Podfic: "My Body Betrays Me", Chapter One -- PODFIC! :D

Aug 22, 2011 03:23

You guys! You guys! Guess what??

I'm making a podfic for "My Body Betrays Me"! :D :D :D Your votes went in, and this was the most-desired outcome. I hope you all enjoy! It will take me a bit to get the whole thing complete, but I'm very excited about this project.

Title: My Body Betrays Me (Chapter One: Dave) PODFIC! Link to original text here.
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kurt/karofsky, podfic, my body betrays me, kurt/blaine

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Comments 34

etmuse August 22 2011, 15:59:39 UTC
Oooh! *claps*

I listen to a lot of podfic (it's one of the few ways I can combat my chronic insomnia... bedtime stories!) and you're right, there just isn't the epic!podfic out there in Glee fandom (I have an 18-hour-long 'Merlin' one that will take some beating) so this will be wonderful!


emilianadarling August 22 2011, 20:18:40 UTC
Hi, bb, hiii! :D I'm so happy that I'll be able to tell you a bedtime story! That's the wonderful thing about podfic, isn't it? You get to hear my voice telling you a story from hundreds of miles away! <3 Man, I love this medium. It sucks about your insomnia :( but I'm glad that I can help at least a little. <3

We definitely haven't got nearly enough epic!podfic in this fandom. xD Epic podfic is one of my favourite things -- it's so immersive! -- but it takes so very long to make, so it makes sense that there's so little. I'm excited to contribute. <3 You have an 18-hour Merlin podfic to record, or listen to? So curious!

I so hope you enjoy! <3 Let me know what you think!


etmuse August 22 2011, 20:44:33 UTC
The 18-hour Merlin podfic is to listen to - I've listened all the way through several times, actually. It does tend to take me about a month or more each time, as I listen in bed and I rarely stay awake for more than 15-20 minutes at a go. (I'd read it in written-fic form a few times before I got the podfic too - all 145k of it!)

And I recommend audiobooks and podfic to people who suffer insomnia like me all the time - it gives the brain something to focus on so it stops the frantic thinky-whirl that prevents sleep!

(Some day, when I figure out what I did with my PC microphone, I'm going to start recording some of my own. Although I'll probably stick to my UK-fandom stuff, as I suspect my attempts at American-character-voices would be painful.)


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emilianadarling August 22 2011, 20:51:28 UTC
Aha, yay! I'm glad you're excited. <3 And yes! I've figured out a couple of editing techniques that -- no joke -- reduced my editing time by about 80%. Doing this whole chapter, recording and editing, only took me a few hours. :D Totally understand waiting to download it all in one, although it might be a little while! It's a whole lot of fic to get through! I have no one to blame but myself, omg, why am I so long-winded?.

Heehee! I was going to ask cybel to convert it for me when it's all done, because it's a GREAT deal of fic, haha. XD I have permission from muchacha11 to use her art for coverart for the podbook, too, so that's exciting. I've posted it at the gleepodfic community on your suggestion. XD

Thanks, bb!


nielrian August 22 2011, 21:12:15 UTC
So excited! We need more long podfic in this fandom. But holy hell, do I understand how much effort goes into it. I'll leave a better comment when I get a chance to listen, I promise!


emilianadarling August 23 2011, 20:04:36 UTC
Yay! I totally agree with you, bb! You're doing an amazing job for putting more podfic out there, and I have to do my part as well. XD I'm so pleased that I've worked out such a fast method of editing, because it seriously saves me 80% of the time I used to spend making podfic and makes it all so much more manageable!

<3 I hope you enjoy!


cassidychase August 22 2011, 21:28:01 UTC
"And Dave can practically imagine him holding close and making Kurt come" Repeated line at 20.55.

OMG seriously, your character voices are fantastic.... @.@ The different inflections that you use for the different boys voices is somehow so distinct <3 And your narrative is so filled with the right emotions and your voice vibrates and resonates with whatever the tone is needed.

Your light and happy/whee~ voice for the section that they were getting to know each other brings a total smile to my face.

The slow downs and speed ups are just really right. The tension reverberates in the bathroom scene... Yeah, I am way to invested in this fic. I know exactly what's coming at each point, but it's still so awesome to HEAR it all

And seriously, the smut sounds ten times more awesome when you are reading it <3

I am sooo in love with your podfics and you right now.


cassidychase August 22 2011, 21:42:42 UTC
Oh god.... just reached that part where Kurt is crying and confessing and WOW YOUR CRYING!KURT VOICE IS SOO AMAZING!!! And the hesitation and shit....Mind blown...

Its like freaking 6 in the morning.... luckily i slept earlier.

I really can't wait for the second and fourth chapters... and chapter 3 should be awesome. Interested to how you vary Blaine's voice.


emilianadarling August 23 2011, 20:15:46 UTC
Oh, thank you so very much. <3 It really does mean so much to hear that the emotional dialogue is effective, especially since there's so very much of it in this fic. Seriously, thank you so much for telling me that.

(Six in the morning, bb!! We are as bad as each other. I've been staying up until 5am SO much recently. XD)

I'm excited to post those chapters, as well. :) I'm working on Blaine's voice right now, actually! I think he's probably going to be a bit more neutral... hmmm... <3 So happy you're excited to listen to more!


cassidychase August 24 2011, 03:43:02 UTC
Well, you know me, I'll just be trolling around XD Oh yea, go check your tumblr, I reblogged a possible song choice for chapter 2 XD

Can't wait to hear the rest of the fic. It's so exciting, cause it's almost like getting another monster of a fic. Some descriptions that we glaze over in the reading just really comes to the forefront (like I kinda glided over that happy getting to know one another scene in chapter 1, but when I'm hearing it, I was like, Why the hell didn't I read that part better?? It's kinda adorable!!)

Hehe, welcome about the repeated line. I did a double take and was like, oh yea, there it is. I'm an quite auditory person, so I'll prob catch stuff like that XD


podklb August 23 2011, 20:01:42 UTC
I listened to the first 30 minutes of this last night and then had to switch to something else once I realized that it was so compelling that I would never fall asleep to it.

Based on what you said about the time it took to do this, I'm guessing most of these line readings are your first take, which blows me away, how much you hit the mark first time, even with really tricky lines. Your reading of Dave was totally fascinating, a great mix of sweet and smitten and annoyed and insecure. And the porn was once again ace.

I am so delighted that this exists now and that soon more parts will exist. Yay!


emilianadarling August 23 2011, 20:40:00 UTC
Aha! Oh, wow, sorry sweetie! Guess I won't be helping much with the insomnia. ^-^;;; I tried! But thank you so much for coming back and letting me know what you thought of it! I was very excited to hear your response, since you were lovely enough to convince me to do this in the first place. <3 (Thank you again for that, by the way!)

It usually only takes me one take to get lines unless I slur/mumble, and then I do a retake right away. :) Thank you so very much! Gosh, I'm really flattered that you think that's impressive! :3 I have a bit of an unfair advantage because I know the story really, really well -- so I generally know what's coming up next and what emotional notes I should be hitting. <3 Again, though, thank you! And I'm so happy that you liked Dave's voice, as well as the smutty smutty porn.

I'm so excited, too! :D Thank you so very much for listening, and there should be more fairly soon. <3


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