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Comments 39

cassidychase September 8 2011, 11:21:38 UTC
I'm not sure how much more of this I can read to be honest. I skip through most parts about them actually smoking the joints and I think reading the after smoking effects part interests me more. Still constantly rolling my eyes at them.

I found the third part funny though. So Kurt's not hooked, and faking being annoyed about the pot because it 'spoiled their planned fun'? Sounds very much like him lol. The whole Hummels don't do anything halfway.

But i did especially like the scene in the car, or more like Kurt's musing that you included in the car scene. How he was surprised how easy their relationship was, with the step up on the physical touches part.

Honestly, while this is a pot smoking fic, I seem rather determined to not read about the pot at all XD I guess that works for me XD


emilianadarling September 9 2011, 04:56:09 UTC
Hmmm. :( Honey, if this makes you uncomfortable, you probably shouldn't read it. Don't worry about making me upset, I won't be!! It makes me very sad to see you responding so negatively. And I'm still very concerned about the eye-rolling, because they really haven't done much of anything. They're just being a bit silly! I hope it's good eye-rolling! *hopeful ( ... )


cassidychase September 9 2011, 06:49:27 UTC
Trust me, I'm definitely trying this because it has your name attached to it. And only because knowing you, there will be so much more going on in the fic then just pot smoking. And I knew I was totally right! While yes, the fic centre on pot smoking events, and yes, I wasn't comfortable reading those because I'm just the kind of person who doesn't believe in any form of substance usage (except maybe chocolate XD). So these kind of fics are my hill to climb over and to expose my mind to, which I did and I'm totally happy I did XD

My eye-rolling is a natural reaction I think. I am not upset, and I wouldn't really know if the boys were being safe or mild with their usage cause I haven't the first clue about this stuff XD So basically, anything thing they do will prob have earned an eye roll, except the last part, that one I was genuinely worried for them.


emilianadarling September 9 2011, 06:55:11 UTC
Lol, everything they did was very mild until the end, I promise. <3 And even then, they were still basically completely safe. The boys were never in real danger!

It's so funny, because I'm so completely comfortable with marijuana usage -- it helps that I live in British Columbia, I think, aha! it's practically legal here, we all do it in public -- so it always surprises me when it's something shocking or negative for people. For me, it's just... something awesome to share with people you trust and love. <3

But seriously, you never have to read something just because it has my name attached. XD Don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable!!


amordemealma September 8 2011, 18:28:31 UTC
BB, how is this so hot? i don't even know. because i've never been interested in drug use whatsoever...but written in this form with Kurt and Blaine, and Kurt being all horny...I just can't.

I love Kurt's snubbing of the chips at first because they're empty calories...i had to laugh though...Blaine in the first part doesn't really do anything to pressure Kurt into smoking, claims he would never pressure him into do anything that would make him uncomfortable, and here they are high, Blaine pressuring Kurt into eating a damn chip. LMAO! I like that Kurt ended up sharing the bag with Blaine in the end. oh the things we wouldn't necessarily do when under the influence. for Kurt, it's empty calories. ha!

Also i love that while Blaine gets the munchies for food while high, Kurt gets the munchies for Blaine...hehe.

and the third time. ha! Oh Kurt. bb, you don't need pot to have a good relaxing time with your bf bb.


emilianadarling September 9 2011, 05:09:54 UTC
Ahahahaha. :3 It is hot because high!smexiness is definitely one of the hottest things on the face of the earth. Trufax. XD And pot does legitimately make some people horny like me omg. So glad you're enjoying it, lovely! You don't have to be interested in drug use to enjoy happy!smutty!horny! porn, for sure. <3

I'm pleased you like the chip section, because it's one of my favourites. XD Of course Kurt would be all, "no, eughh, empty calories" about a stoner favourite! And I think that it would probably never even occur to Blaine -- even sober, but let alone stoned! -- that coaxing Kurt into eating a chip is in any way important enough to be considered 'pressuring'. Oh, Blainers. <3 And Kurt's inhibitions have definitely been lowered if he'll share a whole bag ( ... )


jinsai September 8 2011, 20:10:18 UTC
“Of course,” says Blaine, sounding confused. “She was the one who started buying it for me when I was little. She thinks it makes me look more...”

He trails off thoughtfully, brows furrowing as he searches for the right word. For a truly awful moment that makes him feel slightly sick, the only word that comes into Kurt’s mind is white.

“... conventional,” Blaine finishes, smiling. He quirks his head. “Ready to head upstairs?”

That? Such a small part, and yes I love, love, LOVE it!

I don't smoke, though I've spent time with people who do, and I think you're doing a fantastic job at writing it. The sensations as Kurt is describing them remind me of the buzz of alcohol. Very much enjoying the fic.


ennifer_jay September 9 2011, 04:45:11 UTC
Seconding that hair conversation. Small, but powerful.


emilianadarling September 9 2011, 05:15:43 UTC
I think that Blaine has a very, very complicated perception of himself and how he feels he should present himself to the world. I don't even know if he fully understands all his feelings about how he views himself.

I'm so glad you enjoyed that part. <3 Let me know if you enjoy the rest, sweetie!!


emilianadarling September 9 2011, 05:13:42 UTC
Thank you so, so very much for highlighting that portion. <3 I have been dying -- dying -- to write that scene for so long now. It just... yeah, that makes so much sense for me with his character. I'm so pleased that you enjoyed that tiny hint toward a much larger issue of self-perception and presentation.

And thank you very much about writing the sensations well!! <3 Seriously, thank you! I'm very glad that they worked for you! I hope you enjoy the rest, hon -- let me know what you think when you get a chance to read the rest! <3


chefreeni September 9 2011, 01:27:45 UTC
Um, Blaine you need to bring Kurt and hang with your cousins because Manila hemp is the bomb.(hides)
This is so evocative of my youth -- once in high school, a few times in college, my first job working for crap pay surrounded by expensive food and dating a musician whose stash was shared with his mom, and when I was on my own in New York, also working for crap pay at one food job or another.
Didn't have cuddly Kurt and Blaine for much of it though... :D
Honestly what made me laugh was Kurt getting judgy about the Warblers in the first part, then Brett, then the offending product.


emilianadarling September 9 2011, 05:18:47 UTC
Aha!!! :D Wonderful sentiment! Totally should happen. Seconded!

I'm so glad you feel this is evocatively written, darlin'. :) I think that a lot of people can relate to the feelings discussed in here, and the sensations. It really has a way of bringing you back -- I was flashing back all over the place while I was writing this!! What an incredibly interesting selection of times from your live, love. :)

Aha, this section doesn't have much cuddly!Klaine; they spend more time of it actively making out instead. I don't blame them, though, because stoned makeouts are awesome. And lol at Kurt's judgyness, right! What a funny guy, but we love him. <3

I hope you enjoy the rest of this, sweetie!! Drop me a line to let me know what you think! <3


chefreeni September 9 2011, 06:05:42 UTC
I finished the whole thing and I love it! The drifty feeling of being buzzed, I associate with summer rather than fall, though this is perfect for Klaine. LOL'ed at how Kurt is so prepared with the seven joints...
Oh, I wish more of my own happyfied times had Klaine in them... Though one of my best memories is calling my friend (now husband) in a panic because I was going to have parent-type visitors and needed to transfer my budding plants to his fire escape. (did someone mention stoned makeouts? Ours tended to be accompanied by homemade ice cream or softshell crabs... or being at a concert at Central Park where you could make a fist around the air...)


emilianadarling September 12 2011, 05:19:34 UTC
Hurray!! :) I'm so happy you liked it, lovely. So happy you felt the season was appropriate for them; I feel as though Kurt would rather like the slightly sad feeling that autumn gives him. <3 And aha, the seven joints!! Oh, Kurt. Ever prepared.

And oh my gosh, that sounds like quite the mad dash!! What a hilarious and happy selection of memories. And stoned makeouts truly are amazing. XD Thank you so much for reading!


dani_elizabethx September 9 2011, 07:10:00 UTC
This is seriously getting better.
And high!sexy times.


emilianadarling September 12 2011, 05:20:03 UTC
Heehee!! So happy you continue to enjoy! And oh, yes, hgh sexy times. XD Oh, yes, indeed!


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