HP Love

Feb 05, 2017 17:51

I've spent the last few weeks ending my emails to lightofdaye in the same way: "Why are there so many fests going on right now?!" (As well as: "Boo-hoo! I spilled water on my laptop and now the keyboard has gone 50 shades of crazy!")

Daye is awesome, so he never once pointed out to me that I had already asked him that thing like ten thousand times (as well as complained about my laptop a gazillion times, too..), and he always replied very patiently that probably it was because it's January and most mods thought it a quiet period and decided to do their thing.

Really, though... I have never seen all these fests running all together! The thing is that... this makes me very, very happy. It makes me feel like the HP fandom is alive and kicking like it hasn't been in a long time. It's so awesome to see all these prompts being prompted and fests being pimped and stories being written and fanart being drawn. I don't know if it's because "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" came out recently or because of "Cursed Child", but whatever the reason, thank you to you all for being so active in a fandom that means the world to me. ❤

I really, really want to write something, and prompts that I find inviting and plot bunnies that are hopping about my brain are not amiss. I just... had some tech issues - as you might have gathered from the part where I complained about water spilling over my laptop - as well as no free time. I mean, I could have some free time, I just find myself unable to sit down, relax, and write. I just have to do stuff. Also, I got a new laptop/tablet from HP which is working brilliantly, and I can't wait to write on it properly! So we'll see..

In the meantime, let me pimp some fests, too. Not because I think someone in my flist doesn't know about them, yet - you would have to be blind - but because they deserve all the love:

hprarefest has just opened claiming! Don't you love it, too, when they don't close it until the due date?


You have one more day to prompt at hp_darkarts and claiming starts tomorrow for the Horror Fest.


OMG. I am so tempted to participate to the first ever hp_bunintheoven Pregnancy Fest! I don't even know what is it with me and pregnancy fics, but I love to write/read them - I think it's another of those things that squicks me in RL and I love in fandom.


art by akatnamedeaster

(Hahaha! LMAO @ this banner!!) Submissions are due soooo soooon, but hp_kinkfest should be a fun fest to participate to. I don't know if I feel like I'm in the mood for kinky fics, though...


Banner by kitty_fic.

I've never participated in hp_getlucky but it does sound like an interesting concept. Plus alisanne is one of the mods, how awesome is that? (Not biased at all because she is my friend...).


banner by sdkshelly

You only have two weeks left to participate to this! You should totally hurry up because I do want to read about older characters! Hurrryyyyyy!


Amazing banner ("Collision") by akatnamedeaster.

snegurochka_lee has just revived her community and there's a comment fest going on!! I don't particularly like infidelity unless I write it and I spend at least 10,000 words on it, so it's unlikely that I'll participate, but how cool is it that she revived the community after all this time?! SO. COOL.


OMG. I have never participated to hp_3somes, nor have I ever written a threesome so it's unlikely that I'll participate to an exchange fest as a first timer with that.. but I just discovered that after seeing "Cursed Child" my OT3 (it's basically canon) is Albus/Rose/Scorpius. I want the three of them to get married to one other. And I want the full Rose/Scorpius, Scorpius/Albus, Rose/Albus experience. How weird of me.. (Also, I LOVE those banners.)


Definitely not a widely advertised fest, but I think hp_shoreofangst was suggested to me by someone. I don't remember who. Looking forward to browsing through lots of prompts (especially Next-Gen prompts!).


hp_mhealthfest is on, too! No banners here, I'm afraid, but it's always been a fest that enticed me in the past. Naturally, I would be scared to death to depict some mental health problems in an insensitive way, but when they are done well, they are some of the most interesting works to read!

real life, fest, fandom

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