This is a follow-up to my previous post asking for input about my project to create a long-term campaign.
You can find the original post and poll here. Several people have mentioned that they did not vote in the original poll because they don't feel they know enough about the settings to make a good choice. My feeling is that even if you have only a vague grasp of the settings, you can still vote - we'll be working down to particulars later, for now we are merely setting the stage, as it were.
However, for those who want more information, here is a brief rundown of the various settings in a nutshell, with a few links you can go to for further information.
Traveller, the New Era - science fiction. The Imperium, a large human empire spanning over a thousand systems, has collapsed due to unrest, war, and the release of a sentient and malevolent computer virus capable of inhabiting and operating most high tech machinery (starships, automated factories, robots, large construction equipment, etc.). The collapse occured around 70 years ago, and various worlds are picking up the pieces.
The Regency - the last remaining vestige of the Imperium, which managed to innoculate itself against the outbreak of Virus. Now faced with political upheaval, threats from alien neighbors, and the continued requirement of constant vigilance of it's borders
The Reformation Coalition - a group of systems which were ravaged by Virus but have managed to bootstrap themselves back to starfaring status with some assistance from their alien neighbors. They, too, face internal strife as well as continued threat from Virus as they begin to expand past their current borders.
Blue Rose - romantic fantasy. The world of Aldea is one of high fantasy, where magic is relatively common, and there are numerous fantasy races (though not quite in the Tolkien mold). The setting is one that encourages romantic fantasy, rather than the sword-and-sorcery sort of fantasy more common in roleplaying. In Blue Rose there is more emphasis on interaction, and less on stabbing things in the face.
Glorantha, Dragon Pass region* - heroic fantasy. Glorantha is a highly mythic world, where interaction with the gods, and use of magic is commonplace. Dragon Pass is an area that is considered to be quite magically active, even by Gloranthan standards. The tribes who live there (nominally similar to the Norse in some ways), face numerous challenges such as the encroaching Lunar Empire, periodic assaults by chaos, intertribal strife, and service to their deities.
Tekumel - fantasy. The Tsolyani Imperium is a large, fantasy empire, but one that owes little or nothing to European mythology. It is a stratified culture, similar in some ways to the caste system of India.
Tribe 8, Vimary - post apocalypse/fantasy. In the aftermath of a world-shattering event that destroyed modern society, and generations of slavery under the terrible Z'bri, several tribes were able to unite under new/old gods and achieve freedom. After a generation, however, their society is becoming increasingly insular and stressed. Vimary, incidentally, is the remains of Montreal.
Blue Planet, Poseidon - environmentalist science fiction. Set on a water world, the first human colony of Poseidon faces numerous challenges in a unique and sometimes difficult environment. Several species of cetacean have been uplifted to sentience, and some humans have been genetically modified to operate in an aquatic environment.
Hot War London - post apocalypse horror adventure. In the aftermath of World War Three (which occurs in the early '60's) all communication between London and the outside world has ceased. The survivors must try to hold the remains of society together in the midst of threats from outside (which include horrific monsters unleashed during the war) and within (as various groups attempt to gain or solidify control of London).
I'm going to close the poll when I have ten votes, so we are almost halfway there!
*Note a correction from the previous - this is the setting, whereas Heroquest is a system. Oops.