Podfic! "Figment," by me. Glee, Kurt/Karofsky

Apr 11, 2011 17:40

As though I have not been harassing Glee fandom enough lately:

Title: Figment
Author: emilianadarling 
Reader: emilianadarling
Rating: NC-17
Time:  00:25:30
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Kurt/Karofsky
Warning: Brief fantasy of non-con, slurs and anger. Aggressive reading at first.
Intro/Outro Song: "Devil on my Shoulder," by Billy Talent
Temporary Link:  Here!
Summary: Dave Karofsky hates Kurt ( Read more... )

glee, podfic

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emilianadarling August 22 2011, 00:41:05 UTC
Oh, wow, gosh! Hello, honey! :) I'm overjoyed that you enjoyed this little thing! I'm so very grateful indeed that you took the time to let me know that you enjoyed this! It's so rare that I get such amazing feedback about my recording technique, so thank you very much indeed. <3 I really do try to get into the stories that I podfic as much as humanly possible -- character voices, and gasps, and groans and all -- and I'm just steamrollered that you noticed and enjoyed it!! Seriously, I am beyond flattered.

Aha, oh my gosh, that would be such a lot of audio editing. O__O For me, it's about 10,000 words per hour of finished audio, so... six hour podfic and about three times that much audio editing time. XD And, wow, thank you so much for saying that you think I could do an effective job translating that fic to audio. I will be completely honest with you: I've totally thought about doing a recording of "Body". It would be really fun to get some epic-length Glee podfics out there, you know?

But, aha, oh my gosh, you must have seen my post on the rec post. XD Yeah, I posted the podfic for "Figment" and actually got record-breaking numbers of people downloading it, but no one really said anything about it, so I was like: "*shrug* Well, that's a wash! I guess people don't really bother with podfic much in Glee fandom!" But hmmmm. That's a very interesting idea... I might... hmmm... god. You have got me seriously considering this now, oh my god, how the fuck.

Okay, I have some serious thinking to do. I wonder... hmm. In any case, seriously thank you SO MUCH for bothering to leave feedback for this. <3 It means so much to me!!!!


brimtoast August 22 2011, 01:54:00 UTC
*nod* Yeah, I do know that it's a big deal to podfic a story that long. I actually make podfic as well (though I have a separate podfic journal with a different username, for job-related reasons), and my ratio is closer to 10-30 minutes of editing for every finished minute of podfic. When I did a really long piece, I ended up releasing it as a WIP, one chapter at a time, which made it feel more manageable and which also helped with the feedback, because people would listen to one part and then come back and comment on the next, etc.

I think, outside of a few select fandoms, there's always going to be a way higher ratio of downloads to feedback for podfic. What I do is look at the download counts as feedback, basically, and then treasure the actual comments as something above and beyond. Because if I know I did a good job, then I know that every person who downloads is going to be listening to and enjoying my performance, and that's worth a lot, even if I never hear back from them.

Anyway, that's just my perspective on it, and I'm not saying you do or should feel the same way. I just wanted to address it a little, because I know it *is* frustrating to put in all the time to make something amazing and to get a small fraction of the feedback that people would get for putting the same amount of time into writing. But people who love podfic love it. It means so much to those of us who listen to podfic to have the voices of other fans performing fan-written stories in our ears. I mean, it's a really special thing. And most people who download podfic are people who already love it, so almost all of those downloads are giving someone that magical experience.

So there is my much-more-than-two-cents on that. And I would, of course, *love* to listen to Body. It was such a compelling story, and you hit so many of the emotional notes from that in this podfic that I know you can do it justice.

But god, yeah, I know that podfic is something you have to do because you want to and love the work, so I understand if you decide against it. All I can tell you is you would have at least one very enthusiastic listener :)


emilianadarling August 22 2011, 11:51:18 UTC
What is your podfic journal, bb, if you don't mind me asking? (Feel free to PM it to me if you like. <3) I would love to listen to some of your stuff, especially since you put such time and effort into your work. I've decided that WIP-ing is definitely the best route for me to go, as well, with large projects: I lose steam quickly if it's just me working in isolation, so sharing each chapter as I go sounds like a wonderful idea!

And oh, yes, I completely agree with you about feedback. It will always, always be itty-bitty on podfics compared to writing. I'm completely spoiled with all the lovely comments I get from writing, and podficcing can just never compare. But we do get the joy of knowing that we are telling people stories thousands of kilometres away, our voices creating worlds in people's heads. And that's pretty cool indeed. ;D I like you notion of thinking of download counts as feedback -- probably tremendously wise!

Podfic is so, so special. I do love it so much, I really do. It's such a personal and interactive experience, you know? And I always download buckets of it every schoolyear and listen religiously on the bus to Uni, and that frequently becomes my only time to be involved with fandom. And that's so special, because fandom is such a wonderful and important part of my life. I really should give back, shouldn't I? Share that experience with more people! Help to widen the small pool of Glee podfic!

You are very convincing indeed. <3

I hope you enjoy the podfic for Chapter One, bb!! :D Do let me know what you think, haha. I hope I've met your expectations! I'm trying out new and MUCH faster editing techniques, so if you spot any fuck-ups let me know and I'll edit them out of the completed podbook. Finding new methods of editing the only way I could get my head around doing a project this big, haha. XD On the plus side, I finished an hour of completed audio in ONE AFTERNOON, which is sheer madness for me!

Again, bb, thank you for motivating me into doing this. <3 You're a complete star.


brimtoast August 22 2011, 15:06:33 UTC
I will PM you.


brimtoast June 11 2013, 22:14:27 UTC
I've had a bit of an identity scare today, and I'm trying to make sure this username is squeaky clean and take down basically anything interesting that comes up in a google search for it. But I don't feel right just deleting comments I left you as feedback! So could you please screen this conversation?


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