Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Jun 21, 2016 23:39

This is my personal review on the play that I saw on the 16th and 17th of June, and this is probably going to be my last post for quite a while. I know there are a few of people from my Flist that don't particularly fancy the idea of the play, and you really, really don't have to read this if you don't want to. I'm going to put everything under a ( Read more... )

real life, fandom, cursed child

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Comments 20

stgulik June 22 2016, 01:44:24 UTC

Im so grateful you took the time to write a proper review. Hearing what the play is like from someone who has actually seen it! What an idea! Now I hope I get a chance to see it. They need to bring the play to the USA now. Specifically San Francisco...

You two must have had a row using sign language if it happened during the first act, lol.


ely_baby June 22 2016, 06:56:14 UTC
Aww! Thank you for taking the time to read it! I wanted to post it sooner, but RL got in the way.

I hope they bring it everywhere, especially the U.S. and the rest of Europe, because everybody deserves to see it. And if you do get a chance to see it, let me know! I'd love to hear what you think about it!

LOL. Is that what I wrote? Actually, we had a row right before the beginning of the first act. She was complaining that in the months we haven't seen each other I couldn't find two hours a week to Skype her. TWO hours. I don't Skype my mother for two hours, let alone my friends. *sighs*



thimble_kiss June 22 2016, 12:49:03 UTC
Just the awesome picture of the theatre with 'Harry Potter' up in lights made my heart beat faster! I hope the play gets a long run so that I'll have a chance to see it eventually. A flight to London is only one and a half hours from here and I'm kind of kicking myself for not trying to secure tickets when they were put up for sale ( ... )


ely_baby June 22 2016, 21:12:25 UTC
Oh, my word! I would have loved to see it with you, Roz. That's something I missed very much, someone to discuss it with after the part 1 and 2 were over. My friends and flatmates here in London are NOT into Harry Potter at all - except for a Greek guy who didn't want me to spoil it for him. u_u Oh, well. Yes, totally, you have to come here and see it, and then we have to talk extensively about it, maybe over pizza at Pizza Express - I'm saying that because it's close to the Palace Theatre, but there are SO many restaurants around it ( ... )


thimble_kiss June 24 2016, 06:32:40 UTC
HUGS. I would love to have pizza and talk CC or any Harry Potter with you!

I dunno about Astoria. It makes me sad that Draco should lose a wife he loved and that Scorpius should grow up without a mother. ACK. JKR can be cruel sometimes. (We knew this.)

I'm so worried about you this morning with the Brexit news - will it make problems for you living and working where you are? I hope not! *moar hugs*


ely_baby June 24 2016, 13:35:03 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥

J.K.R. can be heartless. We know that. You're right. Poor Scorpius. When he says that he needs Albus to come to the funeral with him, my heart ached.

I literally dreamt that Remain had won, literally, and I woke up to this. I have no words. Apparently, for the upcoming two years there shouldn't be any change for us, but my plan is to move to Edinburgh as soon as Scotland ask for their independence and get themselves back to Europe. LOL. That should be fun to watch. Honestly, though, it's such a mess. *sighs* xx


on s lightofdaye June 22 2016, 20:13:43 UTC
So no Canon Lugo? :'( :P I'm so happy you enjoyed it! I got no interest myself but it's all to the good if its got fans excited for it again.

Al being in Slytherin and Rose/Scorpius were sort of set up in the Epilogue and that's perhaps why I've always shied away from it when writing them, it's seems terribly predictable and boring. But that's what fanfic is for and I've always preferred weirder rarepairs.

Tbh perhaps it's the things you've mentioned but does seem rather silly and fun and not grim-dark and that's very much to my liking. Can't argue with some good fun. Again so happy you enjoyed it and had a good time.


Re: on s ely_baby June 22 2016, 21:24:35 UTC
Well, there was no Hugo/whoever or Lily/whoever, so I'd say that Lugo is definitely canon now, right? ;) I'd just do anything for it.. :P

Fans were super excited, and I loved the atmosphere in the theatre. ♥ There were people decked in Gryffindor scarves and ties. LOL!

Yes, Rose/Scorpius was definitely set up in the epilogue; I thought Al would end up in Gryffindor, though. I don't know why, because it's fairly obvious that he doesn't. But now... I need to write some Al/Hermione, that's basically canon, too! LMAO. When he kisses her - luckily it's Ron's actor the one who kisses her - everybody was ROFL. I loved that bit.

It was silly and fun, it was adventurous (oh my god, the trolley lady on the Hogwarts Express!!! You have to see her!!!!!!!), it was a bit dark, it was very deep in same parts. It was a bit of everything.

Aww, thank you, Daye! That's very sweet. xxx


annabtg June 26 2016, 20:22:00 UTC
Ooh, sounds interesting! As you know, I'm not so much into next-Gen, but this sounds like something I'd like to watch! Glad the JKR touch feels there still, I love her humour.

Voldemort/Bellatrix - that's pretty much the definition of "we all thought of that but never thought she'd actually do it," isn't it?

Glad you had fun, sorry (I guess?) to hear about your friend though.

Hope you're having fun and that you get to see more plays in London!

Hugs xxx


ely_baby June 26 2016, 22:21:14 UTC
It's really, really nice. I really liked the new medium they used. The theatre really suits the story and it's so much fun to watch and to be back with old and new characters!

Voldie/Bella - OMG. I didn't think it would ever happen!! I mean, it was obvious that Bellatrix was shameless smitten with Voldie, but I thought Voldie was... I don't know... asexual? LOL though. That's my new canon!

It's alright about my ex-friend. It was a friendship already on the rocks. I'm just disappointed that someone threw away 80£ for nothing. My roommate would have wanted to come with me..

I hope that too!! :D Haha! Will wait for you to have even more fun this fall! <333 xxx


Your review for Cursed Child. anonymous July 7 2016, 23:07:37 UTC
Ely ( ... )


Re: Your review for Cursed Child. ely_baby July 8 2016, 12:58:03 UTC
Hello there Jenna! Thank you for leaving a lovely comment to my review to the Cursed Child, I'm happy it was appreciated!

Aww, honey. I am sure that you can find tons of interpreters that are Harry Potter fans and would love to sit with you and help you get every single line of the play, and if not... The book of the script is coming out on 31st of July!! I've pre-ordered it and I can't wait to read it, even though they said that it's a temporary one and the final one will come out in 2017. Such a hassle and a way to make us spend more money. *sighs*

I was so happy to see Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione being all lovey dovey, and I am really glad - after all - that she didn't give any new canon for Hugo and Lily. They're still all mine to play with! He he!

Aww, don't you worry one bit about reading my long Lugo stories! You read only what you want and what you like, especially in fandom! This is a fun place, let's keep it like that. You know what though? My Scorpius/Albus interactions in The Golden Orchid are a bit like their ( ... )


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