
Feb 15, 2009 19:22

My two lads have recently been looking for love at a local home run sanctuary (http://www.freewebs.com/starlightsrabbitrescue/)and after a week long stay, they are safely back home with their new ladies in tow:
valentines bunnies )

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Comments 19

petranef February 15 2009, 20:07:20 UTC
What beautiful lady-buns! :)


emlett February 15 2009, 20:27:51 UTC
I got a lop - hurray! you would not believe how soft Ruby is.
both so snuggable
I am horribly overexcited and frustrated i can't let them run around but i want to make sure the bond is as strong as it can be first.


squeezypaws February 15 2009, 22:19:22 UTC
What beautiful new bunnies!

I am enchanted and want bunnies RIGHT NOW to snorgle.


emlett February 16 2009, 10:09:04 UTC
I'm in love. I can't wait to let them have a run around.


beebarf February 16 2009, 07:22:25 UTC
I'm pleased the intros seemed to have worked - Barney and Ginny look loved up :o) and both the girls look so sweet.


emlett February 16 2009, 10:10:13 UTC
They're just both wanting to be groomed, feisty little beggars


beebarf February 16 2009, 10:23:00 UTC
Oh well, hopefully it will turn out as well as introducing Rowan to Jasper has. They get on so well, it's really sweet.


emlett February 16 2009, 10:38:40 UTC
bless, was that a baby/adult intro?


ex_squashy880 February 16 2009, 14:33:32 UTC
It's so sweet that the boys each have a new partner to groom & love. They are lovely looking buns. Now you just need to sort Reggie out with a best friend.


emlett February 16 2009, 14:51:30 UTC
well it has to be said that Morgan does not groom and never has groomed anyone else in his life. Morgan y'see is groomed. He is the object of adoration and the receiver of affection. He does not give either back out. Any lady should feel lucky that he permits such shows of adoration.


ex_squashy880 February 17 2009, 13:54:20 UTC
I've never hard of a bun who wouldn't groom before though my experience is limited. What a selfish boy. He's so lucky to find a woman who'll put up with that!


emlett February 17 2009, 15:11:25 UTC
we all know boys are more selfish anyway don't we?
he has had a bit of a traumatic life poor soul (until he came to us of course)


alysscarlet February 16 2009, 17:42:33 UTC
Lovely new buns!


emlett February 16 2009, 20:11:56 UTC
i'm not an albino fan but Ruby is very sweet. I think she'll be good for Mr M, who after all is my main priority. i just want him to be happy. Ginny has her work cut out with BA Barabbit


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