Picspam: Supernatural 4x16

Mar 22, 2009 15:36

Normally I don't do episode picspams, but really, with all the whumping and delicious torture and really funny mid-fight faces in this one meant I HAD to. Not too much plot to this picspam; mostly pretty-or-awesome-or-both gentlemen beating each other up. Oh, and unexpected awesomeness from the usually weak female characters ( Read more... )

fandom: supernatural, picspam

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Comments 43

Great picspam!! lillian78 March 22 2009, 15:51:19 UTC
But everything about this episode was great. Except Anna HO feeling up Cas and Ruby's smirky I've-got-Sammy-with-the-demon-program-now look. Cas on his knees yet another kink for me. Cas needs to learn how hug ouchy!Dean though *frowns*. He certainly needed a loving touch and for my sanity's sake not Anna's. *g*


Re: Great picspam!! emerald_embers March 22 2009, 21:44:07 UTC

Thank you honey :). Funnily enough, this episode restored my interest in both of the girls! Mary Sue fluffy bunny Anna in 4x10 annoyed the crap out of me, given she'd been so intriguing and potentially awesome in 4x09, and it's nice seeing her being interesting again. As long as they push Castiel and Anna as a sibling-like relationship, I'll have no problem with her reappearing; I'll probably be a bit ticked off if they go in for Castiel/Anna het though, unless they pull it off very well, and I don't see that happening.

Ruby's smirk was made of WIN for me :D. It's so much fun FINALLY seeing her showing signs of being in it for something other than her relationship with Sam.

Mmmph, Castiel on his knees though, that was... yes, guilty pleasure indeed :D.

And YOU ARE NOT KIDDING about Dean. Someone get him 75cls of hot chocolate STAT. And a blanket. And a cuddle. And a copy of the Lion King or some similarly uplifting Disney movie, damnit!


autumnrae89 March 22 2009, 16:42:44 UTC
Er, SPN is spectacular y/y? I was so impressed with this eppy. Dean was awesome, Sam was awesome and my new fave Castiel was awesome. I mean how cute was he when he was fighting, no one does any of that. (Putting his hands up before throwning a punch)

I &hearts this show.


emerald_embers March 22 2009, 21:45:12 UTC
Y/Y/MFY, it was spectacular :D. Dean, oh Dean, and Sam I love again (THANK YOU SHOW FOR REMEMBERING THAT SAM CARES), Castiel was made of win...

And you're not kidding about the cute. There's something so very naive about Castiel, I rather fret for him sometimes!


autumnrae89 March 22 2009, 23:16:41 UTC
MFY with awesomesauce on top. :P

I've only been drifting with SPN as it tends to get lost in the OMG it's Smallville day every week but now it's dragged me back in and I love it like I did in 2004. :D

I'm so loving the exploration of Castiel. I really enjoyed his beginnings of doubt in the episode, Mischa totally played conflicted!Castiel to a tee. I mean it opens up a lot of avenues for the character, will he fall? Will he disobey? Will he campaign for Angel rights? Who knows.

As for Sam, one part of me goes, BITCHSLAP HIM FOR HIS STUPIDITY. Drinking demon blood, god you twat. The other half goes OMG Sam sex me with your sexy darkness. :P

Hmm, so only slightly conflicted. :D


emerald_embers March 22 2009, 23:22:12 UTC

Here's the thing, I was getting really, really ticked off with Sam up until this episode - and now he's suddenly redeemed himself in my eyes because I finally GET it.

I thought it was just him being very bratty with the hanging out with Ruby and using his powers up until recently, and wanting to get revenge on Lilith any way he could - but this episode sold to me that he genuinely thinks he's protecting Dean. And really? After what we saw in this episode? He kind of is.

At least, as far as he knows; we don't know what all that demon blood is going to do to him in the long term, and that's a serious worry. But I honestly believe he thinks he's doing the right thing, and I think he's doing it, at least in part, out of love for his brother. There's a very similar storyline between Vergil and Dante in the videogame Devil May Cry so I'm kind of hooked there already XD ( ... )


ibroketuesday March 22 2009, 19:27:23 UTC
Even though I cheer at Castiel to the rescue, capping this scene is a bitch without having the face he's pulling look absolutely hilarious.

ALL his fighting faces are hilarious. He looks wild-eyed.

Thank you for not capping Misha's stuntman. Once I saw a screencap that clearly showed Simon's stuntman in the Firefly episode "Objects in Space", I saw him every time I watched the scene, and it was super distracting.


emerald_embers March 22 2009, 22:09:13 UTC
Hehe! You're welcome hon. I - and this is mean, I know, but true - also didn't include the cap of his stuntman because man, Castiel is SO much prettier.

Castiel's fighting face is so inappropriate I ADORE it. He just spends the entire time all O_O at everything and I just want to squish him. I'm SHAMEFULLY guilty over it.

Also, sorry for not finishing any fic at the moment :(. I *do* promise I'm working on it!


ibroketuesday March 22 2009, 22:21:00 UTC
also didn't include the cap of his stuntman because man, Castiel is SO much prettier.

Then I don't understand why you included caps of anyone else, either...

He just spends the entire time all O_O at everything and I just want to squish him.

I know, it's SO FREAKING ADORABLE!! Okay, I have to say, Castiel may be a badass, but he sucks at fighting. I'm beginning to think that he really isn't a warrior angel; he was pulled off a cloud somewhere and had his harp replaced with a flaming sword and was sent into Hell after three weeks of angel boot camp, and when he was all "I'm a soldier" to Dean in 4x02, a part of him was pretty excited to be able to say that.

Or, you know, he did the more Castiel-like thing and accepted his change of position with the melancholic world-weariness with which he goes through life. Still, that guy has not had much battle training. Maybe he's a totall bamf when not in a vessel, but...

It's okay about the fic! :D I can wait.


emerald_embers March 22 2009, 22:36:29 UTC
also didn't include the cap of his stuntman because man, Castiel is SO much prettier.

Then I don't understand why you included caps of anyone else, either...

ROFL. I meant... hm. Trying to think of a polite way to put it... lets say that all our boys are either pretty or interesting looking, and Castiel's stunt actor was... homely. That'll do the trick.


I honestly think Castiel's been a watcher up until very recently and they've pulled him up to do fighting, and while he's handy enough with minor demons he really isn't equipped to handle stronger demons. Plus, for goodness' sake, when is someone going to teach him to BLOCK OR DUCK PUNCHES. He just sort of LOOKS at fists going towards his face, silly bugger.

And now I really really really want Sam to teach him how to fight, and, um, wow, my brain's going off on that one and OKAY NOW I WANT SAM/CASTIEL LIKE BURNING. again.

*snuggles you*

And thanks for your patience babe <3. I'll try and make the wait worthwhile!


ego_chan March 22 2009, 20:04:06 UTC
LOL. I love to see phrases like "bugger all" and "cheesed off" in aaaaall my Supernatural summaries. xDxDDDDD

Is it bad that Castiel always comes off as cute and amusing to me? xDxDDDD


emerald_embers March 22 2009, 22:10:07 UTC
XD I forget sometimes that, well, I am very English on occasion!

And oh man, if it's bad, I don't want to be good, because he strikes me as ADORABLE most of the time. HE'S AN ANGEL FOR GOODNESS' SAKE. SHAME ON ME.


ego_chan March 22 2009, 22:23:23 UTC
I think it has a little of a bad effect when I'm watching and fattyblackcakes is all like "we've fought together, blah blah, brothers, blah, blah" and I'm all like "awwww, wiwy, Cas? You fiywt in dee biwg scawee ba'woes befo'wa? Dat's sow cuuuwte."

[trans: awwww really, Cas? You fight in the big scary battles beforwe? That's so cute.]



emerald_embers March 22 2009, 22:32:00 UTC

Okay, now my brain is replaying that entire episode in Looney Tunes speak.



walkiria2 March 22 2009, 22:05:31 UTC
I love this episodeeeeeeeee. Thank you for the pics !


emerald_embers March 22 2009, 22:10:25 UTC
Hee! I loved it too, you're very welcome :).


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