Podfic: "My Body Betrays Me", Chapter One -- PODFIC! :D

Aug 22, 2011 03:23

You guys! You guys! Guess what??

I'm making a podfic for "My Body Betrays Me"! :D :D :D Your votes went in, and this was the most-desired outcome. I hope you all enjoy! It will take me a bit to get the whole thing complete, but I'm very excited about this project.

Title: My Body Betrays Me (Chapter One: Dave) PODFIC! Link to original text here.
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kurt/karofsky, podfic, my body betrays me, kurt/blaine

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Comments 34

raisel August 22 2011, 10:58:46 UTC
I shall download when Im back on my computer!


emilianadarling August 22 2011, 11:20:36 UTC
Hurrah!! Thank you so very much, bb! Tell me what you think when you get a chance. <3 <3 Love forever for downloading!


peninsular_k August 22 2011, 11:42:44 UTC
Awesome! Downloading as fast as humanly possible. Thanks!


emilianadarling August 22 2011, 11:54:15 UTC
You're so, so very welcome!! :D Thank you so much for dropping me a line, and I would be bouncing up and down with glee if you could let me know what you think once you've had a chance to listen. <3 <3 <3 Hearts forever, bb!!


peninsular_k August 23 2011, 12:50:18 UTC
Listening to Karofsky's thoughts is somehow even creepier than reading them. Your voice makes the story crazy intense, and especially Kurt's pleading cut off by Karofsky's "Be with me" was heartbreakingly done. And the song at the end was so very well chosen. Can't wait for the next parts, though there might be some tears!


emilianadarling August 23 2011, 20:20:41 UTC
Oh, thank you so very much for coming back to let me know what you thought, hon. Honestly, I know that it's difficult with podfics because we so often listen to them away from our computers, so please know that it really does mean the world to me that you came back to give feedback. <3 Lovelovelove!

Gosh, thank you about Karofsky's thoughts. This chapter is interesting: it is from the perspective of the antagonist, so it's lighter than the subject matter would make us assume, but there are still hints of that underlying desperation and creepiness that I'm so happy came through. I can't wait to see how the change in medium will affect the rest of the story for you guys. <3 And oh, gosh, thank you about that particular spot!

Sometimes I think I spend more time looking for the perfect song than I do on the actual story, so thank you so very much for saying that it was a good choice. <3 My obscene amount of time spent looking for songs has been validated!! <3

Thank you again for listening, bb!!


cassidychase August 22 2011, 12:50:24 UTC
*sobbing!!! Emiliana!! Megaupload has been banned in my country!!! ;____; Anyway you could send it to me??? Pretty pretty pretty please???? Idunnowhatthehellmystupidcountryisdoingmakingpeopleslifemiserablerantrantrantrant


emilianadarling August 22 2011, 20:03:30 UTC
Done and done, sweetie! :) I know that you can do mediafire, so I've uploaded the file again on that host for you. (It's so funny which things are banned and which things are fine, isn't it? So strange!)

I hope you enjoy now that you can actually download!! (And, yeah, I have no idea what your country is trying to avoid. XD)


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emilianadarling August 22 2011, 20:07:14 UTC
Oh, bb. :( *hug* Thank you for telling me that, I'm so flattered.


emilianadarling August 22 2011, 20:06:50 UTC
Oh, yay! Shuddering means I'm doing it right!! XD So happy that it's an effective recording so far, hon. And I'm so happy that some of my lovely readers are also into podfic listening, because podfics are some of my favourite things in the whole world and I love to share them! Recording my own writing is especially fun because I know for sure what the emotions are that I'm trying to hit.

Both hands??? D: What's up with your hand, sweetie??


akigarin August 22 2011, 15:08:10 UTC
I love this story! Definitely downloading.


emilianadarling August 22 2011, 20:07:43 UTC
Hooray! Thank you so very much on both counts. <3 Let me know what you think, and I hope you enjoy!


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