
U (Uniform) - "You are running into danger."
K (Kilo) - "You should stop. I have something important to communicate."
R (Romeo) - "The way is off my ship. You may feel your way past me."
X (X-Ray) - "Stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals."

He picked up the phone and dialed, not even waiting for Ian to say hello.

"Foxtrot, Uniform, Kilo, Romeo, X-Ray." He chuckled and heard Ian do the same on the other end.

"You got your cast off?"

"Yeah and I finally got to see your flags. That was quite the message."

"What it means or what it spells?" Ian joked.

Colby went back, looked at just the letters and laughed out loud.

"Very funny."

"Hey, Charlie's not the only one who can communicate in code," Ian said smugly.

"I love it," Colby said, aching inside missing Ian. The sound of his voice was a tonic to him, but not the same thing as being there.

"You have your first PT appointment set?"


"I tell you what, get a picture of whoever you end up assigned to and when you're finally reaching homicidal levels we'll go shoot it up on the range."

"You'd come out?" Colby said, surprised.

"What? You thought I was tied ball and chain to the ranch?" Ian joshed. After a second he spoke again, his voice softer, more understanding. "Of course I'm going to come out and see you. This isn't some kind of vacation fling. You understand that, right?"

Colby swallowed hard, overcome.


"Good. There's hope for you yet, soldier," he said affectionately. "Now just give me some time to recover enough for a flight and I'll come, okay? And Colby?"


"Work hard on the PT. I want you in top form when I get to see you in person next."

Colby's heart rate spiked at the low rumble in Ian's voice.

"Yes, sir."


"So..." Back in Bradford's office, Colby tried not to blush under William's scrutinizing eye. "How did your visit with Agent Edgerton go?"

"Great." William just kept looking at him, waiting. "You're going to make me tell you all about it, aren't you?"

"Agent Granger, I can't make you tell me anything, but if my years of experience have taught me anything it's that most people have something they're dying to talk about only they don't have anyone to tell - that they trust, that is." He splayed out his hands, referring to himself. "I'm bound by confidentiality not to expose your secrets."

"Unless they affect my work," Colby said, reaching for a glass of water.

"I'm pretty sure what you and Agent Edgerton choose to do in the privacy of your own homes is not a matter of national security," William drawled, mocking boredom.

Colby choked on the sip of water he was taking.

"Is everybody going to know before I tell them?" he coughed out.

"Only those of us who are particularly perceptive or those who know you well."

"Great," Colby muttered. "That makes everyone I work with."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"I'm not out," Colby said carefully.

"Maybe not officially, but now that David's unofficially involved with a man, why not you?"

"It's not a decision you take lightly, especially in law enforcement," Colby said.

"I'm not saying you make the decision lightly," William stressed. "I'm just saying make it."


"Javier, you are the devil incarnate."

"Sticks and stones, Agent Granger. Now give me ten more reps."

Colby groaned and let the weight machine clang down as he stopped exercising.

"I can kill you with my bare hands," he growled.

His physical therapist grinned wickedly and stood his ground. "I can hold up your reinstatement paperwork."

"Bastard," Colby grumbled and started on another set of reps, grimacing each time he extended his left leg again.

"Hate me all you want, when you're running for cover in a firefight you'll thank me for you not getting shot because your ass is too damn slow."

"I don't think the speed of my ass will be what saves my life."

Javier laughed. "No, but these workouts will give you buns of steel."

"I've already got a great ass," Colby joked.

"So I've noticed," Javier teased.

Colby's cell phone rang and he stopped his workout, jumping at the excuse.


"Hey, soldier."

Ian's voice sent a flood of warmth through him.


"No phone calls!" Javier pouted.

"You in PT?" Ian asked.

"Yeah," Colby drawled. "Apparently Javier has designs on my ass."

Ian laughed. "Tell him you're taken. And if that doesn't work drop the fact that I'm the third best shot in the country."

Colby moved the phone away for a second. "Javier, my boyfriend is threatening to kick your ass if you make a move on me."

"He doesn't scare me," Javier said with a dismissive hand wave.

"He's a world class sniper - third best shot in the country." Colby laughed as a lightning flash of real fear crossed Javier's face. "Don't worry. He can't shoot someone here all the way from New Mexico. So you're good... For now."

Javier rolled his eyes. "Just for that I'm going to go get the balance board."

As Javier walked off to the equipment rack, Colby lowered his voice.

"I have a question for you."


"Is it okay with you..." He took a deep breath. "Is it okay if I tell people, like at work and stuff, about us?"

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"Well, neither of us is out, it's the Bureau, you might not want people to know..."

"Hold it right there," Ian said sharply. "The only reason I wouldn't tell anyone who'd listen is that it's none of their damn business, which is why I've never bothered to come out formally. I have nothing to hide and nothing to worry about. If you feel it's important to you? Take out a front-page ad, hire a skywriter, whatever you want. But don't think that I'm ashamed of us being together."

"I'm sorry. I guess I'm finding this harder than I thought," Colby said quietly.

"Us being together?"

"No, getting up the nerve to tell my mother."

Ian's voice softened. "It's up to you. If you don't want to tell her, I'll honor that. My family knows and likes you already so at least you know you're good on my end."


David picked up his cell phone laughing and talking in the background and Colby had to smile at the sound of him and Mark at play.

"Oh, I am so getting you back for that... Hello?"

"Did I call at a bad time?" Colby asked wryly.

"Only if you didn't want to hear Mark cry like a girl when I whip his pretty little ass with a wet towel for dumping pancake mix all over me."

"Good times," Colby drawled. "I can be quick. I just wanted to tell you that Ian and I are involved."

"Tell me something I don't know," David said, sounds of a struggle and Mark's laughter in the background. "I figured that out ages ago."

"Well, apparently it's important to actually say it."

He heard David shush Mark and the call quieted.

"Good for you, man. Good for you."

After David, it was Don's turn. Colby called with a bit more trepidation; Don was his boss and his opinion mattered.


"Hey Don, do you have a minute?"

"I have as long as it takes for Robin to line up her putt, which means about twenty minutes." A quiet 'Hey!' was heard in the background followed by a chuckle from Don. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to let you know that, um, well... Ian and I are seeing each other."

"That's great. I kind of guessed that might be true, but it's good to know for sure."

"You're okay with it?"

"Long as you're happy and he treats you right."

"I am. He does." Colby smiled to himself at the thought.

"Good, because even though I told David I'd kick Mark's ass if he ever hurt him, I'm not so sure if Ian hurt you it'd be his ass that wound up getting kicked if I took him on."

Colby burst out laughing. "I don't think I need you to defend my honor, Don."

"Good. And Colby?"


"You're sure this isn't just some hero worship thing? Because I'm serious about not wanting to see you get hurt."

"It's not. I promise."

"Cool. Give him my best, will you? Still pulling for both of you to make a full recovery and get your asses back on the job."

"Will do. Thanks, Don."

After that there was only one phone call to make: the family. He stared at the phone for the better part of an hour before he finally got up the nerve to dial.

"Hey Mom... Do you have a minute? We need to talk..."


Colby had to run for the phone on his way out of the shower. He'd had a long workout - something he'd missed - and it hit him that he actually could run again without even thinking about it. Clearly the evil physical therapy had done its job.


"I love it."

Colby adjusted the towel around his waist and sat down on the bed, little rivulets of water running down his back from his still wet hair.

"I'm glad. I'm just sorry I couldn't be there for your birthday."

"Hey, going back to work is too important. There will be other birthdays and as much as I love my stylish new walking stick I fully plan on it being only ornamental by my next birthday."

"So did Erin hide it well for me?"

"She was entirely stealthy. I had no idea until all the other presents were opened. She brought it out and I must tell you she was entirely too smug about you two having successfully hidden this conspiracy from me."

"Well, she agreed that an old man's cane was out of the question, so once I found one with a dog's head on it - especially one that looked like Tempe - I knew it would work."

"It really does look like her," Ian agreed. "And if my doctor's right I could be able to get off the walker and start using this as early as next month."

"That would be great," Colby enthused. "You have no idea how happy I'd be to see you up and around like that."

"Absolutely no idea," Ian teased. "I'm certain you're going to have to show me, in great detail."

"Well, that's the other part of your birthday present," Colby said, lowering his voice to a seductive purr. "I fully intend on showing you how happy I am by making you very happy yourself."

"I like the way that sounds."

"Happy birthday, Ian," Colby said quietly. "I miss you."

"Soon," Ian said. "Go back to work and be patient. I'll be there soon enough."

Colby let out a little sigh.

"Not soon enough for me..."


"Hey, Granger! Welcome back!"

Colby accepted yet another hearty handshake and slap on the back. It seemed that they wouldn't get anything done today on their fraud case with all the welcoming going on.

"Does it feel weird?" Don asked out of the blue, handing him a stack of files.

"Kind of. I mean, it's been months. Things have changed, I have no clue what's going on in all our current cases... And..."

"And what?"

"There's this little part of me now that worries if my body can handle it anymore or if it's going to fail on me. I used to jump off of stuff all the time. I never worried about getting hurt. I just did it. Now I either have to hesitate a split second to assess if it's a bad idea or just not pull those crazy stunts anymore."

Don patted him on the shoulder. "Welcome to getting older. Happens to all of us."

"Search warrant came in!" David walked up waving paperwork. "What do you say, Granger? Want to go bust down a door?"

A wide grin split Colby's face.

"Can't wait. Hell, at this point I'm even looking forward to going out in the surveillance van!"

David made a face, incredulous, and turned to Don.

"Don, you need to send this one back to the doctor," he said, laughing. "Clearly his concussion was worse than they thought. This boy's not right in the head!"


'Am here.'

The text message was brief, but it made Colby's heart skip. He hadn't seen Ian since New Mexico and the idea of being with him again set his whole body abuzz with restless energy.

He looked at the electronic signs over the baggage claim area, searching for Ian's flight number. Once he found it he headed to the assigned baggage carousel and started looking for him. Waves of people came in and started milling around, but he knew Ian would be slower.

That was okay; he was patient. He'd waited this long, knowing Ian was near would hold him for now.

The crowd thinned revealing a lone figure with a cane coming down the concourse: Ian.

Colby just stayed put, smiling as he watched Ian walking - something he once believed he'd never do again. He used the cane, but he stood tall on his own two feet: not defeated, not less than what he was - still Ian Edgerton.

Colby licked his lips, impatient with anticipation, but knew it was important for Ian to come to him, to be patient.

As he got closer Colby could see a matching smile on Ian's face.

Without hesitation Ian walked right up to him, took his face in his hands and kissed him soundly in front of everyone in the airport.

Colby melted, not caring about anything in that moment other than having Ian back.

"God, I missed you," Colby breathed.

"Then let's get the hell out of here so we can make up for some seriously lost time..."


They made it through the door to Colby's apartment - just barely - Ian's cane falling to the floor with an unnoticed thunk.

The pent up desire between them made for frantic kisses, hands sliding into pants and under shirts, rough stroking, breathless gasps.

Colby proved his leg was back to normal by dropping to his knees to take Ian into his mouth. Once he recovered, Ian put his rifle calloused hands to good use, leaving Colby shuddering, the door and Ian the only things holding him up.

Colby stripped Ian the rest of the way right there then dragged him into the bathroom for a long hot shower, spending his time exploring Ian's body with his hands and mouth, laying kisses over the scars at his hip, running his fingers reverently over each rib that had cracked.

Tired from the long journey, Ian slid into Colby's bed gratefully and they lay entwined, sharing breath until Ian dropped off. Colby watched him sleep for a while, memorizing his face, each gray hair, each laugh line.

He surprised himself by falling asleep as well, so relaxed and content with Ian finally with him it was easy to drift away.

He woke on his side with Ian behind him, Ian's hand roaming over his sleep warmed skin.

"Shh... No..." He stopped Colby when he made to roll over. "Let me..."

Colby surrendered to Ian's explorations, the feel of his hand running over his thigh, cupping his ass, skating across his abs and up across his pecs was enough to get him fully aroused.

Then Ian's hand was gone briefly, returning to run over the broad expanse of his back and shoulders, skimming over his waist and hip and finally returning to his ass. Another pause and Ian returned, preparing him. A jolt went though Colby and he tried not to tense with anticipation, his skin humming, wired with excitement.

Ian pressed a kiss between his shoulder blades then reached down to lift and bend Colby's upper leg, positioning him how he wanted him.

Colby held his breath as Ian slid home, filling him in one smooth motion.

His eyes fell closed. He'd wanted this, dreamed about this for so long, and it was still so much more than he'd imagined.

This was the sole thing that had been missing from their relationship: to be as connected in body as they already were in life.

"God..." Ian breathed hot against his back, pressed up against him with his arm around Colby's waist, holding him close. "It feels so good being inside you..."

They lay for a moment breathing in tandem. And then Ian started to move.

Electric shivers danced along Colby's spine with every thrust. His skin felt aflame, searing hot where his body and Ian's met. He yearned at the loss each time Ian withdrew and almost cried out in gratitude each time he filled him again.

Then Ian's hand wrapped around him, slick and tight, and Colby went taut - helpless at the dual sensations that made every nerve ending in his body sing with pleasure. He delivered himself into Ian's control, surrendering in every way, letting Ian take what he wanted and give him what he craved.

Panting heavily they locked into a groove, Colby pushing back greedily against each of Ian's demanding thrusts. And then they exploded as one: twin supernovas crying out to the universe at the moment of death, the moment of rebirth.

They lay there after, tremors echoing under their skin, until Ian finally slipped out, breath catching, both of them still sensitive.

Colby rolled over and curled into Ian's side, interleaving their legs as Ian's hand made long lazy passes across his back, still radiating heat from their fusion, soothing him.

Colby slung an arm around Ian's waist and let his eyes close, sated.

Their breathing slowed, evened out and Ian's hand finally stilled.

Colby felt Ian lean down and press a tender kiss into his hair.

"Love you..."

A lump rose in Colby's throat and at first he couldn't reply.

"Ian?" he finally managed.


"I believe you."

"There..." Ian said, self-satisfied. "That's proof that you're making progress."

Colby moved up in the bed to face Ian, sharing a kiss that spoke of their feelings for each other more than words could show.

"Love you too," he murmured.


"So I'm looking around after Mark unpacks the SUV and I'm all 'Where's the tent?' and Mark looks at me all innocent like and says 'Tent? What tent? Didn't you want to sleep under the stars?'" David interrupted his own story with a burst of laughter, giving Mark beside him a playful shove. "Dude is so cruel he hid the tent just to make me think I'd have to sleep out there on the ground!"

"Anyone for more pizza? There's a ton left!" Alan popped his head in from the kitchen glancing down the packed dining room table where Don sat with Robin, Amita sat with Charlie and David sat with Mark. At the end, Ian leaned back in his chair scratching his nails through the short hairs at the back of Colby's neck, making him shiver as they listened to David and Mark's camping tales.

After a murmur of dissent, Don gave Ian's chair leg a little kick. "So you got something to tell us, Ian? About that meeting with the brass today?"

"I'm not at liberty to discuss that meeting," Ian said cryptically as Colby tried to hide a delighted smile. "But if any of you have information on housing prices in L.A. I'm all ears."

"I don't know what job you're up for," Don said, "but if it's the one I'm thinking of, they'd be lucky to have you." Ian nodded in acknowledgement. "My dad did some research on condos a while back if you want to ask him when he comes back in," Don suggested.

"Actually I'm thinking a house rather than a condo."

"A house?" Colby said. "Why do we need a whole house?"

"Please note the 'we' in that statement," Charlie said smugly. "Apparently someone's forgotten to make an announcement?" He mock coughed, looking pointedly at Colby and Ian.

"What?" Ian said, chuckling. "Like you guys didn't already figure that out?"

"Well, it is important to say things - according to Bradford anyway," Colby said. "So for the zero percentage of people at this table who didn't already figure it out, Ian and I are officially living together. But back to my question. Why a house?"

"You think the dogs are going to go for a condo?" Ian said.

Colby blinked in surprise. "Curt will let you take Ros and Tempe?"

"Let me? He's begging me to! Seems they've done nothing but mope and whine since I left, so guess what, soldier? You're now the proud parent of two mutts!"

"Here, here!" Don said, raising his glass. "To the new additions to the family..." he teased. "And to the new member of our L.A. team..." He tipped his glass towards Ian. "And to the statistically improbable event," he winked at Charlie, "of all of us having significant others at the same time!"

They all raised their glasses at the toast and drank before Robin piped up, looking confused. "Wait, what about your father?"

"Why do you think he's in the kitchen?" Charlie said, his voice low and conspiratorial. "He's on the phone with a lovely woman who apparently is stuck in traffic otherwise she'd have been here by now."

"He's like a teenager over her," Amita added. "It's actually kind of cute."

"Okay, here we go!" Alan came out with a tray loaded down with a large square pan of cobbler and a big bowl of ice cream. "Colby snuck me your sister-in-law's recipes, Ian. I'm sure they're not as good as hers, but I did my best."

Ian looked between him and Colby, stunned. "You did all that? For me?"

Colby leaned over and gave him a kiss.

"Happy belated birthday."


The mountains filled the windshield as Ian's old Jeep headed away from the cabin and towards the view Colby had spent so much time gazing at from the patio.

"They seemed bigger last year," Colby mused.

"We couldn't hike them a year ago. They seemed unreachable because they were." Ian reached over and gave his knee a squeeze. "They're not anymore."

The Jeep wove up the mountain switchbacks until they reached a clearing at the beginning of a trailhead where Ian pulled over and parked.

They wordlessly worked to get their packs out of the back, checking all of their gear carefully before locking the car and heading out.

The first part of the trail was an old dirt path, but then the trail curved and the forest opened up before them, hills rising up and valleys and gorges below.

Ian pulled Colby over to stop so they could enjoy the view from the edge of the trail.

They laid down their packs and Ian stood behind Colby, arms wrapped around him as he placed a kiss on his neck then stared into the distance with him.

"It's every bit as breathtaking as you told me it would be."

"I live up to my promises," Ian said.

"I never imagined I'd come to this point," Colby marveled. "A year ago I never thought I had a chance with you, I thought I'd ruined any opportunity for us to even be friends and I was sure you'd never walk again."

"Clearly I'm the smart one in this relationship," Ian teased, ducking a playful elbow to the ribs. "But you're learning. See? You even tried to poke me in the ribs on my left side."

Colby blinked. "I did... I've been so careful..."

"And now you don't have to be," Ian reminded him. "If I'm back to work I can definitely handle some manhandling from you."

Colby let his head fall back, relaxing into Ian's embrace.

"Then maybe I won't be quite so careful in the tent later tonight," he teased.

"Tent? What tent?" Ian snarked.

Colby's laugh rang out across the forest.

"Very funny..."

Ian pulled him closer and turned his head for a kiss.

"Don't worry, soldier. I've got it all under control."

Colby let out a contented sigh and let his gaze sweep over the mountains. They hadn't beat him; they hadn't beat Ian.

This was the last step to conquer and he was ready.

"Okay then..." He left the safety of Ian's arms, picked up his pack and took a deep breath. "Lead the way..."


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