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Comments 8

callmeserenity December 24 2008, 17:07:02 UTC
I love your new Santa! I love how his robe makes a v in the front and he has no legs. He really is cute. The other one is more Father Christmasy, and he's very classy and classic, but this guy is fun.

Oh, and your tree is lovely. I was also admiring the lovely stack of presents under it. Go you!

I have three presents under my tree atm because none of them have any ribbon on them, ergo the cat won't try to eat them. The rest are stashed in the closet, hiding.


embers_log December 24 2008, 17:14:42 UTC
well all the presents on the left side of the tree (the ones that are really wrapped fancy) are from me to friends I'll be with tomorrow, on Christmas day. The presents on the right side are all MINE!!
I'll open them tomorrow morning before joining my friends for brunch & the gift exchange.

And thank you, I think this Santa actually makes a cute center piece... the other one (the raku one) is for holding holly branches or pine boughs...


callmeserenity December 24 2008, 17:33:44 UTC
I actually have a few presents for Les that people sent to my house, and a few I got him, plus gifts for me, so it'll be fun when we get to open our gifts.

We'll probably have the fight like we did last year. His family opens gifts Christmas eve, mine does it first thing Christmas morning and then does the big breakfast. Last year I think we compromised and opened one gift Christmas eve.

He does make a cute centerpiece. Seriously, he's adorable. And I don't know why, but I love that he has no legs, just a v in his robe. A silly thing, but I love it.


embers_log December 24 2008, 18:22:44 UTC
well of course I was being lazy, it is way too hard to make legs..
even when you add shoes, they were probably just break off before the piece is done....
So I like keeping it simple.
Besides, a good center piece ends up with a lot of stuff around it's base anyway.

My family's tradition was always to open one on Christmas eve...
when we were REALLY little we got to open all the kids gifts to each other on Christmas eve, and then of course Santa arrived w/all the big stuff after we went to bed. That way the little things we gave each other really got our attention, and wasn't over-shadowed by the bigger gifts.


ancientgirl December 25 2008, 00:30:47 UTC
Oh I love your Santa, and your tree is wonderful! I miss not putting up a tree. I hope to eventually become brave enough to put one up with the cats around. LOL.


embers_log December 25 2008, 00:35:13 UTC
I don't think cats are very interested in pine (because of the sticky pitch ...) maybe you could figure out a way to do an unbreakable tree: mini lights don't break, and you could have soft ornaments, or wooden ones....


ancientgirl December 25 2008, 00:36:50 UTC
Oy, I'm not crazy about the mess of a real tree. LOL. I may have to compromise!


x mass falseprophet_ December 25 2008, 01:44:18 UTC
merry christmass to you and yours


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