First Steps 2/2 NC-17

Jan 07, 2016 15:25

He'd never gone down to the basement stark naked before, but there was a first time for everything. Of course he wasn't quite naked as he'd slipped some flip-flops on. No point in getting splinters in his feet and since Tim had left them out for him, it was apparently expected. Now he was eyeing the little windows, wondering if anyone could actually see in. They'd have to lay on the ground, so if they wanted a show that bad, they'd get one.

Footsteps on the stairs told him he was no longer alone. "So, is the table fixable?

"Yeah, I'll need to pick up some parts, though. It won't be done tonight."

Cool fingers trailed across his shoulders. "So, we're eating breakfast in bed tomorrow?"

"And probably lunch. Maybe even dinner." Gibbs felt the fingers work down and smiled. "It won't exactly be a hardship, will it?"

"No, but hard, maybe." Tim was pressed up against him now, working his cock into Jethro's butt crack so he spread his legs a little more to give him a bit more space. It worked and he could feel the thickening flesh nudging against his opening.

"Oh, yeah." Gibbs bent forward and braced himself against the workbench. "Do it."

Tim backed away. "Oh, you're not going to get it that easy. You remember what I promised to do to you down here?"

Remembering, Gibbs just spread himself wider. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Tim drag an old blanket over and drop it on the floor right behind Jethro's legs. Once upon a time he'd use it when he was too tired or too drunk to go upstairs to sleep after a bad case. Now he was glad it was still here as Tim settled on the blanket, sitting on his heels.

Fingers stroked across his opening once, then circled it before something softer and wetter joined in. "Damn."

"You like that, babe?" He was adjusted slightly, spreading even further. Gibbs had to rest his elbows heavier on the bench so that he didn't lose his balance. It was easy to let his sense of touch creep up and Tim didn't stop him at first. "Don't let it go above an eight."

Even at an eight, Gibbs could feel every taste bud on Tim's tongue as it lapped against his skin, firing his nerve endings and leaving him breathless. "Good, so good." There was a real possibility that his leg could cramp up but before he could do more than register the possibility, Tim was rubbing the knot that was forming in the back of his leg.

"No pain, only pleasure."

"You take such good care of me."

"Always." Leg taken care of, Tim's hand vanished from his body for a moment. When it came back, a lubed finger started working his hole. From the scent he could tell it was one of the edible lubes, the only one that didn't cause a reaction for the Sentinel and they both liked the taste. That was all the warning he had before the finger moved away and Tim started working his tongue directly on Jethro's hole.

Like when they'd repaired the bond, the sensation had Gibbs wailing and keening almost immediately. It would have been so easy to let his senses spiral out of control, but occasionally Tim would nip at his inner thigh, helping him maintain control. He was rock hard, cock pointed straight out, as the tongue was again replaced with a finger and more lube. It wasn't going to take much more to tip him over the edge and Tim rubbed his finger just once against Jethro's prostate before pulling back out.

"Fuuucckk..." The sweat was running down his back as he howled. "More, damn it, don't stop."

"Not stopping, Jethro. We're just getting started." It took a second to realize that the returning finger had company and this time two heavily lubed fingers scraped across his prostate.

Before a rhythm could be established, the fingers were gone again. It was so tempting to shove his ass back closer to his Guide, but the pleasure was so strong that he couldn't move. Fingers again, and tighter. It was three fingers dancing against his prostate and he let out a short scream. The fingers stayed with him longer this time and his orgasm finally hit. Hot, cold, waves of pleasure, he tasted color and felt sounds as his Guide played his body like a musical instrument. The fingers withdrew, only to be replaced with a cock and Gibbs met him thrust for thrust without softening.

At one time if anyone had told him that he could climax like this, he'd have said they were crazy. One orgasm blended into the next, taking him higher. "Yes, God, yes." He had no idea how long they fucked, but the second time he climaxed, it was both of them.

"Damn." They were both on the floor, tangled together on the blanket. Gibbs' legs were still shaking as the aftershocks ran through him. Tim was still buried deep inside him and Gibbs clamped down, feeling him stir back to life. "Again?" Just to make sure Tim knew he really wanted it, he wiggled his ass slightly and squeezed down once more.

"Yeah? You liked that?" Still partially hard, Tim started stroking ever so slightly and Gibbs could feel him hardening up again.

"Oh, yeah. Can't get enough of you." From his position on the floor, Gibbs could see several streaks of semen on both the front of the workbench and the underside. Just like Tim had promised, they'd thoroughly marked the basement.

Neither one of them had any desire to go for the next round standing up, so this was a slow lovemaking as they laid spooned together. Tim tenderly kissed Jethro's neck as the desire built again. This time his hand reached down and cupped Jethro's balls before taking his shaft and stroking it in time with his thrusts. "So good."

"Oh, yeah." The bond was practically singing and Gibbs could feel the echo of what Tim was feeling. "I can feel both sides. It's almost like I'm inside you while you're inside me."

"Yeah?" Tim thrust a little harder and tightened his hand around Jethro's cock. Jethro instinctively clamped down and met him stroke for stroke.

His third climax didn't have a great deal of volume but he felt Tim follow a few seconds later. Basking in the afterglow, he just smiled as Tim carefully eased out of him before kneeling over him to lick him clean.

"How's the basement feel now?"

Gibbs stretched out his senses. It was more than being able to smell their passion now embedded into the walls, the heaviness and sadness he'd always felt on some level was gone. "It feels like ours. Like the sadness has literally been washed away."

"Good." Tim leaned down for a long, lingering kiss. "No more sadness and loneliness."


It was tempting to stay right there, but the floor was hard and they had a perfectly good bed upstairs so eventually Gibbs got them up off the floor before either of them could fall asleep. He'd have gone straight to the bedroom, but Tim detoured them to the bathroom.

"Shower. We don't need sawdust in the bed."

As soon as it was mentioned, Gibbs could feel every microscopic particle of wood on his skin. A quick rinse took care of that before they dried each other. A short nap sounded pretty good.


It was starting to get dark outside by the time Gibbs woke up to find his Guide awake and watching him. "Damn, I can't believe I slept that long."

Tim leaned close, nuzzling him before placing a tender kiss. "You needed it. You've been on high alert since I got hurt, haven't you?"

Gibbs could only shrug. There was more than a touch of truth to that statement, but Tim didn't push him on it as he pulled back. "Dinner?"

It was certainly late enough, but before Gibbs could say anything, his stomach growled.

"I'll take that as a yes." Laughing, Tim climbed out of bed, reaching for his robe and slipping a tube of lube into his pocket.

It had been the same thing he'd done earlier. "Plans?"

"Best way to reheat those enchiladas is low and slow." While Gibbs wrapped his mind around what they could do with the time, Tim left the bedroom and walked into the third bedroom, which was currently storage. When he came out he was carrying a large, full-length mirror.

Intrigued, Gibbs followed behind, only stopping him when it became apparent that Tim was planning on carrying the mirror downstairs. "Let me do that. You and big pieces of glass..."

With the memories still fresh for both of them Tim didn't argue, just led Gibbs downstairs and pointed out where he wanted the mirror. Once it was in place, Tim adjusted it slightly, going up and down the stairs several times to check the angle. Curious, Gibbs didn't ask, but he did take care of dinner, putting it in the oven at the lowest setting that would actually warm it up. Once he was done with that he returned to find Tim waiting for him on the stairs.

"Sit down and spread your legs." Tim's robe was folded up and placed on one of the steps as extra cushioning, telling Gibbs exactly where to sit. Once there, he looked down at the mirror positioned at the bottom of the stairs. The lower position of the mirror and the angle gave an intimate view. Before he could figure out what his Guide was planning, Tim squatted down and sucked him into his mouth.

McGee's body blocked the action in the mirror, just showing his own ass, the hole flexing and winking as Tim bobbed up and down on Jethro's cock. With the lube glistening, it was a nice view but it didn't last long.

It didn't take much time for Gibbs to get hard and as soon as he was, Tim pulled off of him. Turning around and grasping the handrail, Tim started to lower himself onto the waiting cock as Jethro held his waist for added security. The lube, the bond and the practice made it easy and once Jethro was fully buried, Tim spread his own legs even wider to drape them over Jethro's thighs, his back resting against Jethro's chest.

"Look, Jethro."

He did and moaned at the sight. Between his own widely spread legs and Tim's even wider position, they were fully exposed in the mirror. For the first time he had a total and unobstructed view from his own hole right up to the tip of Tim's dick, but the best part was watching his cock slide in and out of Tim's ass. "Oh, fuck."

"Yeah." Tim reached up and back to wrap his arms around Jethro's neck as he wiggled his ass. "This time it's going to be about sight instead of touch. You see us in the mirror? That's what you're going to focus on while I fuck myself on your cock."

The moment his Guide said the words, Gibbs' vision was dialing up, giving him an even better view of what the mirror showed. Under any other circumstances, zoning might have been an issue, but the intense physical sensations balanced out sight.

He could see every twitch of muscle as Tim rode him in an erotic lap dance. They found their rhythm, Tim planting his feet on Jethro's thighs for leverage.

"Oh, yeah." Gibbs wrapped his fingers around Tim's ankles to make sure he didn't slip as they picked up speed. Tim came first and the sight of his body arched back, fluids flying far enough to hit the ceiling, sent Gibbs own orgasm roaring through him. They were still catching their breath when the oven timer buzzed. Laughing, they had to support each other getting down the stairs.

There was still no table and they were tired, so dinner was eaten upstairs before they quietly washed up and climbed under the blankets.

Gibbs sighed as they settled in, arms and legs tangled together. They'd taken care of most of the house. The one major area left - "So, what are we going to do with the living room?"

"Two sofas and a nest in front of the fireplace. It's going to be a very good day."

Smiling, Gibbs had to agree.


For years Gibbs had rolled out of bed the moment he'd awakened. Now he was remembering how enjoyable those first few minutes could be. They'd shifted around in their sleep and now Tim was spooned up against his back. Through the bond he could feel that Tim was also waking up and the tender kiss between his shoulder blades confirmed it.


"Mmm, good morning." Tim wiggled against him, getting his cock tucked between Gibbs' butt cheeks. "One of these days you're going to go to sleep with a plug, then in the morning I'm going to replace it with my dick and wake you up that way."

Part of him was thinking that he'd be awake the moment Tim moved while the rest of him was already anticipating how good that would feel. "Yeah? Got a plug in mind?"

There was definite amusement over the bond now, which got Gibbs curious, enough that he shifted enough so that he could look over his shoulder and Tim grinned at him. "I ordered one in case I had to go to plan C. Not too big, but has a vibrator built into it."

Gibbs thought through the various options. "So, if worse came to worse, you were going to use that to drive me up the wall?"

With a very sultry expression, Tim leaned close enough to whisper in his ear. "Handcuff you to the bed, keep the vibrator on low and let you watch me play with myself until you begged me to fuck you."

That made Gibbs groan. "If I'd known that was one of the options-"

"Oh, it will happen." Something in Tim's tone told Gibbs that would be a perfect way for a guide to deal with an overly bossy sentinel or to reign in an out of control blessed protector and part of him was wondering just how soon he could get into trouble again. Breakfast first, so they could keep up their strength.

Scrambled eggs and toast with plenty of coffee. Not only was it hot and nutritious, but it was quick and easy. The eggs made into a sandwich with the toast meant they didn't even have any dishes to worry about and the pan would keep until later. It wasn't long before Tim was leading Gibbs into the living room. He studied the two sofas, then led his Sentinel to the sofa with the wider, flat arms.

Tim settled his ass down on the thick arm of the sofa, then fell backwards to lay on the sofa with his groin elevated, his dick already half hard. He licked his lips, then looked at Gibbs through the fringe of his half closed eyes. "Come here, Jethro, and let me suck you."

"Oh, yeah." Not needing to be asked twice, Gibbs carefully climbed onto the sofa, his knees near Tim's shoulders before leaning down to suck Tim into his mouth. It put them in a very comfortable 69, as the sofa arm supported not only Tim's hips, but Jethro was able to easily keep his arms straight to better support himself.

This was something that he'd never get tired of, never get enough of, as he licked and sucked. The movements of Sentinel and Guide naturally mirrored each other after a few minutes and the feeling was incredible. They were so well synced that he felt Tim's balls pull up just as the familiar tingling started in his own. Sucking harder, the joint climax brought stars to his vision.

Finally catching his breath, Gibbs kissed Tim's inner thigh. "I believe we now have one happy couch."

That got a laugh, then Tim scraped his teeth along Gibbs' leg, raising goosebumps and making him shiver. "Better not let the other sofa get jealous."

"Yeah? What are we going to do?" Since coming online, Gibbs felt as randy as a teenager, but even he needed a couple of minutes. Of course listening to Tim talk about sex cut that by about half. Or more. Tim smiled at him, knowing just how much his words turned Gibbs on.

"Well, since I am such a delicate, recovering Guide-"

Oh, yeah, he'd be hearing about that one for quite a while. Judging from the smirk, Tim knew exactly what he was doing. "Yeah, yeah."

Gibbs felt a little thrill go through the bond before Tim started talking again. Getting comfortable enough to tease each other was strengthening the bond. "That one is a little longer so I'm going to stretch out all nice of comfy, then you're going to ride my dick. You think you've got good enough aim to land in my mouth when you come?"

He was a sniper, damn it, but that was going to be quite a challenge. "Practice makes perfect?"

"Good answer."

Tim didn't lay down on that sofa right away. First he had Gibbs on his knees, chest against the back of the sofa while he stretched him. His Guide's fingers were like magic and it wasn't long before he was panting and keening as he ground back against those amazing fingers. "Fuck me, damn it."

"You sure? You ready to feel my cock buried in your ass?" Tim pulled back and they shifted around, Gibbs' dick bouncing as he squatted over Tim. He growled, but Tim took his time letting Gibbs ease down onto the hard shaft. Finally, he could feel Tim's balls pressing against him.

Hard and fast was very tempting, but Tim's hands on his legs limited that and forced Gibbs to use his own hands for balance. "Touch me."

Tim rubbed his hands in small circles on the top of his thighs. "I am. You're going to come from just my cock. Can you feel it? Feel it pulsing inside you?"

"Shit." His sense of touch spiraling upwards, Gibbs threw his head back and breathed harshly through his teeth. He could feel Tim's pulse vibrating against his prostate, the thrumming echoing in every nerve ending.

It would have been very easy for his senses to spiral out of control as his body became more and more sensitized, but Tim continued talking, whispering words of love and desire, keeping him grounded as they flew higher.

Even Sentinels have their limit and after one particularly intense scrape against his prostate, Gibbs' vision went white and he let out a yell as his orgasm hit. Sagging, it took everything Gibbs had to not fall on Tim, but eventually he regained enough control to straighten up.

"Hey." Tim smiled up at him, licking his lips.

Aim hadn't been great, but that was a goal he could work on. Looking down at Tim's smiling face, Gibbs couldn't help but smile back. "Hey, yourself."

Tim pulled him close. It took a minute of shuffling around, but they found a comfortable way to snuggle together on the sofa. One of the cushions would need to be cleaned, Gibbs reminded himself as they dozed off, but there was no rush.


It was starting to get dark when they woke and Gibbs was starting to get hungry. They'd already finished off all the Mexican food, so Gibbs reviewed their options. Steaks would be great, but they were in the freezer. Tim stirred slightly and Gibbs kissed the skin under his lips. "You hungry?"

"Yeah. Why don't you get the fire going while I get the steaks ready?"

"Take a while for them to thaw." The microwave was an option, but Gibbs hated the subtle change in texture. Of course, having some time to kill wasn't necessarily a bad thing. He could feel Tim smiling without even looking.

"I took them out of the freezer last night so they should be thawed by now."

That would work, too. Carefully, in case they were stuck together, Gibbs straightened up and climbed off the sofa. After a quick clean up, the two men separated to their individual chores.

Tim brought him two potatoes wrapped heavily in foil just when the fire was ready for them. Eventually the steaks went onto the grate, sizzling away when McGee returned with all the trimmings for the baked potatoes, along with a salad. Gibbs still wasn't a huge fan of greens, but he now had a younger guide to live a long time for and that included eating healthier. Tim disappeared again and when he returned, he had a handful of blankets.

Curled up in their nest, Gibbs cut their steaks while Tim added butter, sour cream, cheese and chopped green onions to the potatoes. They took their time, eating slowly and stealing kisses between bites. Eventually they were finished and Tim set their plates aside.

"This is nice." It really was. Gibbs was laying on his side, spooned up against Tim. He was half hard, enjoying the feel of Tim's backside against him as they slowly slid against each other. They'd make love again tonight, but neither of them were in a hurry.

Tim pulled Gibbs' hand up to press a kiss against his palm. "It sure is. Not that I want to get hurt and have you stress out about it, but I'd like to have an occasional weekend like this every once in a while."

That reminded Gibbs of something. "Doesn't the Department of Sentinel Affairs have some guidelines about that? Required minimum time off to reconnect, or something like that?"

"Yep. We're guaranteed one weekend off a quarter when no one can call us back in, but they recommend at least once a month."

"I'll talk to Vance, make sure he knows about that." Gibbs starting kissing and nibbling on Tim's neck. "Since there's a rumor going around that I've been a bit of a bear these last couple of weeks, this would be a good time to make sure that policy is in place. We were lucky that the team didn't get a call out this weekend."

"Not exactly luck." Tim rolled enough to look over his shoulder at his Sentinel. "There's certain circumstances where a Guide can overrule even the Director. I put that into play before we left for the weekend."

"Really?" Gibbs wasn't sure how he felt about that, but he knew that was necessary. He just didn't want it to come back later and bite Tim in the ass. "He wasn't willing...?"

Tim shook his head. "He was more than willing to give the two of us the weekend without being on call, but I wanted the whole team grounded for the weekend, didn't want Tony and Ziva to be called in for something without us backing them up."

"Thank you." Gibbs wrapped his arms around Tim tighter and squeezed. Considering how rough the beginning of their bond had been and the trouble DiNozzo had caused them, he was always grateful for the care his Guide gave the rest of them.

Slow kissing and petting eventually turned more intimate and then Gibbs noticed the lube waiting for them and chuckled. He wasn't sure when Tim had slipped that past him, but it was there now, on the hearth, ready for them. Tim draped his top leg over Gibbs' legs, leaving him open and exposed. That made it easy for Gibbs to prepare him and gently slide in.

The bond fully sated, this joining was all about love and enjoying each other. They took their time, just moving enough at first to keep each other hard. Eventually they got more serious about the sex, climaxing together this last time of the weekend.

Gibbs still was not a particularly vocal man, but Tim could see it all in his eyes and tenderly pulled him down for a kiss. "Me too, Jethro. Me, too."


Monday morning Tony was on their doorstep before the coffee was even finished. He was grinning and cracking jokes, but they could both feel his worry for them. Knowing that his Guide would be a little more tactful, Gibbs retreated to the kitchen and let Tim deal with him. Tim stared for a minute and Tony dropped the show.

"You guys really okay now?"

"Yeah, we're fine now."

"So you guys," Tony waved his hands around. For someone who loved the ladies and sex so much, he was still surprisingly easy to embarrass. "You know, umm, bond?"

Tim always tried to not give out too much information. "Yes."

"Good." Tony looked around the living room. "What did you guys change in here? It's different, but I don't see what's new." He went to sit on the sofa, but Tim stopped him.

"We had to clean that and it's still damp."

That stopped the movement toward the sofa but Tony was still looking around. "No, seriously, something's different. What is it?" Finally he stopped and looked at the couch again and Tim was suspicious that he was putting it together. Gibbs walked in at that moment, grinning widely.

"We cleared out years of sadness and loneliness."

Tony looked confused for a moment, then they saw when it clicked and he backed away from the freshly cleaned sofa as his face reddened slightly. "Oh, well, that's great, but I think I'll sit over here."

Gibbs smirked at him and Tony froze, shaking his head. "Really? How many times did you guys bond this weekend?" When Gibbs started to count it up on his fingers, Tony turned even redder, but he was grinning. "Don't tell me. I'm gonna grab a chair from the kitchen."

They listened and waited. It didn't take long. "Where's the table?"

"Though you didn't want to know, DiNozzo?"

Tony leaned through the door, an expression on his face that had them both laughing. "Seriously?"

Gibbs was having way too much fun. "You probably want to stay out of the basement, too."

"Oh, now that is just kinky, guys. Forget I ever asked about any of it." Tony was shielding his eyes as if he was afraid to look at anything. He made it almost to the door before curiosity won out and he turned to McGee. "The basement? Really? Do I need to take you to Ducky to get splinters out of your knees?"

"Not mine."

Tony's mouth snapped shut before he dropped his head and started to laugh. "I guess I can safely tell the Director that the two of you are fine now."

Gibbs walked up behind Tim and wrapped his arms around Tim's waist, resting his chin on the slightly taller man's shoulder. "Better than fine."

"You know I love you guys, right? But, hang a sock on the door or something, all right?"

Gibbs might have agreed, but Tim smiled and shook his head. "Then you wouldn't have any juicy details to tease the girls with."

That seemed to do the trick. "You're right. Hey, I'll see you guys later." A few seconds later he was gone and Gibbs sighed.

"You know they're going to be grinning at us all day."

Tim tugged him toward the door. If they didn't hurry, they'd be late to work. "Yeah, but we're a bonded pair, we can take it."

That made Gibbs smile as he followed his Guide out the door. As long as he had his Guide next to him, he could handle anything.

sentinel, ncis, birthday wishes, slash, fiction, nc-17, sentinel fiction, the sentinel, crossover

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