Podfic! "Figment," by me. Glee, Kurt/Karofsky

Apr 11, 2011 17:40

As though I have not been harassing Glee fandom enough lately:

Title: Figment
Author: emilianadarling 
Reader: emilianadarling
Rating: NC-17
Time:  00:25:30
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Kurt/Karofsky
Warning: Brief fantasy of non-con, slurs and anger. Aggressive reading at first.
Intro/Outro Song: "Devil on my Shoulder," by Billy Talent
Temporary Link:  Here!
Summary: Dave Karofsky hates Kurt ( Read more... )

glee, podfic

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Comments 13

colorfalls April 13 2011, 16:32:09 UTC
So how is OhgodIshouldbestudying? The weather is quite pleasant, but the whole city could be a tad better if I weren't going to die a terrible death from overwork. D: Well, at least I'll have a nice podfic to die to. \0/

About the podfic itself:
YAY! You recorded it! I wouldn't have guessed that you felt weirded out, since it was just as polished and lovely as it always is. All the emotion in the fic is amplified by your voice, especially in the beginning, how it goes from hateful to soft to desperate. How do you not get mood whiplash?!

PS: I think I have offended my computer's delicate Victorian sensibilities. When the file popped up, it was like "Do you want to open this? Yes? No? Oh well I'mma gonna say no. *rejects file*"


emilianadarling April 13 2011, 21:02:12 UTC
Oh, man, OhgodIshouldbestudying is just atrocious this time of year. The wheather, the economy, the fact that I have an exam in five hours. Just crap all round, really. ;)

I did record it! :D It was really fun to read, although very off to hear myself saying all of those slurs and awful things. But a really interesting exercise!! Thanks so much about it sounding polished. :) I've found a setup that I really like, and I think it's working well for story quality. And ahaha! Thank you so much! ^___^ I live in a mood anti-moodwhiplash forcefield. XD In this particular fic is was really easy, since I had written it; I knew exactly what Dave was thinking, and when, and how that would sound. GOOD FUN!

AHAHAHAHA. Your poor computer. :( I swamp it with filthy porn and it doesn't know what to do.


colorfalls April 15 2011, 01:05:24 UTC
The thing is to take the Letsallprocrastinateterribly cruise they offer. What twenty page essay? What exam in five hours? It's only A/E.

Oh I've forgotting how hard that would be, to say all those slurs and not only not stilted and not completely awkward, but really passionate. HOW ARE YOU SO AMAZING! Setup?



emilianadarling April 15 2011, 18:53:43 UTC
Heeheeehee!!! <3 <3 <3 Oh, man, I am procrastinating so hard this semester. SO HARD. ;_; I JUST WANT TO WRITE AND READ OUT FIC, OKAY?

Yeah, all those slurs and things = nothing I would ever, ever say in real life. So it was a surreal experience shouting them out. Had to tell boyfriend not to be alarmed if he heard any hateful things coming from the room!!

AHAHAHA wonderful!


rainbowmakerzzz July 30 2011, 09:46:39 UTC
I love this podcast, you have an amazing voice! (hope that didn't sound too weird) Gosh I must have listened to it at least six times by now. It's awesome being able to listen to this on my iPod while I'm going about my day. Do you know where I can find more glee podcasts? Do you plan on doing anymore, I'd love it if you did...


emilianadarling July 30 2011, 12:24:36 UTC
Good lord! :O Why... thank you very much, bb! I wasn't aware that anyone had actually downloaded this damned thing, let alone listened to it!

So glad that you enjoy my voice so much, and that's not weird at all!! :3 It's a huge compliment to a podficcer, that's for sure! I'm over the moon that this is a repeat listen for you! Isn't podfic wonderful? :) The amplificathon lj group is a good place to look for more; look under the glee tag!

And with regards to more -- well, maybe! I didn't really get much of a response when I posted this, so I kinda shrugged and moved on to other things. XD Thanks for letting me know you liked it so much! That encourages me more than anything, bb. :) You're a total star!!


brimtoast August 21 2011, 23:27:31 UTC
I just listened to this last night, and wow. It was so hot, and so emotional. I loved it. Your Kurt-voice was great, and the crying, the gasps, you just *went* there 100% with everything and it sounded great.

It also makes me really want a podfic of you reading My Body Betrays Me. After listening to this, I think your podfic of that would be amazing. And I know you said above that you didn't get a lot of response to this and it made you not feel very motivated to do other Glee podfics, but I'm pretty sure that a podfic of Body would get a huge response, since it's a fic already on peoples' radar (and also since I think there's a larger listener-based for Kurt/Blaine podfic than Kurt/Karofsky podfic at the moment).

Anyway, whether you do that or not, lovely work on this. I will almost definitely be listening to it again.


emilianadarling August 22 2011, 00:41:05 UTC
Oh, wow, gosh! Hello, honey! :) I'm overjoyed that you enjoyed this little thing! I'm so very grateful indeed that you took the time to let me know that you enjoyed this! It's so rare that I get such amazing feedback about my recording technique, so thank you very much indeed. <3 I really do try to get into the stories that I podfic as much as humanly possible -- character voices, and gasps, and groans and all -- and I'm just steamrollered that you noticed and enjoyed it!! Seriously, I am beyond flattered ( ... )


brimtoast August 22 2011, 01:54:00 UTC
*nod* Yeah, I do know that it's a big deal to podfic a story that long. I actually make podfic as well (though I have a separate podfic journal with a different username, for job-related reasons), and my ratio is closer to 10-30 minutes of editing for every finished minute of podfic. When I did a really long piece, I ended up releasing it as a WIP, one chapter at a time, which made it feel more manageable and which also helped with the feedback, because people would listen to one part and then come back and comment on the next, etc ( ... )


emilianadarling August 22 2011, 11:51:18 UTC
What is your podfic journal, bb, if you don't mind me asking? (Feel free to PM it to me if you like. <3) I would love to listen to some of your stuff, especially since you put such time and effort into your work. I've decided that WIP-ing is definitely the best route for me to go, as well, with large projects: I lose steam quickly if it's just me working in isolation, so sharing each chapter as I go sounds like a wonderful idea ( ... )


wowbright February 1 2012, 21:02:06 UTC
Now that Megaupload's been shut down, I'm wondering if there's a different place we can download this from? Thanks!


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