Just for love [Yunchun] birthday present to enchanted1312

Nov 22, 2008 14:26

Title: Just for love
Pair: Yunchun
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Angst
Length: Drabble (302 words)
Summary: They will be together no matter what the world tells them.
A/N: Inspire by the lovely song call “Don’t say goodbye” by DBSK. A very late birthday gift for my lovely daughter zazu enchanted1312. This is for you, I hope you like it.

Even if the world part from us,
Even if they say it’s a hard love.
You are my love
You are my soul.

Yunho lied peacefully asleep in the medium side bed. Yoochun stared at the bedroom roof, letting all crazy thoughts run around inside his unfocused mind. The almost empty room had an air of heaviness that was wearing off Yoochun’s soul. How many more times they had to run away? How much people had to point their accusing fingers at them? How many friends they had to leave behind?

So once again they had to pack their things and move out and forcefully move on. This was their last night in their home for three years. Good and bad memories were created here. They laughed, cried, fight and made love here a countless of times.

But no matter what Yoochun would never leave Yunho. Yunho could push him away, punch him, scream at him but never ever Yoochun would leave Yunho. He won’t. He can’t.

So they moved. They started again. Back to cero but still with love.

Yoochun didn’t care about Yunho’s past. It was after all the past. And what he really cared is about the now and about the love.

A love that is theirs. A love that is not meant for others to mess with it. A love that doesn’t follow everyone rules. A pure simple love… their love.

They don’t need everyone’s approval. They don’t need to keep moving away. They don’t need to feel ashamed of their love. Because seriously no one should feel shame for a feeling as pure as love is.

And this time they stand strong. Head above the ground. Hearts full. Linked hands. Love shinning through their eyes. And more importantly… they stand together. Moving always forward and never back. Moving and not hiding. Moving just for love, just for Yunho, just for Yoochun, just for them, just for us.

Just for love.

yaoi, yunchun, fic: just for love, dbsk, drabbles, yoochun, yunho

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