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Comments 39

selenakyle September 9 2011, 12:38:04 UTC
Intellectually, Kurt knows that they can’t keep coming home from dates a half hour early and parking next to the public park around the corner from his house in order to get some alone time. It isn’t safe, for one thing, considering the sort of town they live in.

So pushplaytobegin's fic has affected you too, eh? I honestly feel that not even mentioning this after reading the first chapter to "I Put Away Childish Things" is irresponsible now. Hahaha I don't know for sure that's why you put it in but I have a feeling. :P

For a truly awful moment that makes him feel slightly sick, the only word that comes into Kurt’s mind is white.

Well done. *claps* This really needs to be addressed in the show (and it never will).

And daaaaaamn woman, I had some fun sexy pot times but never anything THIS hot! Jealous of them. That whole session: UMF. <3

And hahaha yeah, we've all been there at the third time; it's so disappointing. I feel Kurt's pain.


emilianadarling September 12 2011, 05:26:28 UTC
Oh, totally! :) Although the personal safety aspect is something I'm already far too aware of; as someone with a lot of close friends who are homosexual males, I've heard more about the sense of threat that comes from being affectionate in public than I can possibly convey. However, I kinda always thought it was something that people were already tremendously aware of and thought about? But "Childish Things" seems to have come to quite a shock to people in that regard, so I decided to be explicitly clear about it in here. :) (I don't have too much fiction that features publicly affectionate!Klaine, though, because the boys generally aren't on the show itself. :3)

Thank you very much about that particular line. I *wish* we could have Blaine's sense of racial identity discussed on the show, because I could honestly read endless fics about his own sense of self-identity. *sigh* So pleased you liked the makeouts, darlin'! Stoned makeouts = truly a thing of glory. <3 And isn't it the most disappointing thing? Such a bummer. ;) So glad you ( ... )


loonylevicorpus September 10 2011, 04:27:45 UTC
You write the dynamic of Kurt and Blaine's relationship so well. It's very in character and natural, without the cheesy lines that a lot of writers give them. I loved the seamless flow from super hot to adorable to friendship to serious discussion... And the fact that this is a pot smoking story based off a kink meme prompt makes it ten times better ( ... )


emilianadarling September 12 2011, 05:37:13 UTC
So happy that you find their relationship and characterization to be effective and consistent in this, darlin'!! :D In my experience, there are far fewer grand, cheesy lines and far more quiet little exchanges involved in the most lovely of relationships. And I'm glad you enjoyed the flow of their conversation! They were friends before everything, after all, and I think that makes things easier for the boys in some ways. (Also, lol!! I do the strangest things with kinkmeme fills, don't I? First "Howl", then "Body", then this. They really are prompts to me, I think; I like to use them as a starting place to convey a whole bunch of ideas and feelings n' shit. I don't even know. XD)

Isn't that feeling the most wonderful thing? The realization that someone wants you -- really wants you! And that you're able to make them feel things and want things, all by being you. It's such a powerful, shocking, slightly smug feeling -- and I'm so happy you conveyed it well. <3 For as fabulous and amazing as Kurt is, I think he would still have a hard ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

emilianadarling September 18 2011, 02:03:16 UTC
Aha, glad you liked this part! 'Sexy but frustrating' is a good description, lol! Although Kurt was happy they stopped, I think. He wants to remember all his first times, damnit!!

And that makes total, utter, heartbreaking amounts of complete sense, duckie. That special moment where you realize that someone can feel this way about you. There is something wonderful and special and LOVABLE about you, and someone is seeing it. Acting on it. Wanting you as much as you want them. It's such a ground-breaking revelation, and I think Kurt would feel it so strongly. (And the feeling of making someone else feel hot and bothered is special as well! Rowr!!)

That is such a gorgeous sentiment about why we ship Klaine that I've never really clued into before, bb, but I think you're so very very right. Enhancing a real and beautiful friendship -- allowing it to become just that little bit more -- is such a magical idea. And the fact that things are mostly the same, but a little bit different, but still essentially them? Oh, it's just lovely. I do ( ... )


pushplaytobegin September 11 2011, 00:02:52 UTC
Enjoying this tremendously; the family stuff, Kurt continuing to discover new things about himself, the sexytimes, and I think I continue to get a contact high with each puff they smoke. I'm so fascinated by the fuzzy, floaty tone of the smoking sections. I think it's brilliant how you manage that shift from sober to high.


emilianadarling September 18 2011, 02:04:35 UTC
Oh, hurray! :) The family stuff was something I especially wanted to slip in there, and I'm glad it wasn't unpleasantly distracting. :)

And lol to your contact high! I am SO happy that the feel of it -- the floatyness, the fuzzyness -- really comes through, and that there is a palpable shift from section to section. That makes me very happy indeed. <3


punkkitten2113 September 11 2011, 05:24:29 UTC
Oh, equal parts UNF and LOL. You are fantastic.


punkkitten2113 September 11 2011, 05:28:51 UTC
Oh, silly me. I also wanted to mention the volumes you were able to speak through that one small exchange with Blaine's mom about his hair. You do subtlety so well.....
And I don't know if you are doing this consciously, but the parallels comment from the first chapter is running through my mind constantly. You draw so many parallels with the smoking and their emotions, and all the sweet references to canon in between.
I dunno if that made any sense whatsoever, but I'm off to read the rest!


emilianadarling September 18 2011, 02:06:41 UTC
Thank you so very much regarding that particular exchange, which has been living inside my head for a long time and has been waiting to finally show its face. I'm so happy that felt subtle to you, and not distracting. <3

Mmmm, I don't know which parallels in particular you're referring to, but a great deal of them are intentional for sure! And the ones that are accidental... let's just lie and say they are, too. ;D

Thank you so much for your individual reviews!!


punkkitten2113 September 18 2011, 04:05:24 UTC
Oh goodness me. I just reread that last comment, and I'm not sure anymore what I was talking about either regarding the parallels. It was late. =)
Thank YOU for responding, and no worries! RL is busy, and it's seriously just nice that you respond at all. I'm glad you are reading them! <3


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