First Steps 1/2 NC-17 Birthday fic for NCISROX

Jan 07, 2016 15:16

So, I had this follow-up to Growing Pains mostly done, then got sidetracked months ago. Ncisrox mentioned something that reminded me, so here it is.

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sentinel, ncis, birthday wishes, slash, fiction, nc-17, sentinel fiction, the sentinel, crossover

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Comments 4

ncisrox January 7 2016, 23:45:43 UTC
You wrote me a story! My very first, very own story! And not just any story, but one I've been fantasizing about. This is the best, hottest, most incredible birthday present ever! I love the humor, and the way that Gibbs has been so irascible with everyone in the wake of Tim's injury and the utter and absolute sexiness of it all. I love the way you take an idea and run with it. This story couldn't be more perfect! You, my friend, are a true wonder. I will very happily wait for part two while reading part on enough times to commit it to memory. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I could say it a million more times and it still wouldn't be nearly enough! Happy, happy, happy birthday girl am I. And grateful, and humbled. You are the best!


emerald_green37 January 8 2016, 00:37:20 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it. No reason to wait for part two, it's up now. It was fun to play in this universe again and there will be more before the year is out. Oh, look, was that a hint?

Hope your day was a good one.


ncisrox January 8 2016, 02:44:07 UTC
I live it when you drop hints. :)


ncisrox January 8 2016, 05:37:08 UTC
You wrote me a story! My very first, very own story! And not just any story, but one I've been fantasizing about. This is the best, hottest, most incredible birthday present ever! I love the humor, and the way that Gibbs has been so irascible with everyone in the wake of Tim's injury and the utter and absolute sexiness of it all. I love the way you take an idea and run with it. This story couldn't be more perfect! You, my friend, are a true wonder. I will very happily wait for part two while reading part on enough times to commit it to memory. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I could say it a million more times and it still wouldn't be nearly enough! Happy, happy, happy birthday girl am I. And grateful, and humbled. You are the best!


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