abandoning lj?

Aug 14, 2007 19:53

A lot of people were shook up by the fairly recent clumsy censorship by 6Apart (the owners of lj) and I understand that many are backing up their journals elsewhere....
I'm thinking about it, and( I created a poll )


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Comments 19

realmess August 15 2007, 05:01:37 UTC
Hi :)
out of curiosity I've checked out your LJ after reading lj_biz comments. So... I saw the clicky and did the poll.

I'm slowly giving up on LJ. It seems not worth my time. I'm tired of feeling like a member of an unwated subspecies.
I'm already on greatestjournal and insanejournal (even though I didn't want to go to IJ). They're both o.k., though I feel a little better at GJ.
At least I know there are adds there (and thus am not surprised with the flashing logos in the emoticons ).

I'm thinking of installing a software (Semagic I think they call it) so that I might update all of my journals at once. Mainly because I have friends at LJ who won't be migrating (as they don't care about fandom).


embers_log August 15 2007, 13:06:08 UTC
thank you, it is very courteous of you to introduce yourself and explain where you found my site. Frankly I hadn't thought my post at lj_biz would attract strangers to my journal, I hadn't thought anyone (including the owners) would read more than 1,800 comments to get to mine!

I appreciate your stating your preference for GJ.


realmess August 15 2007, 13:20:48 UTC
I hadn't thought anyone (including the owners) would read more than 1,800 comments to get to mine!

to tell the truth - I've read two first pages and then skipped to the end thinking about adding my two cents but then I realized I don't give a damn.


embers_log August 15 2007, 13:29:53 UTC
oh I definitely understand the whole not giving a damn thing!


ancientgirl August 15 2007, 13:20:18 UTC
I don't want to leave LJ just yet. I've got lots of my layouts saved, and would need to figure out how to move all of them. And I've also got to move all my icons! Little by little though I see many people getting a GJ account. I have one too, so I know at some point it's only a matter of time.


embers_log August 15 2007, 13:31:43 UTC
well I haven't saved/backed up anything yet...
but I'm finding that not everyone I know is even headed to the same online journal, which is worrisome. But of course you and I would probably find other ways to stay in touch regardless....


ancientgirl August 15 2007, 13:43:37 UTC
Yeah, there are lots of places people are going to.

And yes, we can still communicate outside if online journals.

I decided to create another gmail account. I might be heading to google too. I'm just getting too much spam over here, even though I originally set this up for that, but I'm finding I use this account a lot, next to my other home one.


embers_log August 15 2007, 14:23:24 UTC
I think it all comes down to who you give the email address out to....
My yahoo email was strictly for friends and family, and I got almost no spam there at all.
My gmail address was for online websites, like here at lj, fireflyfans, and I have never gotten a lot of spam there.
My excite email was only used for buying things online, any online stores, or for sites I don't really trust, and it gets a TON of spam! However since it was set up to get the spam I have never let that worry me.... I do think it is wise to have a number of different email addresses set up.

I've been finding that spam detection/guards are getting better all the time though, it is rare when any is in my actual inbox at any of my email addresses.


callmeserenity August 15 2007, 16:39:36 UTC
I like LJ. The censorship didn't effect me and though it was done poorly, they are trying to fix their mistake, or so they say.

If I hadn't read the news bit about the censorship thing, I'd never have known it was going on. I like LJ, it works for me and I don't feel the need to go elsewhere.


embers_log August 15 2007, 17:06:10 UTC
yeah, it didn't affect any of the Browncoats, it was mostly Harry Potter fan fic (because God forbid little fictional boys should ever be Gay) that has and still is having problems.

They don't see any difference between child pornography and fictional stuff...in fact they don't see any difference between photos of real children and drawings of fictional characters. It hasn't affected me, but I know a lot of people who are worried about it, and frankly I can see them deciding (without warning) to ban anything that could possibly infringe on trademarks & copyrights, where upon we will all lose nearly all of our icons.... I'm just not feeling that I can trust my journal to these jokers so I'm planning on at least backing it up.


wildigital August 15 2007, 17:41:56 UTC
Of course, any story set in the verse pre-Serenity (and for probably 6 months afterwards) that has River involved in a sexual act is a bannable offence. Heck, a mischievous sprite might well get you banned for having an icon of River in the box (she's naked and representing someone under 18 so ( ... )


embers_log August 15 2007, 18:06:49 UTC
you might get a laugh out of reading this 'translation' of the most recent post by the powers-that-be here at lj:
written by a friend (for whom English isn't even her first, or second, language) who is VERY into the Harry Potter fandom.


liluv August 15 2007, 19:37:41 UTC
I have no plans of leaving yet, not because I am so happy with LJ, but because I don´t really use it anyway. Not for anything interesting anyway.

I sympathize with the support groups though. LJ wen´t obviously overboard with it and it´s terrible. I am however not completely against censorship when it comes to porn. But I am admittingly not well informed about the whole thing and it´s consequences. I am afraid I don´t care much.


embers_log August 16 2007, 15:55:27 UTC
yeah, I know that you and biffsbabe and Talimama barely use your lj so there would be very little point in backing up your journals. Even if 6Apart (the new owners of lj) do decide to spread their censorship much more widely (into politics, religion, and anything else they object to being discussed at their site) it still wouldn't affect you guys at all. But I'm just thinking it might be wise for me to think about moving mine to someplace that is elsewhere.



liluv August 17 2007, 08:36:34 UTC
Well, I assume if the censorship spreads, I´d just delete my account. I wonder, has there been any anouncement on the deleting razzia? Something that would explain their actions? Or any kind of apology when it went so completely wrong?


embers_log August 17 2007, 13:48:56 UTC
their apologies are all set in terms of self-justification, which IMO are as insulting as no apologies at all... But I'll refer you back to ishtar79's translation of their apologies:


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