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emilianadarling August 17 2011, 21:25:00 UTC
Aha, that sounds like the perfect timing!!! :D I'm so glad that you managed to come by at the perfect time, hon! I'm sure everyone who had to wait for chapters is green with jealousy. <3 (Hours after you started reading, what amazing timing!)

I'm so glad that you liked this. <3 Oh my gosh, Ella Enchanted was one of my favourite books as a kid as well! Apparently, there are a million of us who read that book when we were kids. I love it! Thank you so, so much!! *hugs*


k_persephone August 16 2011, 11:40:23 UTC
OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. It's taken me EVERYTHING to hold off reading this fic. SO MANY OF MY KINKS SCREAMING AT ME RIGHT NOW. I'll go read it and come back later.



k_persephone August 16 2011, 14:59:00 UTC
What are you doing to me? I may as well have the curse and you may as well take advantage of it, because right now if you’re even so much as THINK “go break your heart” I will do it. In fact, I already did. No, seriously, what the hell are you doing to me ( ... )


emilianadarling August 17 2011, 21:44:12 UTC
Oh, sweetie. *hugs* Seriously, I'm so happy you enjoyed this. (If 'enjoy' is the right word for some very emotionally taxing stuff. Don't break your heart, lovely. Keep it whole and happy. <3)

And oh, my, thank you so much. <3 Sometimes I think that the kinkmeme and prompt posts like it are tailor-made for my soul, because the prompts there always create these big, elaborate stories in my head that just need to be written down right now and I won't stop until they're done. (Other times, I think that the kinkmeme people must hate me because I deviate away from prompts so much oh my god, lol.) I completely sympathize with the way that sometimes fics come about and you're like THIS IS EVERYTHING I WANT AND MORE and then it just fizzles out into nothing because the author hasn't quite thought it all the way through. :( That always sucks so much, and I'm completely over the moon that you don't think I do that. <3 I was hesitant to take this prompt at first, because I knew that I was going to be altering it so much, but I'm so happy that ( ... )


k_persephone August 16 2011, 14:59:35 UTC

So, let’s see, I’ve covered Klaine. Karofsky. I had wanted redemption for him quite badly, but I suppose your decision makes sense. He has broken himself beyond repair. A boy to breaks what he touches indeed (thank God you didn’t express it the Rachel Berry way “when all that you touch tumbles down;” that would have been an unwelcome wave to canon). Even as he fades away the man without a name in a city that doesn’t care he still dreams of the days when Kurt “lets himself be kissed”. If he’d just let Kurt be free and come to him of his own volition, maybe something could have worked out. He’s charming enough and loving enough, and perhaps Kurt would have helped him out of the gutter that is his selfishness and self-deception. It’s too late for him, I suppose. My heart ached for him quietly, but the anger doesn’t subside. I’m sorry Dave, I really hoped I could like you ( ... )


lls_mutant August 16 2011, 12:06:07 UTC
RECOVERY!!!!!! IloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyou!!!!!!! Oh, this is everything I've been wanting. The difficult recovery, but the definite truth that life goes on, and while it's forever different, it can still be wonderful and good. That yes, something utterly horrible happened to Kurt and he- and Blaine- will always carry the scars of that, but that doesn't mean that those scars will define their lives forever. I have so much love for this ending.

I really, really like what you did with Karofsky. I love that he was never caught, because so often, that's the truth of it. And I love that both Blaine and Kurt hit the point where they accepted that. (I wonder if Burt did?) But that Karofsky also self-destructed, not in some glorious, ridiculous way, but quietly and over time. It reminds me a bit of the original ending of Cinderella, where the stepsisters have their eyes pecked out and have to live blind.

And speaking of fairy tales, this paragraph:

In a strange way, it makes Blaine angry with the fairy tales and children’s ( ... )


lls_mutant August 16 2011, 12:06:27 UTC
I said last chapter how glad I am that you gave them time apart, but at the same time, I'm glad you brought them back together before too long. I'm a casual Kurt/Blaine shipper as far as the show goes (mainly just because Blaine's character hasn't been overly developed yet), but a good fic can turn me into a raving one, and in this fic I really, really thought they were excellent for each other. We've talked about how much I respect Blaine for being willing to give Kurt that space, but watching it play out was even better. And seeing those tentative steps... lovely. And while there was space, I felt like the timing was good as well. Because if Kurt had kept Blaine away too long, it might have eventually been too hard to put things back together.

As much as I loved Kurt's recovery, I loved that you addressed Blaine's recovery (and to a lesser extent, Burt's, although that was harder because POV) as well. Because yeah, what Blaine saw and heard and had to deal with was a lot, and he really seemed like an overwhelmed kid now ( ... )


emilianadarling August 18 2011, 02:52:30 UTC
I'm so happy that this fic was able to convince you of the viability of my Kurt and Blaine. <3 It's so funny that you mention Blaine's character development, because I will say that as an author Blaine is one of my very favourite characters to write simply because I get the opportunity to flesh him out in the ways I want. I get to add depth, and tweak things, and explain things, and it's all a jolly good time. :) I'm so glad you thought they were excellent for one another here. Even though both of them can be complete fuck-ups at times, they -- especially Blaine -- managed to handle the distance thing very, very well in the end. Again, I totally agree with you timing-wise. Space was necessary, but too much of it would have ruined any possibility of rekindling their friendship ( ... )


emilianadarling August 18 2011, 02:35:39 UTC
Oh, my goodness, bb, I've been so excited for you to read this chapter!!! I'm SO happy that you thought I did it at least a little bit of justice, so THANK YOU so much! (It was frustrating to write, a bit, because if I wanted I could write tens of thousands of words just about this, but it just wasn't going to fit into the narrative of this particular story. I kept second-guessing myself, though. Like, "oh, fuck, this isn't NEARLY enough recovery. ;_;" I wanted to touch on the recovery at least a little bit, and having it take place over a period of time worked well, I think!) I'm so glad you enjoyed this ending: because there are good things, even after something so awful, and even if you never really quite go back to the way you were before. Thank you. <3

Thank you so much about Karofsky! I knew from the beginning that he was going to get away and not ever be caught, so it was very interesting watching people really badly want him to get his comeuppance. Which I totally understand, I do, but... far too often, people who do bad ( ... )


pinkjulip August 16 2011, 12:08:47 UTC
the epicness was epic.

This was so great... and, as much as I hate to admit it, I was starting to feel a little bit bad for Dave in the end.... just a little XD Really wonderful fic! I'm so glad that everything worked out for our boys in the end!


emilianadarling August 18 2011, 02:53:44 UTC
Aha, thank you so very much! :D I'm delighted that this worked for you, epic-wise. <3

I think it's impossible to read about someone's life self-destructing so completely without feeling at least a little sad: Dave's human, and we relate to him because of that, even if he did some very terrible things. It's natural, I think. <3 Thank you so much, and I'm so glad you enjoyed! Thank you for reading!!


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emilianadarling August 18 2011, 03:01:49 UTC
You are so, so welcome. <3 It was an honour, a delight, and a privilege to be able to write this fic. It's all I've been thinking about for over two months now, so it's so surreal to finally have it all done and out there for everyone to see. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my spare time now!!

I completely, 100% understand being hesitant to read this at first. I was hesitant to write it at first! I had a loooong, full day of going "oh, Jesus, do I really want to go there?" before I decided that I just had to, the idea was taking over my brain. (Apparently I have a bad habit of accepting prompts that people write off as "unsalvageable" and turning them into something at least a little decent, haha! People told me that when I was writing " For Which I Have to Howl", too!) I'm so, so happy that this fic wasn't any of those things that you mentioned, and oh, bb, aha, thank you. You're making me blush bright red and giggle like a schoolgirl. Thank you. <3 ( ... )


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