Title: Just for love
Pair: Yunchun
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Angst
Length: Drabble (302 words)
Summary: They will be together no matter what the world tells them.
A/N: Inspire by the lovely song call “Don’t say goodbye” by DBSK. A very late birthday gift for my lovely daughter zazu
enchanted1312. This is for you, I hope you like it.
You are my love. You are my soul )
Comments 15
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Really thanks for reading and commenting
Thanks for reading and commenting
psttttt: ur jaexhyungjoong is ready but i need to go thru a stormt to get my beta-readers to read it so it might take a while. *kisses*
Nobody completely sane would leave Yunho.
You are welcome my dear. Besides... the comm needed something newer LOL
I TOTALLY LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and by the way... Im working on something for reversed analogy...
LOL... a very mess up typo LOL
thanks mummmy! really love ya!
this line catches my attention. something in it that really makes me think, is love in itself has any kind of rule with it?
anyway, i like it. unbreakable love of YunChun, together they are solid. and i like the mild angst(?) in it, it just work really well.
actually i am a new reader and pretty new to this community, but i think you will see a lot of me in the future, coz i've started to write my own fic as well, but nothing as good as yours.
You are new to the Yunchun comm or at the fandom itself (like Hug comm and all the pairs comm and DBSG comm)
I will totally like to read one of your stories. And thanks... still I have a long way to go.
Thanks for reading and commenting
actually i am pretty new to this community (hug and all) and lj at large since i just recently trying to get myself active in lj. and actually i did post my 1st fic in hug and in my journal as well (since i'm still trying to figure out how lj work, so i don't know how to cross post or to hyper link my fic from my journal to the community, so i just post and repost xp) if you have time, just go to my journal and read my fic, it is not that awesome but meaningful to me since it is my 1st baby :)
One thing I give two thumbs to the mods in hug is that they have this post guideline to post with the HTML format... pretty easily
Post Guidelines
I suggest you save those pages on ur favorites or bookmark them. Very useful when you want to put a link. And just ask... 98% of the people in the fandom are very polite and good helpers.
I'll look forward to your works
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