First Steps 1/2 NC-17 Birthday fic for NCISROX

Jan 07, 2016 15:16

So, I had this follow-up to Growing Pains mostly done, then got sidetracked months ago. Ncisrox mentioned something that reminded me, so here it is.

First Steps

"Ducky, tell him I'm all right."

"Timothy, I'm sure he knows that."

"He's treating me like a fragile flower. It's been almost a month, all the stitches are out, have been out for a while."

"You frightened him, Timothy."

"But I'm healed now, right? No restrictions?"

"None whatsoever. Now what is brewing in that Guide mind of yours?"

Tim just smiled and walked out of Autopsy.


"What, DiNozzo?"

Agent Gibbs was surly enough on his own. Add in the Sentinel caring for a recovering Guide and it had been almost enough to topple the Agency. McGee had better be right about this because the donuts and treats Tony was buying to soothe bruised nerves around the place was going to put a serious cramp in his fun budget. Taking a deep breath, he handed Gibbs an envelope. "Here, orders from your Guide."

Gibbs stared at the sealed envelope like it would bite him. "What is this?"

"I'm just the messenger, Boss, but whatever it is, it seemed important to him."

That seemed to satisfy the Sentinel and Gibbs walked away, tearing open the paper. Vance arrived from parts unknown as Gibbs went around the corner. "Is he leaving?"

Tony jumped and spun around, hand on his chest. "Don't do that, umm, Sir. Yeah, McGee's got something planned to get him out of this mood."

"Thank God. Another week of this and half the Yard would be putting in for a transfer."

"Yeah, no kidding. Oh, here." Tony pulled out another envelope, also from McGee. "You have one, too."

Frowning, Vance didn't move before he opened it and quickly read the contents. "Our Guide has officially pulled the team for the weekend. You and Ziva finish up your reports and then you're free to go."

"Really, he can do that?"

"He can do that under certain circumstances and this qualifies. Whatever McGee's got planned to get Jethro back on track, I suggest we give them plenty of space this weekend."

After a month of barking and growling from the team leader, Tony wasn't going to argue.


The letter had been in his Guide's handwriting and even more importantly it was covered with his Guide's scent. The call to bond was getting hard to ignore, but the image of his bloodied Guide overshadowed everything else it seemed. It wasn't just the remembered sight, but Gibbs could still smell the blood and the fear every time he let down his guard. Tim told him it was a sense memory. Ducky told him it was a sense memory. Even Ellison had told him it was a sense memory, but it was still too hard to shake.

The letter had just been an address and when he pulled up he found himself outside a Mexican restaurant. If Tim was in the mood for enchiladas, then they'd have enchiladas tonight. The younger man wasn't here, but Gibbs was expected all the same.

"Sentinel Gibbs, welcome. Your order will be ready in a few minutes."

He hadn't had Mexican food since his senses had come online, but the host seemed very comfortable with having a sentinel inside his restaurant. Just to be safe, he wouldn't sneak a taste until he was with his Guide. Speaking of which - "Excuse me, is someone meeting me here?"

Another envelope, this one a little thicker. This time the note told him to play the enclosed CD after he was back in the car. Gibbs stared at the CD, easily spotting Tim's fingerprints on the top surface.

The order was well packaged in a box and already paid for so Gibbs couldn't find out what was in it that way. He tried smell, but there was such a blend of seasonings that he couldn't sort it out - at least not without his Guide. Then Gibbs realized something else, the food in the box was cold, ice cold. Getting more than a little curious he retreated to the car. The box went on the floor of the passenger side and the CD went into the player. He turned it down low enough that he could just barely hear it without cranking up his hearing.

Did you get the food all right, Jethro? I think you're going to like it a great deal. It's some of my favorites. We'll heat it up here so it's hot and fresh and ready to be eaten. I'm waiting for you at home, Jethro, in our bed. Come home to me. The team is off rotation so we have the whole weekend to ourselves. Hurry home, I'm aching.

As soon as he heard the words 'I'm aching' Gibbs was in blessed protector mode, not that he'd really slipped out of it since the day of the attack at the mall.

Luckily the restaurant wasn't too far from the house. Gibbs made good time and called out as soon as he walked in the door. "Tim, where are you?"

"Up here, Jethro. Put the box in the fridge."

Gibbs had already set the box on the table, but quickly followed instructions before he took the stairs two at a time. The new curtains on all the windows darkened the house somewhat, but Sentinel sight made it easy to not bother with any lights. At the bedroom door, his mouth went dry. "I thought you were hurting."

The lights were off, several candles the only light in the room. Tim was naked on the bed, spread out on the dark blue satin sheets. "I am, Jethro. Come here."

The siren call was too strong to ignore and Gibbs found himself standing by the bed, looking down. The scars were just lines now, but he remembered where every drop of blood had stained his Guide's skin. "Tim."

Tim held up a bottle of massage oil. "You still smell the blood, don't you?"

He nodded, not taking the bottle quite yet.

"It's time to replace that sense memory with a new one, Jethro. It's past time."

Gibbs took the bottle and opened it, the almond scent filling his sinuses. "Tim."

"You won't hurt me, Jethro. I promise. I ache, but I ache for your touch, for your body inside mine."

Almost by instinct, Gibbs poured a puddle of oil into his hand. "Where do you want me to start?"

"How about my legs?"

That was good, that was safe. Tim's legs had come through the ordeal intact. He spread the oil on both of his hands and knelt on the bed, lifting Tim's closest leg. He started with Tim's foot, using enhanced touch to feel every knot, every tight muscle.

"Oh, yeah." Tim gave him a lazy smile, breathing deeply. "That's nice."

It was nice. Concentrating on what he was doing, Gibbs found it easier to let the memories fade into the background. By the time he'd reached Tim's knee, he needed more oil and then started on the other leg. Firmer this time, he pressed his thumb against a knot and worked it until he felt Tim's entire leg relax. The angle was awkward so he climbed further up onto the bed, kneeling between Tim's legs.

Hands oiled up again, he worked both knees at the same time, going back and forth as Tim's legs splayed out a little more each time. He tried no not look at the thickening shaft, but when Tim's legs shifted, he saw the base of a bright blue plug, one that he'd seen before. Starting on Tim's left thigh, slick hands were brushing close to his center. By the time he was on the right leg, Tim's cock was standing at attention and weeping. The smell of his Guide drew him closer. "Tell me what you want."

"I want you to take off all of your clothes and then I want you to massage every inch of my body. I want you to get reacquainted with my body, whole and healed and needing you so very much. I want to sit on your lap with you buried inside me until all we know is the bond."

"God." With all the blood rushing south, Gibbs wasn't even sure he could get off the bed, let alone get his pants past his rapidly hardening dick. "What you do to me."

"I'm healed, Jethro and I'm going to claim what's mine. All weekend long, in every way you can imagine." Tim smiled, slow and sexy. "And in a few ways you've never thought of yet."

"Shit." He wasn't graceful climbing off the bed, but it was the fastest way to get stripped down. His pants ended up somewhere, he wasn't sure where. All he did was make sure they didn't hit any of the candles, then he realized that he couldn't actually smell the burning wax, just a faint hint of vanilla. Tim seemed to know what he was thinking.

"LED candles. They'll light up for about fifty hours before the battery needs replacing and we just might use all of that to bond this weekend."

One look at the sultry face and Gibbs wasn't sure if he was teasing or not.

He got more generous with the oil and soon they were sliding against each other. He could feel the new scars under his fingers but as Tim and Ducky and Jim and Blair had promised him, they were firm and healed and ready for him to touch and accept. He'd settled back between Tim's legs and was leaning down, rubbing his chest against Tim's. Now, he wrapped his arms around Tim's waist and when Tim's arms were around his neck, he sat back and pulled Tim up with him.

"Yes." Tim undulated against him, panting and moaning. "Need you, need you so much. Fingers, now."

Doing as he was told, Gibbs tugged on the plug and removed it. There was a towel on the floor next to the bed and Gibbs dropped the plug towards it, not caring if it landed correctly or not. Tim was loose and ready for him and after just a few strokes of Jethro's thick strong fingers, Tim raised up on his knees. Gibbs knew what he wanted and lined up so that when Tim sank back down, Jethro's cock slid inside.

"God, yes." They clung to each other for a moment as the bond strengthened and connected them. Knowing what they'd been missing, Gibbs felt a wave of shame that he'd denied his Guide once again. Tim grasped his chin and tilted it up so they could look into each others' eyes.

"It's not the same thing, Jethro. I know that you were afraid of hurting me, that the memory of my being hurt was just too strong."

Gibbs gave a nod before pulling Tim even closer. "When I saw that glass coming down, I thought I was going to lose you. That I'd finally gotten it right and the universe was going to take away another soul mate." He was shaking and Tim slowly rocked them back and forth, letting the passion slowly build, washing away the pain and the guilt.

"I'm here. I'm whole. I'm healthy. I'm with you. I'm going to be here for every possible moment until we're old and gray."

"I'm already gray."

Tim didn't laugh, but his hand brushed against Jethro's head before he tenderly kissed him. "That was grief and the loss of a bond that did that. No one knows how long they have , but I know we'll be together until the end and that when we go, we'll go together."

"That doesn't scare you?"

"Nah. Living in a world without you in it - that scares me."

Gibbs returned the kiss, letting the passion build. "To the end of our days."

"To the end of our days."


The growling of Jethro's stomach was enough that it could be felt. Tim smiled and kissed the skin under his lips. "Guess it's time to heat up dinner."

"Just what did we buy for dinner? It's not too spicy, is it?"

"It's good. Carnitas with freshly made tortillas and sopapilla cheesecake for dessert."

That got Jethro's attention and he shifted slightly. "Really? That does sounds good."

"Yep." Tim kissed the skin under his again before raising up on his elbow. "There's a couple of salads in there, too, and chicken enchiladas for tomorrow - or later, depending on how many calories we burn off tonight."

Jethro grabbed him and rolled them so that Tim was underneath him. "Oh, yeah? Is that a challenge?"

"Maybe." Tim snuck a quick kiss then wiggled free. Giving Jethro a sassy grin, he ran for the hall.

Gibbs jumped to his feet, already way behind. Damn, when did he learn to do that?

By the time he reached the kitchen, Tim had the refrigerator open and Jethro had a nice view of his ass as he bent down to retrieve the box. Apparently he wasn't sneaky enough because Tim gave him a good wiggle before straightening up with the box.

Tim tossed him a towel, which he draped over the chair before he sat down. Vinyl upholstery and naked asses were never a good mix. Sitting down, he enjoyed the view as Tim warmed up the seasoned pork and the tortillas. When it was dished up, he inhaled the first carnita in a matter of seconds. "Damn, those are good. How did you find that place?"

"The owner's brother is the personal chef at the Mexican National Sentinel School."

Yep, his Guide took very good care of him. "Make sure we have this place on speed dial."

Another couple of carnitas, a large helping of the corn salad and a few extra tortilla to sop up the rest of the liquid and Gibbs was eyeing the dessert.

"We're taking that upstairs."

Works for me."


No plates and no silverware, they sat cross-legged on the bed, facing each other with the pastry box resting on their knees, feeding each other bites of the cheesecake and licking each others' fingers.

"I have eaten more desserts since we've bonded than I have in the last fifteen years."

"Yeah, but I make sure you always work it off."

That brought a grin. Yes, pretty much every dessert was eaten up here on the bed as part of something erotic. He hadn't complained and he wasn't going to now. "And I love working it off."

"You do, do you?" Tim scooped up the bits of cheesecake left in the box and smeared them down Jethro's chest before diving in to clean him up with a thorough licking.

"Damn." Jethro's head dropped back as Tim's tongue worked its magic on his nipples. In the past most lovers ignored his chest, probably put off by the amount of hair, but Tim would just laugh and call it an automatic flossing. Of course now that his senses were online, his nipples were about a hundred times more sensitive than they'd been before. "One of these days, I think I might be able to come from just that."

Tim raised up, letting his teeth scrape lightly across skin, smiling as Jethro shuddered. "If nothing else, it might be fun to try."

"Oh, yeah."

Dessert finished, the box hit the floor and Tim crawled back up on Jethro's lap. "What do I smell like?"

The question caught him off guard, then the various scents automatically reported in. "You. You smell like you, like our come and like almonds and spice."

Tim nodded and pulled Jethro's face down to press against his throat. "That's me, alive and well. Commit it to memory, Jethro. This is me. This is us."


Eventually, sensitive skin had to shower. He'd love to spend all day covered in his Guide, but nothing killed the mood faster than an itchy rash. Tim always knew when he was at that point and would lead him to the bathroom.

The water was clean and invigorating and much to Gibbs' surprise, Tim didn't reach for the soap. "We've got the whole weekend, Jethro, and we're not going anywhere."

Gibbs liked the sound of that and followed suit, just using the water and his hands to clean away what was needed without totally removing the scent. Water off, they lightly dried off before returning to the bedroom. Cuddled together on the bed, Gibbs kissed his forehead. "Thank you, I needed a kick in the ass."

"Glad it worked, but I'm almost disappointed I didn't get to resort to plan B."

"Plan B?" That had Gibbs up on one elbow, looked down at the smirking man. "What was plan B?"

"Oh, just a way to drive you out of your mind with lust."

That sounded pretty good, actually. "I could have a relapse tomorrow."

"Oh, you could?" Tim pretended to think about it for a moment. "We could probably work with that, but it should probably do double duty."

"Double duty?"

Tim rubbed his hands up and down Jethro's arms. "Remember, we decided to drive out every bit of sadness in this house?

"Oh, that's right." He smiled at Tim. "We're going to have a very good weekend, aren't we?"


It wasn't quite daybreak when Gibbs felt Tim slip off the bed. He tracked him, and when Tim went to the closet instead of the head, he opened his eyes. In the dim light, the view was nice as Tim searched through his entire wardrobe before pulling on a dress shirt and nothing else.

Gibbs eyes narrowed as he tried to decipher the significance of that particular shirt. He hadn't seen Tim wear it in recent memory, so he knew it wasn't a favorite. It was an odd color, somewhere between blue and green, that reminded him of that dusty plum colored shirt Tim had worn the day they'd taken down Shuhab. Tim turned and gave him a look that told Gibbs they'd come from the same source. He remembered the original conversation with a smile.

Guess I owe you a shirt. Where'd you get it?

Actually an ex-girlfriend bought it for me.

Then when we get home, I'm going to rip it the rest of the way off of you.

Promises, promises.

A few hours later, that shirt had been covered with blood, but Tim had told him there was another shirt from the same ex that could suffer a similar fate.

With a wiggle of his eyebrows, Tim left the bedroom. Gibbs easily tracked his movements down to the kitchen and then he both heard and smelled the signs of coffee being made. Coffee and sex, a great way to start the day, got him upright in a hurry. At first, he planned on going down there naked, but a pocket to carry some lube would be pretty handy.

His first thought was a pair of jeans and going commando, but he knew enough about their bonding sex by now to know that getting caught up in a zipper could be a real problem. Instead, he opted for a robe, not bothering to tie it as he dropped a tube in his pocket.


Shirttail covering most of his ass, Tim looked over his shoulder and smiled when Gibbs walked into the kitchen. "Coffee will be done in a minute. You want eggs or pancakes this morning?"

Apparently they were going to eat instead of instantly playing. Of course if they were going to spend the rest of the day screwing each other in random corners of the house, they'd need the energy. Eggs or pancakes. McGee actually made some pretty good pancakes, but eggs would give them more protein. Of course, pancakes meant syrup and that could be pretty fun. "How about both? You do up your fancy pancakes and I'll do scrambled eggs and bacon to go with it."

"I like the way you think, Jethro."

They hadn't done a lot of cooking together since they'd gotten back from Cascade. First the case, then Tim's injuries had put them on survival mode, then Gibbs had gotten stuck in blessed protector mode. It was time for some fun and Gibbs nodded in approval when Tim got some soft jazz going in the background.

If anyone had been watching, they probably would have enjoyed the show as the two men bobbed and reached around each other and the three skillets on the stove. Since no one was watching, Gibbs got a handful of ass a few times as the eggs cooked and Tim snuck in a few kisses. Eventually the food was done and they sat at the table with heaping plates.

The food was really good and the conversation very mundane until, "So, Timmy, where'd you get that shirt?"

He got back that smile that meant Tim knew exactly where this was headed. "This shirt? Let me think. Oh, yeah, Kari bought it for me while we were dating. She said she liked to see me wearing her favorite colors."


Breakfast was mostly finished, so Gibbs stood and pulled Tim up with him. Tim was grinning even as he laid down the challenge. "Yeah, really. So what are you going to do about it?"

The weave, the dye, the stitching, even the daily wearing created areas that were weaker in fabric. Most of the time it was unseen and unnoticed, but Gibbs concentrated on touch as he ran his hands over Tim's torso. Eventually he found a spot on the back that would work.

"This." He cranked down touch as he grabbed the fabric. The ripping sound drew a primal reaction. "Mine, all mine." Next he pulled on the front, grinning as buttons flew everywhere. Sides, sleeves, after every rip they kissed hard and passionately. Finally, Gibbs stepped back and took a careful look.

Tim's face was flushed and he was panting hard as he stood there in the tattered shirt, his now hard dick poking through the strips of fabric. Gibbs slid the plates out of the way before he pushed Tim onto the table. Tim didn't hesitate and continued the movement, exposing himself fully to his Sentinel. "Claim me, Sentinel. Make me yours."

As he squirted some lube onto his fingers, Gibbs wondered briefly if the table could handle them. If not, they'd have some furniture shopping in their future. Tim was still loose from last night, but he still took his time lubing him up and stretching him before lining up. Part of him wanted to go slow and careful still, but his Guide had other ideas.

"That's it, Jethro, take me hard." Tim wrapped his legs around Gibbs' waist and thrust up against him, wiggling until Gibbs was buried deep inside him. Growling, Gibbs grabbed his hips and met him thrust for thrust. The world outside them ceased to exist as the bond hummed as it gained even more strength. Slick with sweat, their bodies slipped and slid against each other as they both edged closer to climax The table creaked, then Tim's ass clamped down on him and his world went super-nova. Climaxing together, Gibbs could feel everything Tim was feeling and knew that Tim could feel his.

Gibbs could feel the aftershocks of the intense climax as his legs shook, as well as Tim's. Then he realized that even more was shaking right before the table collapsed.

"Shit, are you all right?"

Tim was laughing, so he wasn't overly worried. "You fucked me right through the table, Jethro."

Gibbs just knew he had s smug look on his face from that and he didn't argue. "Yes, I most certainly did." The table legs had buckled, but the table top was still intact and Gibbs swooped down for another kiss. None of the items on the table had even broken and Gibbs reached over to snag a piece of bacon that was still remarkably laying on his plate. "And one of these days, I'll be able to tell that to DiNozzo just to see him turn bright red."

Their bodies were still joined and Tim wiggled around a little, showing that they were both still half hard and Gibbs smiled as he looked at him. Smiling, flushed and covered with semen, he was like a personal siren. The maple syrup was laying on its side, slowly dripping onto the table, so Gibbs picked it up. Instead of closing it, he tipped it again and let a thin line dribble across Tim, mixing with the fluids already on him. Tim smiled and arched up as Jethro began to lick and suck him clean.

Even Sentinels need a little bit of time before their next round, but they took their time, kissing and playing with each other before they finally climbed to their feet. "So, now what?"

"Now, you should probably take a shower before you drag that table down to the basement to fix it."

Gibbs was about to tell him that fixing the table was pretty low on his list for the weekend, then a memory caught up with him. "Oh, yeah?"

Obviously pleased that he remembered, Tim leaned in for a kiss. "Oh, yeah."

In the shower, alone this time, Gibbs modified the no soap policy they'd instigated for the weekend as some parts of him needed to be absolutely as clean as possible.

sentinel, ncis, birthday wishes, slash, fiction, nc-17, sentinel fiction, the sentinel, crossover

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