too weird

Oct 20, 2006 06:53

last night I sat through a really dreadfully stupid episode of Supernatural because I had been informed that Summer Glau would be on.  But Summer was NOT in the credits and she wasn't on the show.  I felt kind of cheated, and complained to IMDb (who had stated it) but then found out that CW had her listed in their official listings, and TiVo had ( Read more... )

firefly, tv

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Comments 8

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embers_log October 20 2006, 15:19:00 UTC
Actually I had watched 'Supernatural' the week before, when Amber Benson was on playing a Vampire, and I didn't hate it, but last night was an incredibly bad story and then the added disappointment of the false advertising ( ... )


ancientgirl October 20 2006, 16:22:08 UTC
I've never seen the show, but it sucks that you watched it expecting one thing and got another.

Tonight is that episode of Dr. Who I loved. I'll be at Lisa's house, but I know you'll be watching. I hope you like it. I really loved it.


embers_log October 20 2006, 16:27:04 UTC
Oh I'm sure I'll love it, I am totally into Doctor Who!
And I just finally got to see the rest of Casanova, which was great! Shall I send you the tape or did you get to watch it already?


ancientgirl October 20 2006, 16:29:37 UTC
*jumps up and down* Oh please send me the tape. I'd love to see it. It did play here.


embers_log October 20 2006, 17:31:03 UTC
I promise to mail it off soon...last night I put 'Corpse Bride' on after Casanova so I'll quick watch that and then mail the tape off to you!


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