Fantastic Beasts and Other Fandom Bits

Nov 21, 2016 22:40

I went to see

And I loooooooved it!! I felt like a child again, like it was Christmas and like I was back into the Wizarding World for another adventure which is completely different from Harry Potter.

SPOILERS under the cut for what I loved:
  • Totally loved the beasts. They are so well done. I am in love with all of them. The Niffler in particular...
  • Loved the scene where Queenie was cooking. Why weren't there more of those scenes in Harry Potter?
  • Loved the fact that the characters are all grown up.
  • Loved Scamander. SO. British. Especially compared to the other characters. You can actually see the Britishness seeping out of him.
  • Loved the two love-stories. Tina/Newt. I want to read all the fanfiction, but knowing that they get married anyway and have kids... I do hope that this happen in one of the upcoming films, to be honest... And Queenie/Jacob!!!! Okay, I think I am the (second, after tamlane) biggest shipper of those two. My friends and I were crying when they were saying goodbye at the end. (I'm ready to read all the porn, Tam. Bring it on!)
  • Loved, loved, loved Johnny Depp in those 30 seconds. Hehe!
  • Loved the actors. All very good. All of them, great casting.

I even bought a Harry Potter door mat. Which is basically this one:

Okay, my friend bought it for me! For Christmas! :D My flatmates are loving it!!!

I even got the book, that I apparently pre-ordered ages ago and then I forgot I pre-ordered it.. How stupid can I be, really? Haven't read it, yet. Will do that in the upcoming weeks.

I know there's this thing about a Love Meme or something, but I cannot access it, alas.. Don't laugh at me, but my internet has the 'Pornography and Adult' block. My flatmat - who is a very proper young lady - has control over it, and she is so sweet and nice and lovely that I have no idea how to ask her to take it down. I've already asked her to get rid of the block on the filesharing websites.. If you have any ideas on how to ask a very sweet Briton in her twenties to take down the Pornography block on the internet, please share.. Anyway, llaeyro told me that there's a thread for me at the Love Meme thingy and I thank you immensely for it! You make my day guys. (And I love you back, bus since I cannot access it, I am not able to comment either.)

lightofdaye makes me day continuously whenever he leaves me a lovely comment on my story, 'Ask Lavender' - you're so brave for reading it despite its ridiculous legth. Thank you, Daye.

I've been remiss at reading and commenting in the two fests I participated, but I haven't had time/the internet/the internet without a block. Sorry about that, guys. You all rock soooo much, and thank you in advance for the comments I received. Can't wait for reveals just to reply to you all.

That is all for now. Gaaaahhh, look at that! There's an entry in this journal! ❤

real life, fantastic beasts, fandom

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