HP Love

Feb 05, 2017 17:51

I've spent the last few weeks ending my emails to lightofdaye in the same way: "Why are there so many fests going on right now?!" (As well as: "Boo-hoo! I spilled water on my laptop and now the keyboard has gone 50 shades of crazy ( Read more... )

real life, fest, fandom

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Comments 10

themightyflynn February 5 2017, 20:05:06 UTC
Thanks for the pimp!

I was also wondering why so many fests started at once. But if it's because fandom is reviving, then I have absolutely no complaints! Especially if it means more claims for BITO!

I think it's another of those things that squicks me in RL and I love in fandom.
Same. I hesitated to start the comm because of that, but it seems to be doing alright!


ely_baby February 5 2017, 21:24:59 UTC
Aww, no problem! I am very tempted to participate to the fest. Honestly, t's the one that inspires me the most, but I don't know if I'd be able to write something good atm. Also, writing for fests is always a bit of a pain for me, because I just want to write 100k words for the prompts that I like and that's usually unlikely to happen while I respect the timetable..

Hope many people are claiming prompts, though! And that the fest is a success!! I am looking forward to reading all the awesome entries.

Yes. This fandom is alive, no matter what the stats say. ❤


themightyflynn February 5 2017, 21:49:48 UTC
I was actually surprised by how many people prompted! It's not too active usually, but people do seem interested in the fest, which was a pleasant surprise. There's been nine claims so far (I think!) So, based off me thinking there was only going to be about 20 prompts, this is really good!

I understand the 100k thing as well. Mine is looking to be pretty long. :/


ely_baby February 5 2017, 21:55:49 UTC
It is going great! Congratulations! :D So happy when a fest goes well and the mods are happy. It makes me happy too. :)

Browsing the prompts as I write.. I individuated two/three of them that really inspire me.. Ah, we'll see..


lightofdaye February 5 2017, 20:35:20 UTC
Daye is awesome, so he never once pointed out to me that I had already asked him that thing like ten thousand times

Probably no more or less times than I email you to go 'waaa! Can't write! Waa! Can't pick a prompt'. :p You're a saint putting up with me.

All these fests! Didn't realise quite how many until you listed them all out!


ely_baby February 5 2017, 21:32:54 UTC
LMAO. Friendship goals.

See? Loads and loads.. I also needed a place where I could find them when I have time to browse the prompts.

Hey, do you like my title? HP = Harry Potter AND Hewlett-Packard. *g*

Putting all our conversations in one place: LOL! IKR? I was like, who's writing about Turkish Delight on my Tumblr? AND Uff, I never get notifications when I'm mentioned in a post.. Stupid LJ. What's wrong with you/me..


lightofdaye February 5 2017, 22:25:50 UTC
That's clever and does the same for everyone else! Most kind.

I hadn't realised it had two meanings!

LJ is so finicky sometimes. XD


ely_baby February 5 2017, 22:33:06 UTC
You're welcome! x


alisanne February 5 2017, 23:56:40 UTC
Aww, thank you for the pimp!
And now I'm hoping you'll come and play at Get Lucky! *tempts*


ely_baby February 6 2017, 10:52:22 UTC
Aww, hon. No problem!

I've browsed the prompts and found a couple that tickled my fancy.. uuuuhhhh so many fests though, so much choice... it's going to be hard to decide. <3 xxx


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