(Awesome) Art Commission (Totally NSFW)

Jan 17, 2017 00:45

Yes, I am alive! You might feel like I've been MIA for the past few weeks months but, to be honest, I've still checked LiveJournal daily; I've just been lurking in the shadows all this time. I've been reading your posts and sometimes even replied to them when they mentioned me specifically (sorry I missed any, I just don't get notifications that I've been mentioned!). But I've been too tired to post or engage in any sort of fannish activity. Work is killing me, university is killing me, life in general is killing me and I don't have time to do anything fun in the HP world. I would love to participate to tons of fests out there and I browse prompts constantly, but... I just can't. I'm so sorry.

What I did find the the time to do, though, is commission the ridiculously talented UptheHill for a picture. She is an amazing artist - don't believe me? Please, do visit her SFW blog here but especially her NSFW blog here. And feel free to flail and comment and reblog and like and tell her just how amazing she is -, and she's the loveliest, sweetest, kindest person ever. She was a delight to exchange emails with and discuss what I wanted to see, and she interpreted the scene so well, I just keep losing myself in it (especially in Lily's face). Please, please, please, let her know how amazing she is. I'm going to give her the link to this post so that she can see all your love for this!

This is a scene from Chapter 22 of my story, 'Ask Lavender', featuring my OTP, Lily Luna/Hugo. It is very NSFW and the image is rather heavy.

I would totally love to have an icon with this! Can anybody help? *bats eyelashes*

commission, fandom, fanart

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