Love's Not A Competition But I'm Winning

Feb 14, 2008 11:44

Ah, the immortal words of the Kaiser Chiefs. May I just begin by saying, that I firmly believe Valentines Day to be the biggest fraud perpetrated on the American people by the card and candy companies? And if that wasn't enough, now the greedy bastards have invented something called "The Sweetest Day", whatever the hell that is. Like they're not ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

weltreisender February 14 2008, 18:36:26 UTC
I love you. In general, that's true, but especially because of this post.

D and I are eating Chinese and watching Rush Hour tonight. I've been very emphatic that the one day of the year I refuse to receive flowers is today. We are exchanging gifts, but practical stuff. I probably would have no gifts at all, but I forgot the holiday last year and D gave me the most meaningful gift possible at that point, so I have some making up to do.

I'm taking on your suggestion for next and am going to make sure that Valentine's Day is that day I tell everyone in my life that I care for them. I'll even do a bit today. I've already reached out to a friendship that's currently a bit awkward, but I'm going to make sure to email my parents too.

And you - and Mark, and now Liam - are ever so dear to me. I could have never hoped for friendship like yours when I moved to the Twin Cities.


emelye_miller February 14 2008, 18:51:15 UTC
Right back at you, kiddo. Don't know where I'd be without you. Probably climbing the walls of a mental hospital.


hobgoblinn February 14 2008, 18:51:31 UTC
Dude, what are you talking about? My Catholic Saints calendar quite clearly proclaims this the feast day of Sts. Cyril and Methodius....

Nope, I'm not bitter, not at all.... Also not in any kind of denial at all. Nope. Nosiree.

But I am thankful for all my friends, you included.


geminigirl1978 February 14 2008, 20:29:50 UTC
I completely and utterly agree with you! I've always hated this holiday...single or not-single... I usually try and spend the day (when single) trying to get together with friends and make a day of celebrating any kind of love...whether it be friendship, etc...

Today, I had lunch with Anna (Got flowers and a new pair of sunglasses - her son Dylan, just broke my old ones.) and I gave her a book on Motherhood (it made her tear up)... And tonight, I'll be going to see my other friend Vanessa to watch movies and order in (preferably).

So, cheers to you and yours!

Happy Valentine's Day Em! Give kisses to your little guy for me!



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