Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1

Nov 21, 2010 19:06

 I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 today; I had high expectations because Stephen Fry said it was the best yet AND my friend ishtar79  also gave it a glowing review.  I had hoped it would be better than the book (I think that Goblet of Fire was a little better than the 4th book, and that the film of Order of the Phoenix was way ( Read more... )

harry potter, jkr, movie

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Comments 8

ancientgirl November 22 2010, 13:41:52 UTC
I am one of those that really hated so many things about the book, beginning with Harry's apathy at the death of Hedwig. I think JKR's comment regarding the whole stuff animal thing is cold and really makes me see her in an even worse light than I already did. From your description, it sounds like the movie gave it more importance, as it should have had. Hedwig was a living being to Harry, and was more a part of him as Dobby was, and Harry was devastated at Dobby's death!

I haven't see it yet. I've just been very depressed lately and can't seem to perk my interest in anything other than looking for a job.


embers_log November 22 2010, 15:23:34 UTC
I've dusted off a few old HP icons (and even got a couple of new ones) in honor of how much I enjoyed this film... I expect to see it a second time when my brother visits me.

Yeah, I had resented how Hedwig was stuck in that cage and zapped to death... it seemed like JKR didn't think that Hedwig didn't deserve a little more than that.... And I did feel that the movie makers made it a little better (you'll have to tell me if you agree).

But in rereading the book I could see that the big deal over Dobby's death wasn't really about Dobby at all: it was a plot point because Harry burying Dobby with dignity and love was one of the reasons that the Goblin consented to help Harry break into Gringotts' Bank.

Good luck with the job hunt, I know how hard that is! {{hugs}}


ancientgirl November 22 2010, 15:35:12 UTC
Yeah, I can't imagine what the fuck she was thinking with that! (Hedwig)

As for Dobby, I can understand the plot point, yet reading how upset Harry was, and how void of emotion at Hedwig still makes me angry.

You know, my SIL said something to me yesterday that made me at least not feel so bad. She said I might be having so much trouble also because of the time of year. Some companies just don't want to think about hiring new people at the end of the year. So I may have better luck once the holidays are over. I don't know, I'm still sending out my resume to anything and everything that looks promising. lol


embers_log November 22 2010, 16:50:35 UTC
Yeah, I agree that in the book it seemed way out of proportion, but I think that the movie made it more balanced (for one thing I felt that a lot of Harry's emotion was for Mad Eye and Hedwig, not just about Dobby)... but I'll be interested in your opinion. I'm just saying how it felt to me.

And your SIL is right: not only are a lot of people who work in personnel taking time off for the holidays (which slows down hiring) but a lot of bosses resent hiring someone who will immediately get paid holidays. I actually had a boss (I worked in personnel because I was the payroll clerk) who didn't want to pay holiday pay to someone he had just hired in mid-November.... I had to tell him that the guy he hired was important to the company, and was someone they wanted to keep for years, so it wouldn't be good to try to deny him benefits right at the beginning of their working relationship!

But definitely send out the resumes! When the personnel people get back to work then they need to see that you are ready willing and able. Good luck!


ishtar79 November 23 2010, 00:17:22 UTC
I glad you liked it too.

It's crazy how much Emma Watson has improved. I loved the change in Hedwig's death too, though it still hurt like hell to see. I bet this movie (and the next, OMG) will leave a LOT traumatised kids.


embers_log November 23 2010, 01:19:23 UTC
Yeah I was extremely impressed w/Emma Watson, her scene at the beginning of the film really moved me. In fact a lot of things in the film moved me a lot (while no part of the book moved me, even though I enjoyed rereading it).
I was shocked at how many small children were in the theater, it was a very scary/dark film for such young kids....


wildigital November 23 2010, 22:48:40 UTC
I think the trouble with Hedwig was that if Harry got over emotional about his pet, the book would feel a bit one-note when he had to cry over all the other meaningful deaths that follow. With the film in two parts, it's a bit easier (although you're still left with Hedwig's body being abandoned like roadkill).

I enjoyed the film, I'm actually quite glad that it wasn't in 3D as the snake scene would have probably made me jump over my seat and I hope that any parents taking their kids to see it save a bit of money for trauma therapy.


embers_log November 23 2010, 23:02:28 UTC
Yeah 3D would have been over kill for the scary parts (I jumped out of my seat when the snake jumped out even though I knew it would jump out! lol) and would have detracted from all the gorgeous photography....

I'm just glad they didn't leave Hedwig in his cage like an extra bit of luggage... it respected him more that he was flying on his own and that he decided to try to help (just because he didn't succeed doesn't matter); we know he could have chosen to just fly to safety if he had wanted to.


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