(Awesome) Art Commission (Totally NSFW)

Jan 17, 2017 00:45

Yes, I am alive! You might feel like I've been MIA for the past few weeks months but, to be honest, I've still checked LiveJournal daily; I've just been lurking in the shadows all this time. I've been reading your posts and sometimes even replied to them when they mentioned me specifically (sorry I missed any, I just don't get notifications that I' ( Read more... )

commission, fandom, fanart

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Comments 16

thimble_kiss January 17 2017, 09:14:43 UTC
Oh... my ... god. That is stunning.

Yes, the expression on her face, completely lost in pleasure, and all the Weasleyness... freckles everywhere! And my gaze keeps getting drawn to the softness of her breast in his hand, so beautifully conveyed. And the warm pink/gold glow of the candles falling over their bodies and over the bed. You must be a very happy Ely!

And also a very tired Ely, I see. *hugs* I'm sorry that you're so bogged down by life in general. I hope there'll be some more room for you to play and relax eventually. Glad to know you're out there lurking, though. Don't leave us for good! ♥

*tiptoes over to your fic to read the obviously sizzling chapter 22*


ely_baby January 17 2017, 10:18:15 UTC
Aww, Roz!

Thank you so much for commenting on this! Isn't it absolutely gorgeous? I am indeed a very very very happy Ely. This was such a lovely thing to find in my inbox last night, too. ❤ I love everything about it, she really managed to convey the mood of the scene extremely well, and they are both gorgeous, aren't they? Hahaha! I kept waking up last night just to turn on my iPhone and stare at the picture before contentedly going back to sleep. *g*

I am so tired, you have no idea, and I am hating my job at the moment. Anything I do is just wrong and I really want a change of scenery. But browsing through LiveJournal is very relaxing, so for now I have no intention of leaving fandom for good! *hugs you right back*

Gaaahhhh! UptheHill made the scene much better than what it actually is.

*can't stop staring at their faces* ❤ xxxx


thimble_kiss January 17 2017, 10:59:29 UTC
I'm really so sorry that you feel unappreciated in your job. That is such an awful feeling. And it's not the easiest sort of work either; it can leave your role a bit undefined and you can easily end up being subject to people's bad moods and unfair expectations. (((Ely)))

I did read the fic chapter and I thought it was sexy and tender, sensual and beautiful - exactly like the art. ♥


ely_baby January 17 2017, 12:56:48 UTC
You understand so well, Roz. You make me tear up. Happy tears, because you're lovely.

Aww. Thank you so much. I am so glad you enjoyed it! ♥ xx


stgulik January 17 2017, 14:55:52 UTC
Oh, my God, the lighting, the shades of red and violet, his hand on her breast, her expression. I am transported. Ely, you are one lucky author! :-)


ely_baby January 17 2017, 16:39:34 UTC
Aww, thank you so much, lovely! I do feel very lucky that she'd agree to draw that scene and did it so beautifully. Personally, I can't stop staring at her face. She is gorgeous. ❤


lightofdaye January 17 2017, 21:11:09 UTC
You know my thoughts on the art. But to reiterate. UnnnFF!! it's an excellent piece and it owes it to the excellence of it's inspiration.

Work is hard! School is hard! Doing both at once is harder still. But hopefully worth it/ Keep it at it and let me know if there's anyway I can help.


ely_baby January 17 2017, 21:56:11 UTC
Gaaaahhh! You're always so kind! <3 It is excellent - and I'm so glad you're browsing her blogs. She's amazing!

I want a new job. I WANT A NEW JOB. That's all, I swear. *sighs* xxxxx


nutmeg_44 January 18 2017, 15:58:18 UTC
It really is beautiful.

Sucks that you're busy but good to have you pop in. I hope life settles for you in a bit so that you can spend more time in fandom.

I'm around if you get a chance to chat.


ely_baby January 18 2017, 22:02:42 UTC
Thank you, lovely!

Well, I make myself busy, too. u_u Apparently, I can't seem able to say no nor to stop for a moment and just do nothing at all.. Oh well! I hope that too, fandom is very important for me. It gave me some wonderful moments and some wonderful friends. <3

It is gorgeous, isn't it? I'm jealous of all this talent.. *g* xx


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