Picspam: Supernatural 4x16

Mar 22, 2009 15:36

Normally I don't do episode picspams, but really, with all the whumping and delicious torture and really funny mid-fight faces in this one meant I HAD to. Not too much plot to this picspam; mostly pretty-or-awesome-or-both gentlemen beating each other up. Oh, and unexpected awesomeness from the usually weak female characters.

Great big spoilers for 4x16, obviously!

Feel free to pinch caps for icons, etc, I'm not claiming ownership of anything here!

Supernatural 4x16: On The Head Of A Pin

Cutting to the chase, lets start with Alastair and Dean's lovely little scene. Alastair's singing had me both giggling and wanting to hide somewhere safe forever in case he ever came after me XD.

He really doesn't have much respect for Dean's 'art'. Grand inquisitor of Hell, baby. You're going to have to get creative.

Dean doesn't mind. He's been thinking about this moment for a long time.

Holy water? Seriously?

Well, while a good dousing of holy water has always had its demon-hurting benefits...

It is possible to be a wee bit more creative than that.

The doctor is in.

Cut to Sam the demon-blood addict junkie polite requester.

Yeah, that's a... interesting face. There. I think Ruby doesn't mind the cutting so much.


Drinky-drinky. Take that, Edward Cullen!

HELLO SMIRK. And now Ruby is interesting again as well. This episode seriously restored my faith in the remaining female characters of the show. They have AGENDAS. And ABILITIES. I remember hearing once that women sometimes had those!

Blessing the knife...

Dean's faintly pornographic knife-slidey-in face which, um. Yes.

Ouch, or so I hear.

Dean's eyes are so dead throughout this it kills me. Oh Dean. Someone give that boy a cup of hot cocoa.

Also, really annoying continuity shot. Apparently Dean likes getting close when thrusting his knife in deep, but then we cut straight to...

This? Where'd that distance suddenly come from? Eh, what the hell, it gives an excuse to show...

EVIL DRIP OF DOOM. Damn you water! My only weakness!

I can only see this ending well.

I kind of want to hump Dean's back here. Just look at that thing! What? Oh, yes, and he's doing the getting in close trick again.

Apparently demonic bad-touch is contagious. Love Alastair's proud bloody grin.

And everything about this look is awesome. Man, Why'd you have to go and die, Alastair? You were getting SO INTERESTING.

And this is probably the one scary look Dean does give. That grin is a broken, broken thing.

Alastair thinks he's got something stuck in his throat. Looking at what he's coughing up, it's probably his throat.

Time to try salting the blade...

Dean turns...

This is what we call the "Oh shit" face.

Say hello to my fist. Its name is Your Face.

Fade to black, then fade in, and it's pretty evident Alastair has been entertaining himself for some time.

But punch-ups aren't going to cut it for long.

So we get choking...

Pretty severe choking...

And, okay, Jensen actually seems to have been paying attention to how people behave when not breathing, because man, that is a genuinely half-dead look right there.

Something grabs Alastair's attention though.

Even though I cheer at Castiel to the rescue, capping this scene is a bitch without having the face he's pulling look absolutely hilarious. Still! Stabbity angel! And clearing the debt from Dean's crowbar-to-Alastair's-face heroics in 4x10.

Dean falls and, quite sensibly, works on passing out.

Someone should've worked out by now that the demon-stabbing-knife doesn't do so well on the mega demons, Alastair included.

Still, Castiel has a trick up his sleeve.

And twisting the knife via angel-fu is a nifty trick indeed.

Not quite nifty enough though:

And now we have Alastair ready to fight Castiel, again, and we all remember how well that went last time, don't we?

Dean; now 100% passed out.



Alastair spots something useful and grins.

It's an angel-hanging-hook! Every abandoned warehouse/hospital/wherever should have one!

Castiel looks surprised to find himself decorating the wall.

Alastair resumes his choking business...

A firm grip works wonders.

Latin-based incantation time...

Castiel's almost on his way back to heaven...


And now Alastair is cheesed off. Who decided to pin him to a wall?

TA-DA! The L in my hand is for LOSER, Alastair, WHICH YOU ARE.

Castiel falls from the angel-hanging-hook, through Sam's powers or the severance of his spinal column we may never know.

Hi, Alastair, this is Sam. He's awesome.

I would recommend talking to him.

Alastair squeals, if you can claim genuinely admitting the demons know nothing about the angel killings to be a form of squealing.

This is Castiel's "What?" face. Frequently displayed when Dean is confusing or, in this case, he's endangered their only hope's life to torture a demon who actually knows bugger-all who's been on angel-killing duty. Whoops.

Alastair challenges Sam to send him back.

But Sam can go one better.

And prettily, too.



Killing demons is hard, sweaty work.

And Castiel does not approve. How very ungrateful.

Dean-whumpers, I hope you're happy; we have hospital-bed-Dean with a tube.

Concerned!Sam is concerned.

Ouch :(.

Castiel pops in, understandably feeling guilty for putting their only hope's life in danger. Again; whoops.

Sam wants to know what Castiel's doing there.

Miracle. Now.

Only Sam could put a guilt trip on an angel; and he's right to. Castiel and co DID basically put Dean in there because of a basic mistake that any hunter who'd been doing the job for years would know to avoid. In all fairness, Castiel's been blindly following orders and assuming everything's been set up correctly, but still - Dean was on the fast track to dying again, and that's not good. Poor guy keeps having completely unexpected relapses of death.

Castiel knows the trap should have held. And, thankfully, apologises.

Cutting ahead now; having found out who's responsible for the angel deaths, Castiel opts to make a Uriel-sized hole in a brick wall.

Unfortunately, Uriel is springy, and has one hell of a right hook.

I was tempted to include the screencap of Castiel's stuntman here, but it would be mean, so instead have a head-bowed shot of him going through a pillar.

Blood spitting time.

Punching time, and Castiel's eyes really like to go wide when he throws a punch, which I find both cute and amusing. I probably shouldn't.

Left hook of righteous wrath!

Lead pipe of Lucifer-raising wrath!

That coat fits Castiel's back much better than it fits any of him on front. ... What?

On his knees...

"I still serve God."

"You haven't even met the man!"

About to get punched...


Post-punch in the face.

"There is no will. No wrath. No God. HHNGK." Angel-killing knife to the rescue!

"Maybe. Maybe not. But there's still me." And with that line Anna's character is finally fabulous and interesting again!

Anna going to help Castiel up.

Uriel dying.

Overhead of Uriel's corpse. I kind of doubt those wing marks are shadows now; they look an awful lot more like burnt charcoal, which leads to the question of do angels' real bodies leave a mess behind on top of the vessel's?

Cut to whumped Dean in the hospital bed and apparently cleaned-up-nicely Castiel sat next to him.

Castiel looks heavenward for guidance.

Dean wants answers and has no problem ordering Castiel not to disappear on him.

Castiel admits he doesn't know much about what's going on; only what he's been told, which isn't from as reliable a source as initially thought, and that Dean is the only one who'd be able to stop the end of the world.

And Dean announces that if we're reliant on him stopping the apocalypse? We're kind of screwed.

And at this point, it's hard not to believe him. *single shiny tear*

fandom: supernatural, picspam

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